Chapter 48
Ming Dai stood in the shadow under the tree, leaning on the trunk so thick that it could completely cover her, looking at the fragmentary thin light hanging from the gaps in the leaves.

Yingying broken gold fell in her eyes, as if full of emotions, but also as if there was nothing.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Ming Dai was about to lift her foot to go out from the small woods, when she heard the sound of broken grass blades approaching.

Subconsciously hiding, only to find out after hiding, this seems to be more likely to cause misunderstanding.

But it was too late.

The two people who came back and forth stood still not far from where she was hiding in the big tree.

Ming Dai: ...

She really doesn't want to hear other people's secrets!
"Shen, brother Shen."

A female voice trembling with fear rang out.

This is... Fan Jiao?
Fan Jiao and Shen Qinghe?


The sound of a lighter being fired.

A faint smell of tobacco wafted over, lingering and careless, just like Shen Qinghe's posture at this moment.


"Brother Shen, please! Let me go!"

There was more crying in Fan Jiao's voice,
"I really didn't mean it yesterday, this opportunity is very important to me, I can't lose it!"

Ming Dai was taken aback.

Yesterday's words, could it be the scene I ran into in the stairwell?
Why did the two with an ambiguous atmosphere suddenly develop to the point of crying and begging for mercy?

Ming Dai couldn't figure it out, but soon, Shen Qinghe's words answered her doubts:

"Don't overthink me. If you are replaced, it can only mean that you are not suitable."

Fan Jiao is going to be replaced?

But Ming Dai remembered that Fan Jiao was still playing the role of imperial concubine in "A Generation of Emperors" in her previous life. She was also nominated for Best Supporting Actress for this role, which became popular for two years.

It's a pity that her performance as the heroine in the drama was too poor, and she gradually passed away. By the time Ming Dai became popular, Fan Jiao had already disappeared from the circle.

"I know this show has Brother Shen's investment... No, I'm not saying that the crew wants to replace me because of Brother Shen! I, I just want to say... I'm sorry for offending you yesterday! I was the one who offended you So, can I trouble you to hold your hand high and let me go, I can do anything!"

Shen Qinghe held a cigarette between his slender fingers, his eyes were like ice that couldn't be melted, and he didn't show any emotion at all.

There was sarcasm in that tone:

"What do you think I need from you?"

Fan Jiao immediately covered her face, crying leaked from her fingers.

The voice is delicate and weak, but it is endearing.

Shen Qinghe didn't even bother to raise his eyes:

"Since it's for profit, you should have the courage to bear the mistakes. You are all adults."

Fan Jiao's crying stopped abruptly.

She realized that weak crying could not attract Shen Qinghe's sympathy, so she raised her hand to wipe away her tears.

Fan Jiao is not stupid, she thought of the key point:
"I got it! I will stay away from you on set in the future, and I promise I won't disturb you outside the set!"

This time, Shen Qinghe finally did not continue to mock him.

After a while, I spit out four words:
"Well done."

The indifferent tone was like the cold winter wind, making Fan Jiao shiver.

But she knew that this matter was over, so she ran away in anticipation of what Ai Ai should do.

It seemed that he no longer dared to approach Shen Qinghe casually.

Shen Qinghe, who was left alone, stood tall like a green pine, and the bright and dark lights among the leaves reflected his well-defined face, his brows and eyes were clear, and he was as silent as ice.

Ming Dai behind the tree watched from a distance, inexplicably recalling his attitude towards her in the previous life.

Sure enough, this was Shen Qinghe.

"When are you going to overhear?"

Shen Qing and Leng Buding spoke, which surprised Ming Dai.

She bit her lower lip lightly and remained silent.

But Shen Qinghe had obviously spotted her long ago, and his eyes accurately found her position:

"Need me to invite you out in person?"

After saying this, Ming Dai finally came out.

Shen Qing and Liang Bo's eyes fell on her, eyebrows raised slightly:

"Ming Dai? So it was you... It seems that you discovered it."

There was a little regret in that tone, not panic.

Shen Qinghe was even more curious about Ming Dai's reaction:
"You don't seem surprised to see my true face?"

Shen Qinghe crossed his arms with one hand and held a cigarette in the other. Although he was smiling, his smile was not warm.

Ming Dai didn't bother to continue pretending to be friendly with him, senior.

"Eyes don't lie."

No matter how thoughtful Shen Qinghe was in handling things, the coldness hidden in his eyes could not deceive anyone.

Shen Qinghe listened, full of interest:

"But you were the first to find out."

In the eyes of everyone, Shen Qinghe is a perfect male god.

Only Ming Dai here, seems to have seen through his disguise long ago, alienated and resisted him.

Shen Qinghe was terribly smart, his sharp eyes swept over Ming Dai's body inch by inch and observed, and he did not miss any subtle changes in Ming Dai's expression. His tone was slow and probing:
"Many times, I feel that we don't seem to be meeting for the first time, but rather like we have known each other before..."

"Maybe there was a grudge in the previous life."

Ming Dai seems to be casual, but what she says is from her heart.

In the end, Shen Qinghe was amused, and a deep laugh overflowed from his throat.

His gloomy black eyes are fixed on Ming Dai:

"You are really funny."

Ming Dai remained indifferent, and walked away.

When passing by Shen Qinghe, she turned her head and raised the corners of her lips:

"You know, senior, smoking in the woods is really... very disrespectful!"

After speaking, he walked away.

Shen Qinghe looked at her back and chuckled lightly.

Then, he crushed the cigarette butt with his fingers, the smile on his lips remained unchanged, and there was no pain.

Speaking of which, Ming Dai admired herself a little.

After bumping into that scene at noon, I was still able to film with Shen Qinghe as if nothing had happened.

In the play, it should be intimate, it should be coquettish and coquettish... Princess Mingzhu's response was not lacking at all, and she was not affected by the midday episode at all.

After the play, he can immediately hide Shen Qing and stay far away, and his emotions are withdrawn quickly.

So much so that Director Gao praised her: "Not bad! The play is very fast!"

Ming Dai: Actually...

Forget it, just accept this compliment.

After the two night scenes were filmed in the evening, today will be considered a complete call-off.

After hastily removing her make-up, she rushed to the airport without stopping, and Ming Dai and her group boarded the plane.

It was already eleven o'clock at night, and when the plane stabilized, Mingdai turned on the small table and reading light, biting the tip of her pen and began to think hard, and asked Huang Yuanyuan when she encountered a question she didn't understand. Knowing astronomy and geography is the pinnacle of high school, but it is still possible to solve some math problems.

"I figured this out..."

Huang Yuanyuan was about to explain to Mingdai, only to find that she had fallen asleep lying on the small table.

Wei Wei's chubby face squeezed the pages of the book, white and soft, sleeping soundly.

Su Fangyun looked across the aisle and said softly:

"After a busy day, she should be tired. Let her sleep for a while."

Huang Yuanyuan nodded, not daring to touch Mingdai for fear of waking her up, so she asked the stewardess to bring a thin blanket to cover her body.

Mingdai smacked her mouth unconsciously and fell asleep even more soundly.

(End of this chapter)

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