The way up the mountain is not easy.

Especially the heavy rain made the trek all the way harder, and everyone was exhausted.

After finally arriving at the open area above the mountain, and building sheds, digging drainage ditches, setting up earthen stoves, sorting things, etc. without stopping, I couldn't stop for a moment.

All the guests in the program group, including Ming Dai, were not idle.

In the past, it was considered that ten fingers did not touch the spring water, and assistants followed wherever he went.

But now that the crisis is at hand, they don't care about who they are or not, and they will help anyone who can help.

After finishing my own work, I have to go to see if others need help.

With the concerted efforts of most people, this temporary camp finally settled down.

Why most people?
Because there are always a few rat droppings in a pot of soup.

Like Chunni's parents.

The couple, one singing the red face and the other singing the bad face, are a perfect match.

For a while, the shed next door was too big and took up the land of my house. For a while, the quality of the plastic sheeting was not good enough to cause water leakage. For a while, the quilt was thin. I was worried that my youngest son would catch a cold when he fell asleep...

In the end, the old village chief was so angry that he yelled out:
"In this case! Why don't you bring everything with you!"

Chunni's mother shyly yelled:
"Village Chief, since you brought us out, you must be responsible for us!"

"Responsible? I'm in charge of you bastard! Get out!"

The old village chief was so angry that he swears.

Chuni's mother finally showed a little more fear on her face, she didn't have to make a fuss here, and left in an awkward manner.

But she didn't let her two daughters go, wandering around in the crowd for a while, finally saw Yan Ni squatting next to Ming Dai's shed.

Space is limited, so it's difficult for everyone to pay attention to space. Mingdai, Su Fangyun, Zhou Hui, and Xiaoai squeezed into a small plastic shed, and Mingdai deliberately left more space.

Thinking about what if I want to give Chunni and Yanni a place to sleep?Her parents are really not like good stubble.

For this reason, Mingdai secretly told Chunni to come and find her if anything happened to her.

Chunni was silent, but her eyes turned red quietly.

Then he took his younger sister and stayed here to help Ming Dai and the others build a shed together.

Although Chunni is a seven-year-old girl, she can tell that she is very quick to do this kind of thing, second only to Zhou Hui, who has training experience in the army, and has become a powerful helper.

Ming Dai was surprised and couldn't help but praise Chun Ni a few words.

It was originally a casual compliment, but Chunni was shy and proud.

Afterwards, she worked even harder, and almost squeezed Ming Dai to the point where she was useless.

Ming Dai: She didn't praise Chunni for this...

"Chunni! What are you doing here, you damn girl! I don't care about your own shed! What are you doing here for others!"

Chunni's mother came over angrily, reaching out to pull Chuni's hair.

The movements are so proficient, it seems that she doesn't treat Chuni like this every day or two.

Chunni probably had experience, so she avoided her mother's hand in time, shrank to the foot of the shed, and looked at her mother vigilantly.

Yan Ni, who was squatting nearby and playing with mud, also ran over holding a handful of dirt.

"Don't hit my sister!"

Accompanied by the sound of a baby, a handful of dirt flew out of Yanni's hand and landed on Chunni's mother's trouser leg.

Chunni's mother was stunned at first, and then her face became contorted with anger. She kept yelling at her two daughters, first she scolded them for being wolf-hearted, and then she began to criticize the two sisters for being useless.

The cursing voice was so piercing that Ming Dai couldn't stand it: "Enough!"

Chunni's mother turned around: "I scolded my own child, it's none of your business!"

With a sullen face, Ming Dai fought back resolutely: "I just don't like you, so it's none of your business!"

Chunni's mother was so angry that she wanted to pounce on Mingdai's hair again in the usual way.

Ming Dai quickly avoided, and Zhou Hui, who happened to be nearby, also arrived in time and grabbed Chuni's mother's hand.

Zhou Hui had a cold face and looked very imposing.

Chunni's mother is a typical bullying master, she immediately settled down, cursed twice, but did not dare to harass Mingdai again.

Zhou Hui looked at her coldly: "Are you going to scold again?"

Chunni's mother shrank her neck and turned to leave.

Suddenly remembered something, turned to Chunni: "Useless things, come back quickly! Otherwise, never come back!"

After speaking, he was afraid that Zhou Hui would attack her, so he ran away quickly with small steps.

Ming Dai stopped Chun Ni who was thinking with her head down: "You can stay here for a while."

Chunni thought for a while, then shook her head: "Sister, thank you, but I'd better go back."

Ming Dai worried: "But your parents..."

"Anyway, Yanni and I are going back, it's our home."

Chunni insisted, but Mingdai couldn't stop her.

Looking at the backs of the two sisters holding umbrellas, Mingdai's eyes were a little sour.

Su Fangyun came over: "You can help for a while, but you won't be able to help forever."

Ming Dai murmured: "There is always a way."

Su Fangyun patted Ming Dai's shoulder comfortingly.

"Go and rest for a while."

So busy now, it's already night.

Everyone cooked some food to pad their stomachs, and then passed the difficult first night with the sound of rain.

The next day, the morning sun suddenly brightened, but it was only a small piece of the sky, unable to suppress the heavy lead-colored dark clouds at all. The rain curtain between the sky and the earth was dense, and there was no intention of weakening it at all.

The big guy sighed and sighed, hoping that the heavy rain would stop soon, and that the hope would be ruined.

Apart from preparing food, there is almost nothing else to do in this camp.

I don't dare to play with my mobile phone too much, for fear of running out of power in my power bank.

The producer was anxious: "It's not an option to go on like this, we have to contact the outside world to leave."

But how to get in touch?There is no signal on the mobile phone, and it is unknown when danger will occur in this mountain.

Su Fangyun came back after chatting with the producer, the village chief and others, and saw Ming Dai sitting on a rock with her chin in her hand looking into the distance, as if she was waiting for something.


Ming Dai turned her head when she heard the sound, and smiled at Su Fangyun.

"Have you reached any conclusions?"

Su Fangyun smiled wryly: "Where did you come to such a conclusion? Everyone's eyes are darkened, and they don't know what to do."

"is it?"

Ming Dai is thoughtful, but her heart is Qinger, this heavy rain will end soon, soon...

Su Fangyun observed Ming Dai: "Why do you feel like you know something?"

Ming Dai was slightly startled: "What?"

Su Fangyun: "I'm just kidding, do you really know anything?"

Ming Dai's nervous brows loosened: "Yes, everyone can only wait patiently, but I think the sky will clear up sooner or later, and it won't be too long."

"I hope." Su Fangyun nodded, suppressing the slight doubt in his heart.

A long day came to an end, and soon it was the second night on the mountain.

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