Chapter 477 Lessons from the past
Is it to blame?

But... who is to blame?Chunni's parents?
The couple and their son were drowned in the collapsed mountain. Unless they were made of copper and iron, there was no possibility of them surviving.

Hua Guo pays attention to the dead, even if everyone present has ten thousand reasons to blame the couple, they can't say what they want to say, and they don't want to poke the wounds of Chunni and sisters who just lost their parents and brother.

Including the old village head, who was so angry that he scolded the couple just now, and now he couldn't help crying and slapped his thigh hard:

"Confused! Confused!"

No matter how annoying the couple usually looked at, after all, they were juniors who grew up watching them, and the old village chief was inevitably sad.

Looking at the dirty and beggar-like sisters Chunni and Yanni in front of them, I feel even more regretful, feeling at a loss and powerless about their future.

"Chuni." Mingdai hugged the little girl, wiped off the mud on Chuni's face with her clean sleeve, "Are you tired? Let's go to rest."

Chunni tugged on Mingdai's sleeves dependently, and responded with a low voice.

Afterwards, Ming Dai sent the two sisters to the next tent.

It was the tent given up by the producer, Mingdai and her tent are currently being treated by Su Fangyun, which is inconvenient.

After Ming Dai and the two sisters disappeared, the news spread to several nearby camps at the fastest speed!

The discussion suddenly exploded, and whispers continued:
"The couple...really gone?"

"Are you scared? Look at you, the second uncle asked everyone to transfer before, and you still lost your temper if you didn't listen, what about now?"

"I don't grow vegetables in the field..."

"Vegetables are important, life is important? Look at those couples, they didn't listen to the old man's words, and lost their lives for nothing. I'm sorry for his little baby. My relationship with my little tiger is very good."

"Hey, this is fate! It can't be stopped! Normally, their husband and wife dislike Chunni and Yanni, but now those two sisters survived."


Sorrow what happened to Chunni's family;

Thankful that my family was able to escape unharmed;

I am grateful to the old village chief for insisting on taking them up the mountain.


Just as night fell tonight, the vaguely growing emotions among the crowd on the mountain were still negative, like a pressure cooker that had reached its limit, and could explode at any time with a little spark.

Now, in the face of life and death, with a clear lesson from the past, no one would dislike their own fate and yell. Instead, they all thanked the old village chief for his persistence.

Before, they scolded the old village chief for being arbitrary and a feudal emperor, but now the old village chief is the bright light in their hearts and the sea god in the village!
No one said that living on this mountain is uncomfortable, even sleeping in the rain is better than being buried in the soil!

All of a sudden, the atmosphere of the entire camp became friendly and satisfied!
But escaping this catastrophe is not the end.

By the next day, the rain had gradually subsided, and the sky was lit up with a thin fish-belly white, which was no longer a gloomy doomsday scene where no light could be seen.

It seemed like the disaster was over.

Some people got up one after another, wanting to see what was going on after yesterday's earthquake.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, when you look at it, those relaxed minds are gone——

"Home... where is my house?"

"My God, my God."

"My chickens! My pigs! All my possessions are gone!"

Mingdai woke up from an uneasy sleep in a burst of yelling.

Seeing Chunni and Yanni sisters who were sleeping peacefully beside her, she got up lightly, opened the curtain and walked out of the tent.

Stepping on a slightly higher flat ground, there are many people standing here, and some even knelt down on the ground as if mourning, crying loudly.

And all of them were looking in the same direction, which was the direction of the original village, where most of it had been submerged by mudslides.

The village closest to the mountain was the first to bear the brunt. The entire land was submerged by the collapsed mountain, and the original appearance of the building could hardly be seen. Only a tall red flag stood on the ruins and fluttered in the wind.

The houses of other villagers were not much better, either completely in ruins or half in ruins.

Even the village committee where Ming Dai and the others lived was nothing but rubble.

The destructive mudslides did not leave any trace intact.

Not to mention those villagers, even Mingdai, thinking of how she looked when she first entered the village, thinking of the innocent smiling faces of the villager couple when they took her into the mountain to dig matsutake... her throat and the tip of her nose couldn't help but feel sore.

If Ming Dai read it correctly, the couple who brought them into the mountain two days ago were among the people kneeling and crying.

She wanted to go forward to comfort her, but felt that the comfort was too light.

At this time, the old village chief rushed over after hearing the news.

He was already old, but at this juncture, as the backbone of the whole village, he was full of energy and walked with wind, lest he fall down and the whole village would fall down.

The old village chief walked over and comforted the villagers one by one. At first it was Huairou, but later when they saw that Huairou didn't work, many people were full of expressions. My family is meaningless to live without me.

The old village head raised his face and said solemnly: "Enough! It's okay to be sad, but don't forget, we survived! We can buy things when we lose our property, and we lose everything when we lose people! Look at how terrible this mudslide is, We are lucky to survive, don't be dissatisfied!"

The old village chief woke up these people by scolding loudly.

The gloomy villagers looked a little cheered up.

That's right, nothing is more important than not being alive, at least they survived.

The old village chief saw that the cursing had worked, and his voice slowed down: "Don't worry, everyone, the government will not ignore us, and rescuers will come soon, and they will help us rebuild our homes!"

When everyone heard it, they thought it made sense.

So much so that someone said against the tense atmosphere: "So, the new house that my mother has been thinking about building, can it be built?"

This is a bit of a bittersweet taste, but it really makes most people laugh.

Some elders laughed and scolded: "Can I hope for something better?"

After all, the mood is still quite relaxed.

Watching this scene, Mingdai's mood fluctuated with the villagers, from heavy to relaxed, and finally laughed.

Especially when she heard about rebuilding her home later, Ming Dai had a thought and came up with a temporary plan, subconsciously wanting to discuss it with Sister Su, but in the blink of an eye she remembered Sister Su who was lying in the tent and hadn't woken up until now.

The thought had to be suppressed temporarily, Mingdai took advantage of the time when the old village chief turned around and walked back, walked over and asked him:

"Village Chief, have you contacted anyone else?"

"No, the signal is all cut off, and the phone can't make calls at all."

The old village head was frowning. With so many people, he only dared to show his worry in front of Ming Dai.

Ming Dai frowned: "Then the way down the mountain is also broken?"

The old village chief was a little confused by the question.

"Then how do people know we're here?"

The old village chief was completely dumbfounded.


(End of this chapter)

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