Chapter 478 Exhausted
When Ming Dai and the old village head were worried about how to pass on the news about their location.

Far away in the provincial capital of Province Y, in the living room of the penthouse suite of the hotel, He Mu was sitting on the sofa without sleeping all night.

There was no light in the room, and the gray light outside the window traced He Mu's silhouette, like an eternal stone sculpture, silent, restrained, with indescribable desolation.

He Ce stepped on the thick cashmere carpet, and the leather shoes under his feet hardly made any sound.

But He Mu was the first to notice it.

He raised his head, the contours of his brows and eyes were deeply tired, this is an appearance that He Ce has never seen on Mr. He.

Shocked, He Ce had more guesses in his mind, but he didn't dare to think about it now.

Frowning eyebrows and nodding, He Ce is still the most valued chief secretary around He Mu, with a perfect elite posture:
"I have already contacted the relevant departments. Now the filming location where Ms. Ming is located, the communication is completely cut off. The mountain road was blocked due to falling rocks. Their people are trying to find a way to send a helicopter in to check the situation."

"Use our plane."

He Mu didn't even think about it, and ordered immediately.

He Ce has no doubts, he should bow his head.

"Contact Wang Yuan. If there is any rescue-related equipment that needs to be provided, prepare it in advance and don't waste time."

Wang Yuan is the boss of a subsidiary of the Hemu Group. It is the leading heavy industry enterprise in the country. It has been deeply involved in various fields, has made great achievements, and ranks among the top five economic benefits of the group.

This kind of Wang Yuan is over forty years old, and he is a big shot that many people in the shopping mall can't see even if they beg their grandparents to tell their grandma.

But in front of He Mu, Wang Yuan is the most loyal courtier with first-class work ability.

He Ce: "Yes."

Afraid of missing something, He Mu added two more sentences.

In short, to sum up, the resources of the entire group are open to the officials of Province Y, and no matter what the cost, they must enter the disaster site as quickly as possible.

After finishing the order, He Mu showed a rare look of bewilderment on his face.

His voice was very soft: "What else?"

This voice of doubt fell on He Ce's ears, it was undoubtedly a thunderous thunder.

In He Ce's view, Mr. Myself is synonymous with perfection and the highest embodiment of omnipotence!
For Mr., there is no problem that can be called a problem. He is the best helm, no matter how big the storm is, he can lead the whole group to move forward at full speed.

This is also the reason why He Mu can easily gain respect far beyond his age at the age of 20!
Regardless of family background, regardless of background.

It's just for the admiration of He Mu himself!

It is no exaggeration to say that many employees of the group, including He Ce, regard He Mu as a god.

He Ce has grown from a small assistant to today's chief secretary, and He Mu's right-hand man. It can be said that he has not seen such an expression on his face for several years.

It was an emotion that shouldn't belong to Mr. Wang, it was confusion, panic, and even...fear.

At this moment, He Ce felt sympathy for Mr.

Ridiculous as it is, it's true sympathy.

Who makes the word love is the most difficult to say.

No matter how perfect Mr. Ru is, he will show such a weak side for the sake of love.

He Ce also has the feeling that the gods have stepped down from the altar, and there is more fireworks on his body.

"...sir, are you all right?"

He Ce asked out of nowhere.

He Mu glanced at him, as if he could see all the emotions behind He Ce's words.

He Ce was startled, and was about to bow his head and admit his mistake.

Unexpectedly, He Mu's next sentence was: "I'm very bad."

He Ce raised his head in surprise, so much so that he forgot how he was in awe of He Mu for a second!
He Mu slowly straightened his back and leaned back against the sofa, showing deep exhaustion from his soul and heart.

"I'm very bad. So, He Ce, this matter must not go wrong."

"……I see."

When He Ce turned around, he couldn't bear it.

If Miss Ming in the mountains really...

No!Don't think so!Miss Ming is a lucky woman, she will be fine!
He Ce's figure disappeared, and He Mu was the only one in the room.

This was originally He Mu's normal state, he never liked having too many people around him, and felt that it would affect his thoughts.

But today, He Mu felt that this alone space was extremely cold.


He Mu's phone on the coffee table vibrated crazily.

He Mu suddenly sat up, thinking that things had progressed.

But the moment he saw the screen, his brows froze instantly.

The phone buzzed and rang again, as if urging He Mu.

He Mu squeezed the phone tightly, and finally connected: "Yes."

A choked voice came from the other side of the phone: "Little uncle, where are you? What should I do, something may have happened to Dai Dai, Dai Dai!"

Xia Ling broke down in tears, his whole body was in a panic.

"She was going to shoot a variety show, but I heard that there was a serious mudslide in the place she went to. It was in the village where she lived. What should I do... what should I do..."

Holding back his emotions, He Mu quietly listened to Xia Ling's cry.

Finally came the sentence: "I know."

His voice was harsh, and he was afraid that if he said a few more words, his true emotions would be revealed.

But when it reached Xia Ling's ears through the mobile phone, it became calm and indifferent.

Xia Ling was already very anxious, but now she was even more angry.

"Little uncle! How can you be so calm? Don't you worry at all? Mudslide...that's a mudslide! What if something happens to Dai Dai?"

The out-of-control questioning was exactly Xia Ling's out-of-control mood at the moment.

He tightly clenched his right hand with Mu Kong, his fingertips turned white.

"Lingling, calm down."

"Calm down? How do I calm down? You are really hard-hearted, but I thought you really liked Dai Dai, and you really wanted to bring the two of you together. I blame me for thinking wrong! Uncle... No! He Mu! You deserve to be alone all your life forever!"

Xia Ling cursed at He Mu.

It is estimated that this movement attracted Ling Xiu's attention, He Mu heard Ling Xiu's surprised inquiry, and then forcibly took the phone over.

"Hello? He Mu?"


He Mu's voice was still calm and without ups and downs. Even Xia Ling's accusations and curses did not arouse his mood swings in the slightest.

Xia Ling is a junior who doesn't know, but as a cousin who watched He Mu grow up, Ling Xiu found something was wrong.

Ling Xiu is good at grasping the key points: "Where are you now?"

He Mu reported the location.

"You actually is the situation now?"

"I'm trying to find a way to get into the mountain."

"Okay, I feel at ease with you here, don't forget to tell us if there is any situation, Lingling and I will also buy tickets to go there today!"


"And Lingling..."

"I know."

He Mu interrupted Ling Xiu's words.

Ling Xiu sighed: "Don't worry, it will be fine."

He Mu didn't answer and hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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