As soon as the clarification came out, Ming Dai was scolded miserably.

Netizens scolded her for deliberate hype, otherwise why didn't she respond after so many days?Wait until things are about to calm down again?
Even those passers-by and netizens who have improved their senses are very disgusted with her behavior of using the name of a scientist to cleanse herself, and hate her even more.

For a moment, Ming Dai's popularity with passers-by fell to the bottom.

And she didn't respond to anything, just endured it silently.

It was also a long time later that he inadvertently learned about it from her manager's cousin.

It turned out that before he said to break up, Ming Dai had a big fight with her cousin, just because the cousin didn't want to give up such a good opportunity to hype.

She has always been obedient to her cousin and her parents, but at that time she expressed fiercely that if her cousin didn't do this, then she would choose to retire directly, and everyone would just break up!
'I think she might want to quit the circle and marry you!My sister, she has a bad brain, earning tens of millions in the entertainment industry, isn't it better than some poor scientist like you? '

Her cousin, who was drunk, sarcastically sarcastically.

He was indifferent to this.

Occasionally, when I dream back at midnight, when I can't fall asleep in the happy time with her, I will think of her cousin's words of "retire from the circle and marry him", and my heart feels like it is being torn apart, and I feel very uncomfortable.

After several months like this, he finally couldn't bear it and wanted to find her.

Maybe they can try again...

Then, he learned that she already had a new boyfriend.

It was the rich second generation who flamboyantly threw money after her in school, who seemed to be called Ning Xu?He came from the huge Ning family with complicated backgrounds, and even he had heard of the family's fame.

Mingdai's choice unintentionally coincided with the worrying words of her cousin and parents.

After all, the showbiz with fame and fortune is more suitable for her.

He suddenly felt that he was so ridiculous that he really thought how hard their relationship was, and he was so stupid that he wanted to find her.

Stupid or not?
So he quickly cleaned up his emotions and asked himself that time is the best medicine.

As time goes by, he will definitely come out slowly, and there is still a lot of work waiting for him to do.

Look at Ming Dai, didn't she walk out smoothly?
Can't lose.

And what he didn't know was.

During the time they broke up, Ming Dai experienced the most painful days in her life——

The parents were told that they were not parents, and the so-called wealthy biological parents came to her, but they looked down on her career at all, and only wanted to spoil the adopted daughter who made them look good and everyone praised her.

Ming Dai's inherent cognition was smashed and forced to reshape. She became confused and didn't know where to go. She chose to subconsciously cater to her biological parents and imitate the person who was falsely called her twin sister. She had to obliterate the light that belonged to her, trying to become the person they expected.

She was in extreme pain, and her soul was tortured like a blunt knife. She suffered from insomnia, hair loss, and even anxiety attacks all night long.

And he wasn't even by her side.

On the contrary, it was the rich second generation Ning Xu who made him despise him, who accompanied her every day, joked with her, made her happy, and made her come out of that shadow, like a withered flower blooming again.

Ning Xu brought her happiness, and the reason why she chose Ning Xu is naturally understandable.

On the contrary, he was occupied by arrogance and prejudice, and he was unwilling to even find her to get to know her. He thought that she was a person who admired money, and he came to a conclusion easily.

More than a year after breaking up with Ming Dai, he also began to contact blind dates according to what his parents said, "start a family and start a business".

He met a few of them one after another, but he couldn't be tempted to say anything. On the contrary, he felt that talking to them was boring.

Inevitably, they would think of Ming Dai again, and how they could even chat about swans and fishes in Yanda Lake with gusto.

But they can't go back.

And he didn't want to go back.

So they found a woman with a similar family background and background, named Zhao Xian.

Everyone is calm and rational, and determined to dedicate their lives to their careers. Even getting married is like fulfilling a task in life and the expectations of their parents, rather than their own wishes.

Someone joked that Zhou Yunzhi found a girlfriend who was a copy of him.

He didn't feel bad, but thought they would have a common language.

But the truth is, they don't even bother to chat.

after that……

It was that banquet.

He didn't want to participate at first, but he heard Zhao Xian mention the word Ming Dai inadvertently.

With a thought, he wanted to see how she was doing.

It turned out that she was in a mess.

She wanted him to take her to the banquet hall, and he did.

Turning around, he couldn't help being angry, seeing her humble pleading just for a mere banquet, he couldn't help mocking her aloud, as expected, he saw her pale face, unable to speak.

He was not in a good mood, and left quickly with Zhao Xian.

Not long after, he excused himself to be busy and left the banquet early.

Therefore, he had no idea what happened at the banquet.

Even the news of Mingdai's death came to the laboratory the next day to listen to colleagues discussing it.

He thought his ears had misheard.

Or, it was a dream and did not wake up.

But the bright news was there, and even her profile picture on her personal account had become black and white.

... The world is darkened, and the sky and the earth collapse.

His sanity collapsed in that instant.

Unable to accept the facts, he threw away all the work in his hand, locked himself in the room for three days and nights and did not come out.

His parents found out, they came to persuade him, and even brought Zhao Xian here.

He did respond, but broke up with Zhao Xian.

Zhao Xian agreed very readily, but she was just curious about what happened to him.

he does not know.

He doesn't even know it himself.

He could only feel the coldness of his soul, and the world seemed to lose its attraction in his eyes.

The belated affection swept over him, and the intense despair brought about by the loss of his beloved completely crushed him.

So much so that during that time, he lived without knowing the years, and he didn't even know that when the news of her death first came out, she was attacked by others. Many people said that she deserved to die, or that the fire was a punishment from God.

He was immersed in his own emotions, and cut off all contact with the outside world, but he didn't know that someone helped her investigate everything and returned her innocence.

When he was finally willing to raise his eyes to look at the outside world again, Ming Dai had already become the white moonlight in everyone's heart.

Everyone is remembering her, regretting the excessive behavior towards her at the beginning, and starting to recall her kindness, and those bad rumors disappeared overnight.

They all love her.

He loves her too.

But only then did they know.

Since then, his life has been divided into two parts.

Before losing Ming Dai, he was a high-spirited and proud son of heaven, with a bright future;
After losing Ming Dai, he is a broken soul lingering on his last breath, and his life has no goal.

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