Chapter 485
He Mu's hands can be described as scarred.

There are a few half-finger-long bloodstains on the back and palm of the hand, as well as countless small and various wounds. The blood is mixed with mud, which looks shocking.

Including the clothes that Ming Dai accidentally ignored just now, now it seems that it is also dusty and covered with mud, as if it was rolling in the mud.

It is really that He Mu's own aura overwhelms these external things, making people see that he can only associate words such as luxury, majesty, and harshness, and then ignore that he himself is already in a mess.

Exclaiming, Ming Dai grabbed He Mu's hand and looked him up and down, making He Mu look embarrassed.

He Mu took half a step back restrainedly: "It's not in the way."

Ming Dai frowned disapprovingly: "How could it be out of the way? Has it been disinfected?"

He Muben wanted to say no, but Mingdai looked at him with concern, so he couldn't say it.

Finally, he turned his attention to He Ce——

He Ce immediately said, "I'm going to get the medicine box right now!"

"Wait!" Mingdai yelled, wanting to drag her and Mu together, "Let's go over and have a look, and let the doctor bandage it by the way."

For a wound of this degree, Ming Dai felt that simply washing it with hydrogen peroxide was not enough.

He Mu remained silent, and even enjoyed Ming Dai's care a little bit.

However, he still reminded: "There are many outsiders."

Even if you enjoy it, you still have to take into account Ming Dai's star status.

Ming Dai only paused for a moment, and quickly replied indifferently: "It's okay."

She is not an idol star who sells people and fantasies, she is an actor, and she speaks with her own strength, even if someone took a picture of her standing with He Mu today and spread it all over the Internet, she would not care.

Now that she has made a choice, Ming Dai must have thought it through carefully and is able to bear all the consequences.

He Mu could feel Ming Dai's firmness from her soul.

Even with him, it seems to be blown by the warm spring breeze, rippling and enjoying from the inside out.

However, it is one thing for Ming Dai to be mentally prepared, and it is another thing for him to help Ming Dai solve her troubles.

He Ce, who was walking ahead, met He Mu's eyes as soon as he turned his head.

Needless to say, I will understand naturally.

He Ce nodded and said that he would handle these matters well.

He Mu's eyes drooped casually, stagnated, and gently pulled Ming Dai's arm: "Dai Dai, your feet?"

Ming Dai stopped at a loss: "What's wrong with my feet?"

Perhaps Ming Dai didn't realize that she was walking with a limp.

Looking down, I found that the white socks were stained with blood.

He Mu quickly thought of it: "Is it the wound from the heel grinding a few days ago?"

Ming Dai scratched her face: "Probably."

She doesn't really know.

In the past two or three days, her mind is full of mudslides, natural disasters, and Su Fangyun, how can Mingdai have the time to care about the small wound on her foot?

She didn't even feel pain, and under the highly tense nerves, these details were ignored.

Until seeing He Mu, apart from joy, it was the strong sense of security he brought.

She felt relieved from the bottom of her heart, and her mind relaxed, and the pain in her feet swept back again.

Without saying a word, He Mu squatted beside Ming Dai's feet: "Let me take a look."

Ming Dai reflexively wanted to avoid it: "No need!"

She also has burdens, right?
He Mu stretched out two fingers to lightly pinch Ming Dai's calf, with a little tight force, Ming Dai couldn't move an inch.

This is He Mu's subconscious move, the starting point is that he simply doesn't want Ming Dai to avoid him.

But his fingers were pressed against the skin of Mingdai's calf through the thin fabric of the mountaineering suit... The numbness spread, making Mingdai tremble involuntarily.

Ming Dai lowered her head in surprise, meeting He Mu's obviously astonished eyes.

He Mu quickly stopped: "Sorry, I..."

Ming Dai hurriedly said, " doesn't matter! Hmm."

He Ce, who was standing with his hands down, wished he could turn into a mushroom squatting under a tree and disappear in a second!
But Mingdai and Mu have no time to care about his existence.

He Mu was embarrassed to catch Ming Dai's calf again, so he had to soften his voice:
"I'll help you see if the injury is serious."

"It's really okay... okay."

Ming Dai was defeated.

There is no way, the posture of He Mu squatting and looking up at her is really a bit... um.

Ming Dai couldn't say no, so she could only take off her shoes.

There were mottled blood stains on a small section of the white sock that was exposed before, but when the whole foot was exposed, it was discovered that the injury on the heel had worsened at least several times!
Originally, it was the blood blisters that were worn out due to too many mountain walks. Later, because of climbing mountains, encountering crises, etc., the blood blisters were worn out and scabbed, and they were worn out and scabbed again. Go inside and look at the bloody wounds, which are more oozing than the wounds on He Mu's hands!
He Mu immediately looked at Ming Dai with disapproval!Think she neglects herself too much!

Ming Dai was a little embarrassed: "Hiss, when did it become like this? I really didn't feel any pain!"

He Mu said lightly: "Maybe it's too painful, so it's numb."

Ming Dai felt guilty for no reason... No, she was the one who got hurt, why was she guilty?
Seeing that the tail behind her was about to raise, Ming Dai puffed up her cheeks and wanted to say a few tough words.

The next moment, He Mu moved forward and squatted down in front of her, showing his broad and solid arms.


The hard tone turned into soft fingers.

Ming Dai pursed her lips in embarrassment, her first reaction was to look at He Ce.

He Ce has already turned around: Can't see me, can't see me...

"Come up." He Mu insisted.

"But your injury..."

"I hurt my hand, not my foot."

Well, what He Mu said made sense.

Ming Dai had no choice but to obediently lay on his shoulders.

Hmm, it's an amazing feeling.

Because no one has ever carried her back.

When he was young, Ming An was definitely not a loving father who would carry his daughter on his back.

When I grow up, the boyfriends I have dated all rely on their identities.

As a result, He Mu became the first person to carry her on his back.

His back is firm and powerful, broad and warm, like the safest haven in the world, where Ming Dai can lie on it and act like a baby, don't worry.

... This feeling was so good that it even made Ming Dai obsessed, she quietly changed to a more comfortable position, laying on He Mu's shoulder, drowsy.

He Mu's deep voice came from the front: "Are you tired?"

Ming Dai: "Fortunately..."

It's okay to say it, but in fact, the tone has dropped, and the words are vague on the tip of the tongue, obviously extremely sleepy.

Seeing this, He Mu deliberately slowed down his steps, not wanting to disturb Ming Dai's sleep.

Ming Dai slept deeply and for a long time.

When she finally woke up, she found that the environment she was in had completely changed——

The clean and white walls, the smell of disinfectant in the air, the flowers in the bedside vase...

And the person beside him sitting in a chair with his eyes closed for a nap.

(End of this chapter)

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