"It's lunch time, do you want something to eat? I know there is an Omakase nearby."

Although the main restaurants near the university are affordable small restaurants, just as there is never a shortage of rich students among the students, there are always expensive shops nearby, so it is not uncommon for thousands of omakase per capita to open nearby.

Of course, Gu Lingsi had never been there.

Although she is making a lot of money as a blogger now, Gu Lingsi is eager to buy a house ever since Liu Zhengqing's mother kicked her out of his house and hotel with her luggage twice.

She has high vision, and what she looks at is not ordinary real estate, either large flats with tens of millions of dollars, or villas with hundreds of millions of dollars.

This level of vision is naturally far from matching her income.

What can I do?Will the money come out?

of course not.

She can only save money and reduce other unnecessary expenses.

Like this kind of Japanese grocery store with an average per capita of several thousand, they used to go there as diligently as a canteen, but now they are determined not to go.

But today, with Gu Changming here, what is a mere few thousand?
Gu Lingsi even made up his mind to have a hard time with his elder brother after dinner, and it would be best if he could give her the secondary card.

Temporarily suppressing these petty thoughts, Gu Lingsi was waiting for Gu Changming's straightforward "yes".

As a result, Gu Changming didn't agree to say anything for a long time, and even took a deep look at her.

Gu Lingsi didn't understand why Gu Changming looked at himself with such eyes, scanning up and down, as if... scrutinizing?
At this time, she didn't know that her little calculation might be able to hide from Gu Changming who was blinded by the filter of family affection before, but she definitely couldn't hide from Gu Changming who had experienced the bottom of society, seen the darkest human nature, and was reborn .

Gu Changming knew what Gu Lingsi was thinking with just one glance.

So he said: "No, I have an upset stomach and I don't want to eat, just find a coffee shop."

Gu Lingsi couldn't hide her disappointment. How could she make a video to fool fans?
"Well, that's fine."

I dare not say negative words, so Gu Lingsi reluctantly agreed.

But she hasn't given up hope for the secondary card yet, planning to get Gu Changming's card, go eat in two days, and send a video by the way to stabilize her personality.

After thinking about it for a while, Gu Lingsi remembered that he should care about Gu Changming.

"...Brother, are you feeling unwell? Have you gone to see a doctor?"

Gu Changming swept over her coolly.

Why didn't I find Gu Lingsi's selfishness before, and just thought she was good at everything?

I also feel that the two of them grew up together, even if there is no blood relationship, his sister will be the person who cares about him most in this world...

Hehe, look at her.

Even the expression of pretended concern was so clumsy and ridiculous that he could see through it at a glance.

So, how did he in his previous life be blinded by this idiot and ignore the people who should really care?


Gu Changming resisted the urge to meet Ming Dai immediately, and tried not to think about her, but to deal with Gu Lingsi first.

He turned his gaze away from Gu Lingsi, and looked around.

"Just that one."

Gu Lingsi became more and more disappointed.

The coffee shop that Gu Changming mentioned is in the mid-range price range around the school, and the people who go there are the surrounding residents, school teachers, and students from better-off families. It looks good at first glance, but it is different from the coffee shop that Gu Lingsi went to far.

But after thinking about it, this coffee shop is big enough, and there are many people at this point, unlike those expensive coffee shops, the tables are far away from each other, and no one can hear her chatting with Gu Changming.

Well, it is a good opportunity to set up a person.

"Okay, let's go!"

This time Gu Lingsi smiled brightly, just like the carefree time when she was in the Gu family.

Gu Changming concealed the contempt in his eyes, and walked ahead first.

He was tall and had long legs. When he walked fast, Gu Lingsi couldn't keep up.

She also specially wore a pair of small stiletto sandals today, and she couldn't walk fast.

In the end, he could only shout to Gu Changming: "Brother, wait for me."

Gu Changming ignored her and pretended to be looking elsewhere, but didn't hear her.

Soon he had reached the door of the coffee shop, opened the door and entered.

Gu Lingsi had no choice but to jog, her well-manicured long hair was messed up, and the straps of her newly bought sandals made her insteps red. She still didn't dare to lose her temper, so she could only pretend to be coquettish and ask Gu Changming why she didn't hear.

Gu Changming glanced at her: "What to drink?"

"..." Gu Lingsi felt that something was wrong, "Latte."

Gu Changming quickly ordered with the clerk, handed out the black card and swiped it.

This time it's really not him pretending, but Gu Changming has an assistant with him all the year round, and there are only cards and no cash in his wallet.

Gu Lingsi immediately noticed that when Gu Changming swiped his card, two girls came in behind him, pretending to be casual and lowering their heads to talk, but Gu Lingsi had already recognized that they were from the same department as her.

The conversation between the two came indistinctly, and words like "black card", "rich", and "really" also floated into her ears.

Gu Lingsi raised the corner of her mouth, feeling that her goal was half achieved.

So those previous doubts were also eliminated, and I found a seat and sat down.

She didn't look around.

But she knew there were a lot of people watching her, and that was enough.

Gu Changming followed, glanced at the position, and sat down:
"Why don't you sit inside? Don't you find it noisy?"

"The scenery is good."

Gu Lingsi smiled and rolled her eyes.

Gu Changming did not express his opinion.

At this time, Gu Lingsi began to start the conversation that he had prepared a long time ago:

"How's Dad doing? Is the company busy? Hey, Mom is away on vacation in Europe, and I'm at school..."

"You still run away from home, how can he be in a better mood?"

Gu Changming almost bluntly punctured the carefree and rich lady atmosphere that Gu Lingsi tried to create in his words.

Gu Lingsi's face froze, and she controlled her eyes not to wander around.

"Brother, why did you run away from home?" She forced the corners of her mouth up, "I just..."

Gu Changming simply interrupted her: "Just want to understand where I should be?"

These words were too cold and cruel, as sharp as a knife, cutting Gu Lingsi's body with bruises.

Even though Gu Lingsi made a lot of small calculations with Gu Changming today, she never thought that she would hear Gu Changming talk to her like this.

He is her brother!Even if he already knew that she was not his biological sister, but Ming Dai was...but the 18 years of getting along and family relationship cannot be parted and cannot be replaced!

How could he do this to her!

I found the surroundings suddenly quiet.

Gu Lingsi endured the flushed eyes and said:
"Brother, what's the matter with you? Are you in a bad mood? Oh yes, you're not feeling well, or would you go back earlier?"

Gu Changming didn't move.

He clasped his hands on the table and looked at her indifferently:

"Don't call me brother, you are not my sister."

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