Chapter 584 It's all Gu Lingsi's fault!
The former Gu Changming, how eccentric and doting on this younger sister;
The later Gu Changming hated and hated this younger sister so much.

No, Gu Lingsi is not his sister!
She is just a fake daughter who dove into the magpie's nest, a scheming and vicious girl who successfully disguised herself!
It was she who knew her life experience early on, but she was greedy for the Gu family's money and reputation, and she insisted on lying for many years!

Even after the truth was exposed, he seized things that did not belong to him, slandered and smeared the kind and innocent Ming Dai, and even the whole family was blinded and mistrusted her!

Who would have thought that Gu Lingsi was a ruthless white-eyed wolf!Most of the reason why the Gu family ended up like that is due to her!

If it wasn't for Gu Lingsi's hindrance, how could he end up renting a house?Tormented by poverty every day, you lose your arrogance?

It's Gu Lingsi!
It's all Gu Lingsi's fault!
——Gu Changming is extremely resentful!
Intense hatred spewed out like magma from the crater of the eruption, burning him completely out of reason.

Uncle Wang turned his head to see that something was wrong, and wanted to ask something, but was frightened by Gu Changming's scary look and kept silent.

In the end, Gu Changming took the initiative to ask Uncle Wang: "I have already made an appointment with Gu Lingsi, right?"

Uncle Wang: "Yes...ah yes."

As he spoke, he recounted all the calls made by Gu Changming and Gu Lingsi that Fatty heard just now.

"Good, good, good."

Gu Changming clenched his palms tightly into fists, his joints protruding heavily.

He turned his gaze and looked out the window.

At the school gate, a light and slender figure in a white skirt walked out unhurriedly, with long straight black hair blowing gently in the wind, full of the nobility and generosity of a wealthy daughter.

It's Gu Lingsi.

She turned her head and looked around, her eyes finally fell on Gu Changming's car parked by the side of the road, showing a pleasant smile.

"elder brother!"

She shouted crisply and nicely, attracting a lot of attention.

Everyone also noticed the tens of millions of luxury cars on the side of the road, and instantly showed enlightened expressions.

Gu Lingsi didn't pay attention to everything around her, ran towards Gu Changming at a trot, leaned over to get closer to the back seat...

The windows were not open.

Gu Lingsi's movements were forced to stop, with a little embarrassment on his face.

But she quickly adjusted her expression, muttering, "Isn't it because I haven't contacted for a while, are you still angry with me?" Then she raised her hand and knocked on the car door.

Uncle Wang hesitated for a moment, then pressed the window down button.

Gu Changming didn't say anything, and as the car window lowered, he met Gu Lingsi's bright eyes.

He raised the corner of his mouth, full of sarcasm——

It is obviously such immature scheming and calculation, even the so-called innocence is so expressive.

How did he in his previous life be deceived and deceived, and how did he wake up after being tricked so badly?

However, the current Gu Lingsi is obviously not as mature and introverted as he will be after many years. Almost all the small thoughts are on the table, making it difficult for people not to see clearly at a glance.

But Gu Changming didn't rush to poke it, but said: "Find a place to sit?"

He looked around, because it was the noon break, and there were three universities scattered in the nearby streets, so there were many people coming and going, and there were many curious eyes.

Gu Changming pushed the door and got out of the car.

Gu Lingsi also thought Gu Changming was weird, but didn't think too much about it.

She knew in her heart that if the entire Gu family wanted to say who was sincerely treating her well, it would undoubtedly be Gu Changming.

He really regarded himself as her own brother, and Gu Lingsi was willing to be her own sister forever.

It's just that the elder brother can no longer have a second younger sister.

During this period of time, Gu Changming neglected her a little, but that's okay, she will forgive him.

After all, they are brothers and sisters, no matter how noisy they are, they will always reconcile.

So, even if brother knew that she was using him on purpose, he wouldn't be angry, right?

In terms of speaking, this is not called using.

Half an hour ago, Gu Lingsi was dressing up in the dormitory, and her roommate jokingly asked her if she was going to meet the handsome guy.

Gu Lingsi puffed up her face: "Although he is a handsome guy, it is a pity that he is my own brother. He had a quarrel some time ago, and finally he is willing to come to see me."

The roommate was surprised. She didn't expect Gu Lingsi to quarrel with her brother.

Gu Lingsi took advantage of the situation and said a few explanations, such as failing the college entrance examination, maxing out the card when shopping, and so on.

Seeing the excited light in his roommate's eyes, Gu Lingsi knew it was safe.

It has been a month since she entered school, and Gu Lingsi's status as an internet blogger is basically known by the whole school. Of course, her personality as a daughter is also seen by everyone.

At first, everyone was convinced and willing to be friends with her. They thought that even if they couldn’t form a solid and long-term friendship with the eldest lady, it would be good to follow her for good things or appear in her videos. .

As a result, Gu Lingsi was sought after by the whole school, and even the coldest schoolboy god bowed his head to chase her. This kind of life made Gu Lingsi seem to have returned to the days when he was once admired by all the stars.

Of course, the school grass did not agree, no matter how handsome she is, she is far from being able to compare with Ning Xu, and her family is rich, but her conditions are far from Ning Shu's.

Gu Lingsi was sober, and his eyes were raised.

She just simply enjoys the feeling of being cared for and taken care of by others.

But slowly, as time went by, everyone found that Gu Lingsi was not as good as the "Miss" as expected.

Although she wears all luxury brands, she lives in the dormitory for a long time, and the rest of the expenses are not luxurious. She doesn't even have wealthy friends to visit her, and she doesn't even have an exclusive driver...

There were too many things that were wrong, and some people began to doubt her identity, and posts appeared on the Internet.

It is said that Gu Lingsi is the image created by the company, and all the lofty performances are for the purpose of establishing a person.

... Being half right, Gu Lingsi inevitably felt guilty.

She knew better that she must not be seen through this persona.

That low-key rhetoric can fool some people, but not everyone.

She had to come up with a more perfect way to dispel everyone's doubts.

At this time, Gu Changming's contact came.

How could she not seize the opportunity?
Go out and dress up, and then pretend that you didn't mean to reveal it to your roommate.

She knew her roommate's big mouth. Before she stepped out of the dormitory, the news that Brother Gu Lingsi was coming would spread throughout the school, and those who cared would naturally come to see her.

So she deliberately played tricks and asked Gu Changming to pick her up. She knew that Gu Changming's car was a Rolls Royce specially given to him by Gu Qi. It's about beating up a group of young college students.

Now, Gu Changming came as she wished.

Feeling the envious and amazed eyes falling on her body, at this moment, Gu Lingsi's vanity reached a peak!
And Gu Lingsi, who was so flustered, didn't realize what was going to happen next!
(End of this chapter)

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