Even Xia Ling didn't expect that the little uncle would agree with her in a serious manner.

After a while to react, Xia Ling beat his head angrily.

Why didn't it record it!
"I can tell her."

He Mu repeated it casually, and didn't think it was something embarrassing to say.

Only an incompetent and mediocre man would be furious and inferior because of the excellence of his girlfriend or wife, like He Mu, he is only proud of Ming Dai!
Xia Ling: "Huh?"

Did she actually say what she was muttering in her heart?

But the sour smell of love is really... suffocate her to death!

Xia Ling, who was cursing silently in his heart, did not dare to reveal his thoughts this time, and continued to focus on Ming Dai on stage.

Pleasant time always passes quickly. Seeing that the question-and-answer session was delayed by an hour faster than expected, the audience and reporters were still enthusiastic, and the atmosphere was warm and high-spirited. Come out and start the cue process.

"The next step is...the photo session! We will draw lucky viewers on the spot, and come on stage to take photos with the main creators!"

The resentment quickly turned into ecstasy, and the cheers and screams almost lifted the roof off!

In such a frenzied atmosphere, if the lottery draw is unfair, the enthusiastic audience in the audience and the scene will be able to "tear up" the lottery winners on the spot.

For this reason, the organizer had expected that it would issue a number plate to each audience in advance, and the leading actors would directly draw number balls from the transparent box to choose the person to take a photo with.

There are three places. After the host announced, the atmosphere became more and more tense!

Ming Dai was pushed out by everyone to draw a lottery.

She reluctantly walked to the transparent box and drew out the first two numbers without hesitation.

The ones who were drawn were a man and a woman. According to the seat layout, the girls were Ming Dai's fans, while the boys were ordinary viewers.

The lucky female fan who was drawn, almost screamed and jumped up under the envious and jealous eyes, and ran up the stage, causing laughter again and again within a moment.

And those male viewers looked very young, probably college students. Although they were not as excited as the female fans, their seemingly calm faces were still red, obviously shy, so they were caught by the host on the spot and made fun of them To enliven the atmosphere.

Host: "The last number left now! Let's see who this last lucky viewer is!"

Ming Dai reached into the transparent box, grabbed it casually, and lowered her head: "Six...Number six?"

The tone paused, and surprise rose.

Because she knows who Number Six is.

However, the atmosphere at the scene was so enthusiastic that few people noticed this small detail, and they all desperately searched for the location of the last lucky guy——

In the middle of the second row, He Mubian got up and tidied his sleeves slowly.

The atmosphere of the scene froze for a moment, probably because they did not expect that there would be such a master who could light up half of the theater sitting in the dark auditorium.

He Mu had a low-key itinerary today and drove here in person. He was wearing a very simple dark green linen shirt with the shirt collar buttoned up to the third from the top, and black loose trousers. The emerald bamboo in the crevices of the stone is as clear as jade.

The rolled up sleeves reveal the tight forearm muscles, and an antique Rolex watch on the wrist. The brilliance is restrained and simple, and it is inconspicuous at first glance. At a glance, you can tell that this antique watch was a limited edition 80 years ago. There are only three of them in the world, and being able to wear it is not just rich, but expensive.

But these are all external things, and He Mu's facial features alone are enough to make people amazing. His facial features are deep, with high browbones pressing deep dark eyes, a perfect and wide nose bridge, and a calm smile on his lips.

There is a distant and unreachable temperament of the snow-covered peak for thousands of years. Even in this scorching summer, the whole body is surrounded by cool air, which makes people feel alienated and fearful, and cannot be seen closely.

It's hard to imagine that this person, who looks like a top boss at first glance, would actually get up from his seat in honor of the fun-like lottery group photo session of the movie premiere.

According to the stereotypes of the people, such a noble person should be held on the altar and worshiped.

But...he just got up, his posture was calm and natural, and he came to the stage while everyone was holding their breath, ignoring all the unbelievable eyes.

The eloquent host couldn't help stammering when he met him: "You, please! Please!"

Bow your head and bow your head in awe.

But no one laughed at the host, because it might not be any better for them.

However, He Mu's attitude was modest, without the arrogance of being superior, instead he nodded and thanked the host.

The audience in the audience, from reporters to viewers to fans, couldn't help talking:

"Who is this guy, he looks so imposing!"

"The person sitting in the second row... should be some boss from the management that the film crew invited!"

"This boss has a good temper, and he went up when he was called."

"Hey, did you see the boss's watch? At least eight digits!"


Under the guidance of the host, He Mu walked a few steps and happened to stand beside Ming Dai.

Ming Dai has mixed feelings——

The number six card was handed to him as a joke before she came to the theater.

He picked it up, but he didn't expect to be chosen for a group photo.

It's really...fate!

However, the two had a tacit understanding, pretending not to know each other, and politely nodding their heads to greet each other.

Next, three lucky viewers, including He Mu, took turns taking photos. According to the host, everyone can ask any question to the creators.

The first female fan of course chose Ming Dai to ask questions.

When she took the microphone, she was so happy that she was on the verge of tears, which made Ming Dai a little flattered, and even stretched out her hand to pat her on the shoulder to comfort her.

The young female fan was trembling with excitement: "Dai Dai, are you happy now?"

Ming Dai was taken aback.

Many audience members were stunned.

After Ming An and Yu Ting's incident broke out, the discussion about Ming Dai's original family stopped endlessly.

In fact, in the past, Ming Dai attracted some criticism and jealousy because she became popular too quickly and was too young. She felt that Ming Dai was not worthy, or she was simply a resource guy with a push behind her.

As a result, when the family story came out, Ming Dai's image was no longer unattainable and perfect, but instead made many people feel approachable and have a good impression of her.

Only the fans feel sorry for her growing up in such a family, they only hope that Mingdai can live in happiness and worry-free, with a clean skirt.

Therefore, the young female fan's question seemed outrageous at first glance, but upon careful consideration, it was reasonable.

Ming Dai could also feel the deep concern from the fans, and her heart couldn't help trembling.

Answer without hesitation: "Of course, and every day in the future will be happy!"

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