Chapter 487

Xia Ling was still worried, and kept asking:

"Are you okay? Then why are you in the hospital? Why are your feet wrapped like this? I see you have lost a lot of weight!"

One after another of questions made Ming Dai dizzy, and she didn't know where to start to answer.

Ling Xiu patted Xia Ling on the shoulder amusedly: "Okay, you have too many questions, didn't you see that you made Dai Dai faint?"

Xia Ling realized later, ahhh, suddenly embarrassed: "Do you want to rest more?"

Ming Dai smiled and shook her head: "I'm eating now."

Xia Ling swept across the small table in front of Ming Dai.

Hmm, very rich, is this a sick meal?
"How good is the patient meal in this hospital?"

When Xia Ling said this casually, Ming Dai looked a little uncomfortable.

It's just that Xia Ling is fine, but Auntie Lingxiu is also beside her...

He Mu, who had been silent all along, saw it.

He suddenly answered Xia Ling's series of questions just now: "Dai Dai is fine. She came to the hospital for a physical examination. She has an injury on her back heel and a slight cold. The rest is fine."

Xia Ling's eyes widened in astonishment: "Little uncle..." What are you doing?
He Muyipai calmly: "Aren't you answering your question?"

That was flattering.

Xia Ling twitched the corner of his mouth: "Heh, heh, thank you, little uncle."

After finishing speaking, he looked at He Mu several times in a row, observed his expression carefully, then looked back at Ming Dai, hesitating to speak.

As Xia Ling's best friend, Ming Dai could tell at a glance that Xia Ling had something to say.

"I want something to drink."

Ming Dai suddenly made a request.

Xia Ling was about to get up and said she was going to buy it.

Results and Mu have already taken over this task very naturally: "Is hot milk okay?"

Ming Dai fell silent.

He Mu reluctantly reminded: "You need to recuperate."

"...Okay." Ming Dai reluctantly agreed.

Afterwards, He Mu didn't make a fake hand, let alone ask the secretary to do it, but decided to buy it himself.

Ling Xiu smiled and said, "I'm with you."

He thoughtfully left space for the two little girls to chat, and also wanted to ask He Mu some questions.

In a blink of an eye, only Ming Dai and Xia Ling were left in the ward.

Xia Ling urged Ming Dai to eat the meal quickly, and don't waste time because of her.

Mingdai took a mouthful of porridge at a suitable temperature: "Speak." She put the spoon into her mouth.

Xia Ling looked up blankly: "What are you talking about?"

"Don't you have something to tell me?"

Xia Ling didn't expect to be spotted by Mingdai, so she scratched her face in embarrassment.

"Actually..." Xia Ling sighed and covered her face, "I was too anxious. Seeing what happened here, I wanted to ask my little uncle about the situation, but his tone was very calm. Do you think I can't be angry? Is it? So I, well, scolded him."

Xia Ling looked embarrassed and his eyes wandered.

"There is progress."

Ming Dai was extremely shocked.

You know, when Xia Ling saw He Mu before, it was like a herbivore seeing the forest overlord, the fear flowing in his genes and blood.

Now the progress is so great that you can open your mouth to scold He Mu?
So: "What did you scold?"

Ming Dai was in high spirits.

Xia Ling glanced at her: "Don't look like you're watching a show, can you?"

Ming Dai laughed so hard that she almost spilled the porridge in the spoon.

Xia Ling: "Okay, I called him a scumbag and called him by his name directly. Then I was also concerned about it, and I was in chaos. I didn't know that I misunderstood. He had already rushed to Province Y at that time. Comparable In Yanjing, I moved much faster. Speaking of which, Dai Dai, my little uncle is really good, a man who can be relied on at critical moments! And he is so nervous about you, he must like you very much, anyway, I Seeing what you mean, just confess to him earlier! Take it down! Be my little aunt!"

Ming Dai pursed her lips, Hu Po's eyes suddenly shone with shame, and immediately said, "Did you eat on the way here? Do you want to eat some too?"

The topic was changed too bluntly, as long as Xia Ling was not blind, he could see it.

Xia Ling: "...No way?"

Scarlet color quickly climbed from Ming Dai's neck to the pinnae.

Knowing that there is no way to avoid this level, Ming Dai tried to organize her words and talk carefully with her friends.

"That's right..."

"Little uncle, did he confess his love to you?" Xia Ling raised his eyebrows and nodded in satisfaction, "Not bad, very sensible."

Ming Dai raised her hand and touched the tip of her nose: "No."

"Not what? He didn't confess."

"Well, it's not him, it's me." Mingdai met Xia Ling's shocked eyes, "I confessed my love to him."

Xia Ling's expression was blank for three seconds, then he grabbed Ming Dai's hands and opened his mouth to scream.

Oh no, this is a hospital ward, no screaming.

Xia Ling stopped her unsuitable behavior in time, but also dragged Ming Dai to shake wildly.

Ming Dai's eyes are dazed: "Lingling, I'm dizzy."

Xia Ling let go of her hand in fright: "I'm sorry, I'm so excited, are you okay?"

Ming Dai ran her fingers through her messy hair: "I'm fine. But, is there a need to be so excited?"

"Of course!" Xia Ling nodded vigorously, his eyes gleaming, "Can I not be excited to see you take the initiative to get tough? He Mu, that's He Mu, now the initiative is in your hands, think about how you will be able to do it in the future." If you have a child, you tell her, 'Your father was chased by your mother back then', listen, is it the Queen's behavior?"

Ming Dai's eyes widened little by little, and the more she listened, the more confused she became: "No, isn't your idea drifting a little far?"

"Is it far?" Xia Ling didn't think so, and wandered along with his thoughts, "Wait, with the looks of the two of you, how good would it be if you had a baby in the future? Immortal! No, I want to be a godmother!"

Ming Dai accidentally thought about it, and her cheeks turned even redder.

Then he deliberately teased Xia Ling: "Godmother? Isn't she cousin?"

Xia Ling:!
His expression froze instantly, and Xia Ling seemed to be frozen.

"I'm from my mother's family."

Xia Ling defended weakly.

Ming Dai smiled and said nothing.

Xia Ling can't wait to rush over and pinch Ming Dai's face.

But thinking that Ming Dai was still in the hospital, he could only complain with dissatisfaction:
"Dede, you've turned bad!"

Ming Dai shrugged and suddenly remembered.

"It's fine for you to know about it for the time being. Don't let your mother, Aunt Ling, know."

Ming Dai hesitated, not knowing how to explain.

Xia Ling folded her arms: "Okay, I understand you, I'm sorry."

Ming Dai: " can also say that."

Xia Ling was surprised: "Do you have any other concerns?"

Ming Dai looked outside hesitantly to confirm that there was no one there, and then lowered her voice.

"After all, the future is uncertain. There is no need to rush to tell the world about the relationship at the beginning."

"Wait, do you think you will break up with your little uncle in the future?"

Xia Ling almost lost control of the volume.

"Keep your voice down!"

Ming Dai felt a little guilty.

Xia Ling squinted at Ming Dai, not knowing what to say.

At this time, He Mu and Ling Xiu were also talking.

(End of this chapter)

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