Chapter 49 The Unfamiliar Gu Lingsi

It's lunch break time, in the cafeteria of No. [-] Middle School.

"Ha woo-"

Ming Dai who had just finished eating immediately felt sleepy.

She yawned big, and tears welled up from the corners of her eyes.

Seeing this, Xia Ling, who was sitting across the table, poured out a cup of coffee brought from home in a thermos and pushed it in front of her.

Fresh hand-brewed Geisha coffee beans, with strong floral aroma and clear fruity aroma, classic and unique.

The warm air baked Ming Dai's cold face, and the aroma of the coffee shook her spirits. She cupped it in both hands, and drank it in small sips, as if she came alive.

Xia Ling found it funny.

"So sleepy?"

"It was almost two o'clock when I got home last night, starting at 06:30 in the morning."

Ming Dai squinted her eyes and answered, the sun outside the window was shining on her porcelain white face, she was as lazy as a cat.

Xia Ling couldn't help pinching her face, like teasing a child.

Ming Dai immediately opened her round eyes to look at her.

At this moment, the phone rang, Mingdai raised her hand to pick it up, hummed twice, then smiled and rolled her eyes, as if she was very happy.

After she hung up the phone, Xia Ling asked casually:
"So happy? Is there anything good?"

"It was a friend I met in the film crew who introduced a tutor to me. From now on, I will teach video every night, and my schoolwork will finally be saved!"


Hearing the word "friend", Xia Ling immediately became vigilant, raised his eyelids, not to be outdone,

"Why don't you ask me? I can introduce my teacher to you. She is a gold medal tutor who has been tutoring me since the first year of high school. She is very good at logical thinking, especially good at basic mathematics. Aren't you bad at mathematics? She should It suits you very well."

Ming Dai has already agreed to Xiao Bai, but she also instinctively doesn't want to reject Xia Ling's kindness.

After thinking about it, I carefully proposed:

"Then... two teachers study together?"

Xia Ling smiled with satisfaction.

"Alright, the two teachers can tutor you in different subjects. Besides, if you are at school, you can ask me if you don't understand anything."

Xia Ling's brisk tone made Ming Dai laugh too, her expression gradually relaxed, and she nodded again and again:
"I know, I know, the notes you gave before are useful! Your thoughts in the notes are clear and simple, and they have given me a lot of inspiration, even if I can learn by myself very quickly!"

Ming Dai's eyes were darkened when she just returned to school, and now she can gradually understand the teacher's lectures, and complete the next set of papers, even though the error rate is high... But this is still due to Xia Ling's sorting out for her. notes!
Xia Ling, who wanted to prove that he was Ming Dai's best friend, suddenly felt a little embarrassed by Ming Dai's sincere praise.

"We are friends, and friends should help each other."

Today's young lady is still a blushing and shy young lady.

Seeing that Ming Dai drank the coffee to the bottom, the two of them prepared to leave after lunch.

There were footsteps slowly approaching the two of them.

"Xia Ling."

The person who came first gave a friendly shout, paused, and then said,
"Ming Dai, you are here too."

The smile on Xia Ling's face gradually disappeared, and he frowned at the person who came:

"Gu Lingsi, why are you here?"

Xia Ling's head is getting bigger.

I always feel that Gu Lingsi is more pestering than those useless boys who pursue her.

Gu Lingsi noticed her displeasure, smiled wryly and hugged the textbook in her arms, her tone was three minutes lower:
"It's still the same thing as before, Ming Dai happened to be there too..."

"Is it about the apology?"

Ming Dai interrupted Gu Lingsi's words.

Gu Lingsi pursed her lips, and shifted her gaze from Xia Ling to Ming Dai:

"Yes, I feel sorry for you because of what happened last time, and I want to treat you to dinner again, will you come?"

Ming Dai fell silent.

"Xia Ling said, would you drag Tang Xue along to apologize to me?"


"Then I'll go."

Ming Dai agreed cleanly.

Gu Lingsi was silent for two seconds, then nodded slightly:
"Okay, then see you after school tomorrow."

After Gu Lingsi left, Xia Ling curiously asked Ming Dai:

"Why did you change your mind?"

"I just think... it's good to see Tang Xue apologizing to me."

Ming Dai smiled.

Tang Xue must be very reluctant.

The more reluctant, the happier she is.

Xia Ling also raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"Makes sense!"

After Ming Dai finished her last sip of coffee, the two packed up their plates and left.

After they left, the students who were close and just finished listening to the conversation between the two began to whisper excitedly.

In a blink of an eye, this explosive gossip spreads among all grades in No. [-] Middle School——

Ming Dai has been in the limelight recently because of her close relationship with Xia Ling.

As for Tang Xue, needless to say, she is well-known in the entire high school.

Tang Xue, who came from an exceptional family background, was spoiled by her elders since she was a child. Except for Ning Xu, Gu Lingsi, Xia Ling and a few others, she could not wait to judge others with her chin.

Now, Tang Xue, who has a bad temper, high-sighted eyes, and domineering, actually wants to apologize to Mingdai Xiaohua?

Almost everyone in the school is eating melons with great interest.

Even some young teachers were very curious when they heard about it.

Tang Xue was probably the last person who knew that she wanted to apologize to Ming Dai.

She snorted at first, but when she knew that Gu Lingsi said it herself, she was about to explode.

Immediately angrily ran to Class [-] of the third year to look for Gu Lingsi, opened his mouth and shouted:

"Sister Lingsi! How could you tell that idiot that I want to apologize? Am I crazy? Apologize to her! I will never go! Absolutely!"

Gu Lingsi was reading an original English novel, and when she heard Tang Xue's yelling, she didn't say anything, but gently closed the book, got up with a smile, and pulled Tang Xue out of the classroom.

Tang Xue grumbled dissatisfied all the way, babbling ill of Ming Dai.

Gu Lingsi pulled Tang Xue to a place where there was no one at the corner of the stairs.

"Sister Lingsi! I..."

"Tang Xue, you must apologize to Ming Dai."

Gu Lingsi still held Tang Xue's hand, the gentle smile on her face remained motionless.

Tang Xue didn't even want to refuse loudly:

"I don't want to! I won't apologize to her unless I die... Ah! Sister Lingsi, please be gentle, you hurt me..."

Under Gu Lingsi's gaze, her voice gradually weakened until it disappeared in her throat.

Tang Xue shrank her neck and looked at Gu Lingsi in front of her.

For some reason, sister Lingsi, who has always been as gentle as the moon, now has an inexplicably gloomy smile on her face.

This made her feel scared, she didn't dare to think about the noise just now, and she calmed down obediently.

Gu Lingsi let go of Tang Xue's hand, stroked Tang Xue's hair, and spoke softly like a feather:

"Xuexue, sister Lingsi needs your help to apologize, and I know you will definitely not refuse my request, right?"

Looking into Gu Lingsi's dark eyes, Tang Xue couldn't say no.

"So nice."

Gu Lingsi praised Tang Xue.

Tang Xue felt that Gu Lingsi looked very strange today.

... No, this must be an illusion!

She hypnotized herself, unwilling to believe this fact.

(End of this chapter)

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