Chapter 480 Rescue
The captain's embarrassment eased somewhat.

Then the expression became solemn, and he reflected on himself: "It's my fault, this operation is very important, I shouldn't talk about what is there and what is not."

He Ce glanced at the gentleman who was in a precarious position, and still suppressed his voice: "No, our husband has family members there."

"No wonder!" The captain suddenly realized that all the confusion caused by He Mu's series of actions were easily resolved, and he sympathized and comforted, "Don't worry, I have been engaged in rescue work for more than 20 years and have seen many natural disasters. The scale of this accident is not very large. As long as it is not in the disaster center, the probability of survival is still very high."

"How big is it?"

Suddenly a voice came in.

It's He Mu.

He Ce said so many things to the rescue team leader before, but he didn't hear it, but this one sentence fell into his ears.

He Ce and the captain were both stunned, but He Mu repeated his words like a person who caught a life-saving straw when he sank into the river:
"What is the probability of survival? One hundred percent? She is fine now, right?"

The captain opened his mouth wide, not knowing how to answer.

After all, no one can guarantee this kind of thing. Even if it is a small earthquake, people may be killed by the knocked bricks, let alone a mudslide?

The captain couldn't help feeling annoyed, feeling that he shouldn't talk nonsense.

"I mean……"

What words should I use to comfort this caring Mr. He?

It was He Ce who stood up and reminded: "Sir."

He Mu closed his eyes.

"Feel sorry."

"'s fine."

After the entire flight, the cabin was completely silent.

The weather in the entire Province Y is very bad right now. It has been raining for two consecutive days, not only in the remote mountain village where Ming Dai lives, but almost the entire province is covered with overcast clouds.

The difficulty of flying a helicopter is ten times more difficult than when the sky is clear.

Two rescue planes applied for a temporary suspension of mission due to bad conditions.

Only He Mu personally controlled the plane, which went all the way into the hinterland with precision, crossed numerous mountains, and broke through the dense rain curtain against the thick dark clouds... Finally!The destination appeared in the field of vision!

Affected by the weather, with this level of visibility, it is basically impossible to see the specific situation on the ground from a high altitude.

But the small mountain village in front of him didn't use any extra judgment, not even binoculars.

Because the mountain next to the small mountain village has collapsed in a large area, and the traces of the mudslides have been ravaged. There is no grass growing, and everything is desolate, all ruins!

Even at such a high place, you can clearly see the tragedy of the village after being hit by the mudslide, and some houses were even buried directly under the soil...

The hearts of everyone on the plane tensed instantly!

Not only because of He Mu, but also because they, as human beings, don't want to see such a miserable situation in the world.

There may be a family buried under each ruin, father, mother, children...

The rescue captain gritted his teeth: "It's difficult for the plane to land in this situation. We'd better find an open mountaintop..."

"It's you instead." He Mu's voice was tense, showing undoubted majesty.

The captain didn't even have time to ask a few more questions. By the time he realized it, he had already been transferred to the driver's seat.

Then the captain saw He Mu stepped into the back seat and picked up a backpack.

No, that's not a backpack!
It's a parachute bag!
"Wait! And sir! Now the situation..."

Halfway through the speech, the wind gushing in after the cabin door opened made his mouth gag!
The captain saw that Mr. He was acting in an orderly manner, and he didn't seem to be able to listen to persuasion at all.

I had no choice but to find a way to drive the plane to a location with better airborne conditions.


He Mu ordered without looking back, the parachute bag on his body was ready to go.

The captain smiled bitterly: "Do you want to think about it again?"

No consideration, no hesitation.

He Mu leaped, and came out from the sky like a sharp sword through the rain!

Soon a white umbrella flower appeared and began to fall steadily!
It seems to be all right!

The captain felt relieved, and was about to turn around to say a few words to He Ce, but he saw that He Ce had also put on his umbrella bag at some point, standing at the door of the cabin where He Mugang jumped off, eager to try.

"Hey! Wait! Why do you..."

He Ce jumped out skillfully without turning his head.

An excellent and perfect secretary, naturally even landing skills are necessary!
The captain looked at the two umbrella flowers that fell to the ground one after another from a distance, and murmured: "Crazy, really crazy..."

After chanting, I couldn't help but be moved, and I secretly prayed for Mr. He's family in the mountains-be safe!

at this time.

He Mu was the first to land on the ruins of the small mountain village.

Looking at the broken walls and ruins around him, He Mu felt a sense of fragility that he couldn't move his legs.

Where should I go?

Where can I find it?
Will Dede really be here?
Questions filled He Mu's brain, but he couldn't give a single answer.

Fortunately, He Ce arrived in time: "Sir! I heard that Miss Ming and the others are staying at the local village committee. Here is the map!"

As he spoke, he handed over the electronic tablet, and handed the opened and clearly visible map to He Mu, which also made He Mu find the target in a panic.

With a goal, the IQ returned to its place, and He Mu quickly calculated from the building in front of them where they should be and the direction they needed to go.

Braving the heavy rain, stepping on the ruins, trekking all the way forward, relying on the strong physical condition of He Mu, the whole process was basically as smooth as walking on the ground.

But there was no relaxation on his face, instead it became more and more dignified.

Judging from the direction of the mudslide, the direction of this village second only to the school at the foot of the mountain!

He Mu speeded up his pace silently, with the silent mountain in his back, covered by thick clouds, not much better than the weather at this time.

He Ce followed behind without daring to breathe, and finally arrived at the village committee.

Village committee... how can there be any village committee?It's nothing more than a ruin.

How terrible is the impact of mudslides?Even a big tree with deep roots that has grown for decades can be uprooted and taken away by mudslides. What defense ability does a mere brick house have in the face of mudslides?
Most of the entire building collapsed, the rubble piled up into mountains, and the scene was peaceful.

Only the breathing of He Mu and He Ce.

What about people?How can there be no one?

He Ce's breathing was extremely rapid, and he didn't dare to look at the expressions of Qian Qian and Mu!
He Mu stood quietly for a while, still not showing any strong emotions.


He resolutely walked towards the ruins.

He Ce panicked: "Sir!"

He Mu couldn't hear at all.

He took one step at a time, stepping firmly, as if with the belief that there would be no turning back!
This belief is—

No matter what, he wanted to find De Dai!
Bring back Dede!

(End of this chapter)

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