The phoenix's clear cry shook the sky and the earth!
And the ancient killing formation shining with silver electric sparks, entrenched in the sky above the capital, had swelled to cover the entire city like a canopy, pressing down with a devastating force, trying to strangle Ji Shi, the last remnant!

Ji Shi didn't panic, and merged with the phantom of the black phoenix above his head, rushed into the killing formation of lightning and thunder in one go, and was torn to pieces in the blink of an eye.

Bai Shao, who was in the center of the killing array, witnessed this scene with his own eyes, wept unceasingly, despairing and heartbroken.

He tried to struggle to save Ji Shi, but to no avail.

On the contrary, the killing formation slowly escaped his control and began to operate independently... What's going on?

Before the tears on Bai Shao's face dried up, he saw that the posture of the killing formation began to reverse, and all the contained power began to go round and round, starting all over again!
And Bai Shao, who was the main team member, had already been kicked out of the killing team, and inexplicably became a bystander, watching this change in puzzlement.

wrong!The core of the changing power is where Ji Shi crashed into!

Ji Shi... Isn't Ji Shi dead?

Bai Shao was both rejoiced and delighted.

At this moment, the crown prince came from behind Bai Shao: "She likes to read books very much, and the entire library hall has been turned over by her."

Following his words, Bai Shao seemed to see that the young Ji Shi hadn't been bound by a golden chain. Although he was not valued in the palace, but because everyone was afraid, he could get it everywhere, such as the library hall.

Could it be that the prince's words were... Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Bai Shao's brain.

In an instant, he understood everything.

It turns out that this is a game of chess!

A game of chess dominated by Ji Shi!

Ji Shi, who hates this war-torn world and this decadent dynasty, has long wanted to destroy everything!
And she read all the books in the palace, and finally made a plan, took Bai Shao's appearance as an opportunity to escape from the palace, promoted Bai Shao to the position of the savior with one hand, and searched out the demon from the hiding place in the world with one hand, and wiped them all out!
As for now, is Ji Shi going to...

Bai Shao looked at the sky without daring to blink!

Seeing that ancient killing formation, the track was abruptly reversed——

Everything in the world is born and restrained by each other.

The ancient killing array absorbed the power of many heavenly demons, and it had already swelled to a terrifying level. Once the power was reversed, it changed from killing to life, from murderous to full of vitality.

Wonderful power blows over everything like a spring breeze. In the mountains and forests around the capital city, the trees and flowers that withered and died due to the death energy brought by the descending of countless heavenly demons, because of this fresh air, bloomed with vitality again.

Including those people, whose illnesses were completely eliminated, and their limbs regenerated... Even the dying people suddenly woke up and started to jump around alive and well!
And this power is not limited to the capital city, but spreads and sweeps towards the whole world!

This is a blessing that the whole world will be blessed with!

The phantom of the phoenix loomed after the ancient killing formation, Ji Shi's misty voice sounded, and the great wish spread across the earth:
"May the world be like a dragon!"

Ji Shi, the world who destroyed the world.

Destroy the corrupt and dilapidated system, and let the new world be reborn from the ashes!
The killing array... or the birthing array, finally exhausted its power, and exploded like fireworks, gorgeous and gorgeous.

And the phantom of the black phoenix also disappeared.

There was only a little spot of light left, which floated down and fell into Bai Shao's arms.

Bai Shao wept with joy: "Phoenix Nirvana, she will come back!"

The prince looked at the ball of light in his arms complicatedly and tenderly.


Go back in time, go back many years ago.

Concubine Rou in the palace, the woman who gave birth to the world-destroying demon star a few months later, was anxiously waiting for her arrival in the imperial garden.

A handsome man approached quietly, but he was not an obese old emperor.

Concubine Rou's eyes filled with tears: "Take me away."

The man is in pain and tangled.

Concubine Rou supported her flat stomach: "I broke your child!"

Across her frail and thin body, a little black phoenix is ​​spreading its wings.



The camera zooms out, and the empty and melodious Guqin sounds.

There was a long silence in the theater, and I didn't know how to describe the mood after watching the movie at this moment!
After a long time, they finally came to their senses, and the applause resounded like thunder throughout the auditorium!

Some even got up and stood up directly, dedicating with the greatest enthusiasm to the main creators ahead!
Ming Dai is already very familiar with this kind of scene.

After the premiere of "Twin Flowers" last time, they also received enthusiastic applause from the audience.

For filmmakers, this is definitely the biggest recognition.

So Ming Dai's smile became brighter and brighter, like a child embracing the whole world.

And she lowered her head a little, and in the auditorium full of seats, she saw He Mu who was applauding at a glance.

He looked so good, and in the dimly lit movie theater, he was still so conspicuous as if someone had specially illuminated him. At that time, he smiled and applauded, and the bright light strips that slowly lit up above his head filled his eyes.

At this moment, Mingdai is extremely satisfied—for He Mu to accompany her again and witness her moment of glory!

The applause lasted for a long time.

Until the lights came on, the host stopped the audience several times, and finally suppressed the enthusiasm of the audience.

Immediately afterwards, another wave of greater enthusiasm came, asking questions.

There were not many professional film critics and reporters present, but this did not prevent them from asking many questions.

What's more, today's movie audiences, all of whom have been baptized in the information age, have already practiced enough aesthetics for reading movies, and often ask sharper questions than professionals.

The overwhelming questions headed towards the stage, and the host couldn't stop them, so he had to increase the time for the next question-and-answer session.

Logically speaking, director Shen Nan, as a director of bad films in the past, should have received more attention as a blockbuster rising star this time.

However, Shen Nan is really not good at words. Sitting in the editing room, she can speak eloquently for three days without panting, but when asked by the audience, she has to think hard for a long time before she can hold back a word.

Naturally, the microphone was handed over to Ming Dai.

As an investor in this film, she participated in the production from beginning to end, and experienced script polishing...Ming Dai's identity is not a single leading role, on the contrary, her deep understanding of this film can be said to be second only to the director.

When director Shen Nan couldn't cope, this Q&A session became her home game.

Before the movie was played, everyone had already seen Ming Dai's ability to speak freely.

And then, they refreshed their cognition again and again.


He Mu and You Rongyan.

Xia Ling beside him suddenly said, "Come on, little uncle."


"If you don't work hard, you will not be able to catch up with Dai Dai."

Xia Ling, who was so proud of her friends, realized what she had said belatedly.

The back of the neck is a little chilly.

"you're right."

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