Chapter 484
Perhaps even Ming Dai herself didn't realize that this was the first time she took the initiative to confess her love to someone.

No matter who she was, she was the one who passively endured her previous emotional experiences.

Being liked, being confessed, being broken up...

Until I met He Mu.

Ming Dai stepped out of the comfortable zone step by step, walked towards him, and confessed her love.

I used to think that I would never be able to do something, but I really opened my mouth, and it was actually very easy and enjoyable.

In Ming Dai's mind, she even imagined a little man with her arms crossed, jumping up and beating the little man's head with all his strength, shouting:

'Like me or not!Hit you if you don't like it! '

Unscrupulously act like a baby, sure to be loved arrogance.

Ming Dai pursed her smile, feeling that she at this moment was similar to the fantasy in her head.

She stared at He Mu with scorching eyes, a lake of stars filled with fragmented light, a pool of gentleness swaying in the wind.

He Mu was stared at by her wholeheartedly, and couldn't help but tremble in his soul.

He raised his hand carefully to hold Ming Dai's face, solemnly as if holding a unparalleled treasure.


Fluffy words are not enough to describe his current mood.

He Mu bowed his head... In the end, he restrained himself, only a feather-soft kiss fell on Ming Dai's eyelids.

Ming Dai did not resist or flinch, but stood on tiptoe quietly.

He said insincerely: "My face is covered with ashes."

"No." Shen Yuan surged in He Mu's eyes, "You are beautiful, you are beautiful."

Ming Dai made a small cut, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was more brilliant than anyone else's.

He Mu asked cautiously: "Then today is our first day of dating?"

Ming Dai finds it funny, is the person in front of him, who is worried about gain and loss, really He Mu?
Simply ask: "Otherwise?"

He Mu finds himself very poor at words.

In the end, he could only gently hug Ming Dai into his arms, using her warmth to warm his beating heart.

"Sorry, I'm just too happy." He Mu explained softly.

"Well, I know, I'm happy too." Ming Dai put her arms around him.

No, you don't know, even I don't know... It turns out that liking, or love, comes so violently and powerfully, it can determine a person's life and death, so much so that making him give birth even if he sacrificed his soul to her Impulsive thoughts.

All his calmness and restraint are defeated by her, all his bottom lines and principles can be compromised for her, and that vigorous emotion makes his soul surrender for her, from then on he is willing to bow his head and let her ask for it.


It's just that He Mu didn't dare to say it directly.

This intention was so strong that even he was surprised and afraid.

She was even more afraid that if she showed it, it would make Mingdai feel pressured, and she wanted to shrink back and stay away.

He Mu thought, Mingdai would not want such a strong love that wraps people tightly and even suffocates people.

So he restrained himself and was careful, revealing only a little, which was enough to satisfy him.

It seems that the highest pleasure of life has been completed.

"What are you thinking?"

Ming Dai finds out that He Mu is in a daze.

Huh?He Mu would be in a daze?
After being reminded, He Mu quickly came back to his senses: "No, I just feel as if I knew you a long time ago."

What He Mu means is that their meeting is a destined soul mate.

But in Ming Dai's ears, it has another meaning.

Of course Mingdai knew that He Mu in front of her had no memory of her previous life.

Even if there is, I'm afraid I won't remember the girl who helped me on the balcony.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, she will firmly remember that beginning, and remember their real meeting.

So he said seriously to He Mu: "You can't tell? Maybe we met in the previous life."

He Mu Shuer smiled: "If so, that would be great."

Ming Dai pursed her lips and couldn't help laughing.


Ming Dai turned her head, and He Mu raised his eyes, and both of them caught the figure who wanted to turn around and flee at the same time.

He Mu loosens Ming Dai and takes half a step back, but he doesn't let go of the hand holding Ming Dai.

"What's the matter?" After asking coldly, his tone became gentle in an instant, and he introduced to Ming Dai, "This is my secretary, why not."

Ming Dai nods her head to greet He Ce.

He Ce bent over humbly again and again, the high-cold elite Fan Er was completely destroyed, how could he dare to accept Ming Dai's greetings, look at this differential treatment...

He Ce didn't forget the business, and quickly explained: "It's Miss Xia Ling's call, asking how the situation is. I have already reported to her that she is safe, but Miss Xia Ling must talk to Miss Ming in person."

Ming Dai was surprised: "The communication has been restored?"

He Mu shook his head: "It's a satellite phone."

Mingdai suddenly realized on the spot, thinking of Xia Ling, couldn't hold back her joy, she let go of Hemu's hand on the spot to answer the phone.

"Is this the number?"


He Ce's breath stagnates.

Feeling the meaningful gaze of Mr. on him, He Ce felt chills in his bones, thinking of his intruding in without knowledge, breaking the perfect atmosphere between Mr. and Ms. Ming... He couldn't help but take a step back to the side, bowing in awe head to go.

Ming Dai didn't notice the "crisis" of secretary He Ce, and happily called Xia Ling.

Xia Ling probably held the phone in his hand, and it connected after it rang halfway.

Ming Dai: "Ling Ling!"

"Dai Dai!" Xia Ling confirmed that it was Ming Dai's voice, and cried on the spot, "Fortunately, you are fine!"

Ming Dai couldn't help but shed tears: "Of course I'm fine! You forgot to say that I was blessed before? God has taken care of me."

Ming Dai is convinced that God really cares for her and gives her chances again and again.

Xia Ling couldn't help crying: "Are you injured? Are you okay? When will you be back? My mother and I are at the airport, and we will fly to you right away. You wait for me!"

"Okay, I'll wait for you!" Ming Dai didn't miss the detail, "Is Auntie Ling here?"

"Well, she's worried about you too."

After saying that, Xia Ling also gave Ling Xiu the phone, and asked Ming Dai to talk to Ling Xiu.

Lingxiu's voice was gentle, and every word and every word was caring, which greatly benefited Ming Dai, and made her eyes even redder.

Ling Xiu heard it: "Okay, don't cry, we are all here. Is He Mu by the side, remember to let him protect you!"

When Ming Dai heard the words, she realized later that Ling Xiu was He Mu's cousin...

She pursed her lips in embarrassment, and secretly looked back at Yanhe Mu.

"Well, he will."

Ming Dai had no doubts at all.

Afterwards, Xia Ling snatched the phone back and said a few words of advice.

Ming Dai knew that Xia Ling was too worried about her, so she was very patient the whole time.

It was already 10 minutes after I finally finished calling.

Ming Dai breathed a sigh of relief: "Lingling and Auntie are coming over."

He Mu: "Are you very happy?"

Ming Dai nodded.

"Very happy, very happy."

He Mu strokes Ming Dai's hair softly and silently.

Ming Dai's eyes stopped inadvertently, and she said in surprise on the spot:

"Your come there are so many wounds?"

(End of this chapter)

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