Chapter 479
Xia Ling was almost dying of crying, her ears were buzzing, and she didn't hear what Ling Xiu said to He Mu at all.

Seeing Ling Xiu hung up the phone, Xia Ling wiped away her tears and said dissatisfiedly:

"Mom! What are you doing hanging up on my phone!"

Then I couldn't help gnashing my teeth:
"I didn't expect He Mu to be this kind of person, Dai Dai... I will never allow Dai Dai to be with him! Dog man! Ah! Mom! Why did you hit me!"

Xia Ling covered her arms, her red eyelashes were still wet with tears.

Ling Xiu saw it, and even though she was worried, she still reprimanded angrily:
"How do you call your elders?"

"What kind of elder is he? Dai Dai is like this, and he can still be calm and composed. Why doesn't he become a fairy? He deserves to be single forever!" Xia Ling was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger.

Ling Xiu sighed: "How do you know he is calm?"

Xia Ling poked his neck: "His tone, can't you hear me when I'm stupid?"

"You're so stupid." Ling Xiu patted her daughter's head, stabbing her hand very hard, "Your little uncle really doesn't show much emotion, but do you know where he is now?"

"I don't care where he is!"

"Province Y."


"Don't be surprised, you heard me right. He's already in the capital of Province Y, ready to take part in the next rescue operation. When I spoke to him just now, I heard his tone, not calm, but dazed. He no longer knows how to deal with it." .Do you know how rare it is for him to be in that mood?"

Ling Xiu's expression was complicated, she never expected that He Mu, who had been abstinent for more than 20 years, would fall so deeply because of Ming Dai.

As far as his character is concerned, if it is not piercing to the bone, otherwise it will never be revealed to this extent.

"I'm afraid I really like it very much..."

No, maybe it should be called, love.

Listening to her mother's murmur, Xia Ling was a little puzzled and felt guilty.

Frowning: "So, I blamed him wrongly?"


Xia Ling felt a little weak when he thought of the insults he had made just now.

Gritting her teeth: "It's a big deal, I apologize to him! But after Dai Dai is fine..."

Speaking of the second half of the sentence, tears welled up again, and I didn't dare to think about other possibilities.

Ling Xiu comforted her: "Okay, don't worry, I'll ask someone to buy a plane ticket right away, and we'll go to Province Y now!"

After all, it is the elders, Ling Xiu is much calmer than Xia Ling in such a big matter.

After arranging for her assistant to buy air tickets, she also used her contacts to contact the local government, brought supplies and a rescue team, and was willing to participate in this rescue operation as a charity person.

The orderly arrangement gave the chaotic Xia Ling a goal. Thinking of going to Ming Dai immediately, Xia Ling would feel much more at ease, it was better than being unable to do anything at all.

When the aunt at home was packing her luggage, Xia Ling took the time to surf the Internet and read the news.

The scale of the mudslide in Province Y this time was not very large, and it only occupied a small part of the social news section, and not many people paid attention to it on the main list.

It can be seen from this that no one has disclosed what happened to Ming Dai and the entire program group for the time being, otherwise it would never have received this kind of attention.

Xia Ling didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

Soon Ling Xiu came to tell her that the flight ticket had been booked, but due to the weather, the departure would have to wait until evening, and there was no news from Province Y for the time being.

Xia Ling was very anxious, but it was useless. The plane didn't take off just because she wanted to.


"How did the little uncle get there?"

Xia Ling's words stunned Ling Xiu.

That's right, it has been raining continuously in Province Y for the past few days, how did He Mu's plane get there?
After getting the permission to enter the mountain, Hemu didn't want to wait any longer, and decided to drive the helicopter into the mountain himself.

The captain of the official rescue team was surprised. Seeing that He Mu was dressed in a luxurious outfit and surrounded by a cloud of followers, the boss who even treated the leader politely was cautious and humble in front of this young and good-looking man.

Just from this point, one knows that He Mu's identity is definitely not simple, so such a big shot should go to the mountain to rescue in person?

Over the years, the rescue captain has seen many well-meaning and wealthy social volunteers, but there are not many like He Mu.

It's hard for the captain to say anything, after all, Province Y is poor, there are only two professional rescue helicopters, and they have to borrow from the next door.

The Mr. He in front of him is said to have directly brought twelve professional rescue helicopters!

Moreover, these helicopters will be donated directly to Province Y after the entire rescue operation is over, including a large number of first aid resources and so on.

It can be said that this rescue activity was covered by Mr. He, no wonder the authorities gave him the green light.

In the end, the captain of the rescue team decided to get on the same plane with He Mu, thinking that such a kind-hearted rich man would naturally want to live a long life, so don't expect any accidents.

With such a mentality, the captain was stunned when he got on the plane and took a look.

Because Kazuki was already sitting in the driver's seat calmly, even his accompanying secretary had skillfully found a seat in the back seat, fastened his seat belt and put on earmuffs.

The captain hesitated: "This..."

He Mu didn't turn his head back: "Don't worry, I got my pilot's license the day I became an adult."

The captain really wants to say, the kind of flying driver's license you rich people get is different from actual combat, and the weather today is really not good!

The words came to his lips, but he couldn't speak them out, so he resigned himself to his fate and sat in the co-pilot, thinking to keep an eye on the situation, so that he could be ready to take over the plane at any time if there was any emergency.

Who knew that He Mu's ability to fly the plane far exceeded his expectations!
When taking off, the weight is light and there is no vibration; during the flight, it is stable and fast, and the layers of rain seem to be non-existent to him...

With such a superior ability, even the rescue captain would be willing to bow down.

Because this is not just a matter of driving age, the driver must have a deep understanding of aerodynamics, fluid mechanics, etc., and the convenience of calculation and judgment is even more top-notch. This is a stability based on strong basic scientific knowledge!
The experienced rescue captain can even say that with this gentleman's driving level, he can fly a fighter jet!

Seeing the solemn atmosphere in the cabin, the captain wanted to ease the atmosphere, so he asked, "Mr. He, are you interested in learning to fly?"

He Mu didn't answer.

He looked out of the front window, his side face was condensed, his eyebrows and eyes seemed to be covered with the snow of the Tianshan Mountains that would not melt for thousands of years, it was an extremely cold place where the temperature could not rise even under the sun.

The captain couldn't help rubbing his face in embarrassment. The 1.8-meter bearded man felt indescribably cramped.

Fortunately, He Ce in the back seat, as the chief secretary next to Mr. He, saw the embarrassment of the captain in time.

He Ce lowered his voice: "Sorry, my husband is not in a good mood."

Dare to explain so closely, because He Ce feels that the husband at this moment can't hear what the people around him are saying at all!
(End of this chapter)

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