Chapter 488 The road ahead is difficult
He Mu knew that "drinking something" was just an excuse for Ming Dai to send him away and to whisper to Xia Ling.

It's a little sour, but there's nothing I can do, I have to control my emotions.

So, even though he knew that hot milk was sold in the vending machines in the corridor, he still chose to go to the supermarket on the first floor.

Ling Xiu walked with him, looking sideways at He Mu frequently along the way.

He Mu knew what Ling Xiu wanted to say.

"Just as you think."

Ling Xiu fell silent.

In a family with intricate roots and branches, Ling Xiu is one of the closest people to Tong and Mu. The relationship between the siblings has always been good.

For this reason, Ling Xiu received many benefits not out of her own will, and at the same time was envied by many relatives.

But these are irrelevant to Ling Xiu, she really regards He Mu as her own brother.

However, Ling Xiu only felt strange today when she had known her younger brother for so many years.

He is no longer the banished immortal who didn't eat the fireworks of the world, but a mortal mortal who is affected by joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

"Very good." Ling Xiu said with emotion suddenly.

The corners of He Mu's mouth were raised, and the brows were filled with sincere joy.

Ling Xiu watched: "Are you so happy? You are so happy to hear the blessing?"

Without hesitation, He Mu said, "Yes."

Ling Xiu smiled helplessly: "You, it's really unexpected."

It is precisely because of watching this younger brother grow up that Ling Xiu knows how strong the relationship with Mu is at the moment.

It is by no means as simple as a simple moment of fascination, but takes root in the marrow and touches the soul.


"You should know that there will be many obstacles in the future, right?"

It's not just He Mu's mother, Ms. Guo Xiling.

Perhaps it should be said that Ms. Guo's test was the best. She who loves her youngest son the most will never win against He Mu's persistence.

In addition to Ms. Guo, He Mu's father and Jing Qing are the same masters. Even if the tiger is old and has not been out of the mountain for a long time, his reputation still deeply frightens the major families in Yanjing, and he is the most important existence that cannot be ignored.

When He Mu was born that year, He Jingqing was over forty years old and held a high position.

Unlike Guo Xiling who dotes on his younger son in every possible way and only hopes that He Mu will be healthy and healthy, He Jingqing actually has high hopes for He Mu, and the education methods can be called harsh.

He Jingqing and Guo Xiling have another son and a daughter. When they were born, both He Jingqing and Jing Qing had to choose to let go of their children's education because of their special career period and were not in Yanjing. Therefore, He Mu's siblings grew up with their mother.

When He Mu was born, He Jingqing's career was completely stabilized, thinking that he had never educated a child before, so he brought He Mu himself to raise him, and he had to personally look over the tutors of all subjects and the courses he had learned.

He Mu's excellence is largely due to his extraordinary talent and natural talent.

But the painstaking efforts of his father and Jing Qing are absolutely indispensable behind the scenes.

Just like the peerless jade, it still needs jade cutters to show its brilliance to the eyes of the world.

With such a father, it is impossible for He Mu's life to be completely arbitrary and follow one's inclinations.

Compared with He Jingqing's attitude, He Mu's brother and sister He Yang and He Xi's attitudes are all secondary.

Not to mention the complicated relatives who have their own thoughts with the side branches of the family.

Ling Xiu was in it, she had personally experienced it so she could see it clearly, she was not as simple-minded as her daughter Xia Ling, so she understood how much mountain resistance He Mu had to overcome to make such a choice.

This is not an easy task, and without one thousand percent determination, it is absolutely impossible to reach the shore he wants.

If you plan to give up in the middle...

"Dai Dai is a good child. She is simple-minded, kind and beautiful. She is a child worth cherishing. Xiao Mu, if you don't have that determination, don't drag her into an embarrassing and dangerous situation."

Ling Xiu's expression was complicated, she was thinking about Ming Dai from the bottom of her heart.

He Mu knows.

"Do I look like an unreliable person?"

"That's not what it means..."

"I know."

He Mu glanced at Ling Xiu.

The intense and tumbling emotions in the eyes, like the magma in the crater, were scorchingly hot.

Ling Xiu was terrified watching it, and refreshed her understanding of He Mu again.


"Don't worry, I won't allow bad things to appear in front of Dai Dai."

He Mu's tone seemed flat, but there was inadvertently gentleness.

However, why did Ling Xiu hear the hostility from the bottom of this sentence?
It's as if there is really an unsightly way to get close to Ming Dai, and corpses will be scattered all over the field.

Ling Xiu suddenly realized that she might be worrying in the wrong direction.

You shouldn't worry that your relationship with Mu is not enough to let Mingdai down, but you should worry that your relationship with Mu is too deep and hurt Mingdai.

the other side.

In the ward.

"Dai Dai, tell me, if my little uncle knew that you were thinking about breaking up on the first day you started dating, wouldn't you feel very depressed?"

Xia Ling crossed her legs, as if watching a good show.

It doesn't matter, as long as it's not her family, Dai Dai, who gets hurt!
If my little uncle gets hurt... how can a man grow without some setbacks?
Ming Dai defended: "I'm not thinking about breaking up in the future, I just think that the relationship will not remain the same."

Xia Ling smiled narrowly: "I understand, I understand, you are young, who knows that one day you won't like him and Mu, and kicked him!"

Ming Dai was so angry that she was about to rush to hit Xia Ling, but Xia Ling dodged quickly.

"What do you say!"

Ming Dai was so angry that she had her hands on her hips.

Xia Ling hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Okay, I'm talking nonsense, don't take it to heart. Anyway, if you're in love, just be happy, don't think too much! We're the ones!"

Youth, never be afraid to try and make mistakes!

"Anyway, as long as you know, I will always stand by your side!"

Seeing Xia Ling swear to the sky with three fingers up, Ming Dai was completely moved.

Ming Dai softened her voice: "I see, so do you want to eat? I asked you just now."

Xia Ling rubbed her stomach: "Don't say it, I'm really hungry."

Ming Dai generously shared half of the food.

Anyway, He Mu prepared enough portions, she couldn't finish it all by herself.

Xia Ling took a sip of porridge and felt something was wrong: "Wait, isn't this a hospital meal?"

If the hospital canteen can reach this level, it can be directly changed to a top restaurant!

Ming Dai casually explained the origin of this delicious meal.

Xia Ling was dumbfounded.

"Not to mention anything else, little uncle is really careful enough for you!"

Apart from this meal, Xia Ling also thought of many things, such as the previous vacation on the island, and this time my little uncle came to Province Y to look for Dai Dai himself.

Especially when Xia Ling heard Mingdai talk about how he and Mu fell from the sky in a helicopter, they were so amazed that they almost thought they were watching a blockbuster romance movie.

Ming Dai pursed her smile, her eyes crooked: "That's right, he's very good, he's different from others."

Xia Ling looked at Ming Dai and smiled: Do I really need to worry about breaking up in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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