Chapter 435

Although Li Miaomiao was not interested in the members of the G Association, especially this person named Wu Gui, but there was nothing he could do except to humiliate him on the surface, so he simply focused on the key points.

Even if this matter was reported anonymously, it couldn't be a coincidence that the people from the G Club came so quickly and in such a timely manner. There must be articles in it. If we investigate through this, it will not be difficult to find the person who wanted to frame Wei Xiang.

She is a protector. Since Wei Xiang called her master, he couldn't just watch him being tricked by others, and You Qi got involved with her too.

With such a person here, what happened today will definitely continue to happen in the future.

Li Miaomiao's request is not too much, of course, it depends on who is making the request.

"Before I came here, I had already considered asking someone to investigate, and I believe there will be an answer soon."

Whether it was Li Miaomiao or the director of the G Association, they didn't avoid people saying this, which made someone panic instantly. He never thought that things would develop like this.

The leaders in the factory not only have no intention of stopping this matter, but hope that this matter can be investigated, otherwise there is such a person in the factory, who is so vicious, and they will always find people from the G Association. Limited, can't stand the scare.

Li Miaomiao nodded when she heard the words. In her opinion, the Director of the G Club is definitely not a good thing, but he does know current affairs.

However, Li Miaomiao knew that the attitude of Director G was because of Zhou Shao, and this time she was playing tricks.

Although the G Society will be canceled in a short period of time, and these people in it will get their own retribution, but before that, the people in the G Society have great power, and ordinary people cannot afford to offend them.
I didn’t see that the leaders of the repair shop didn’t dare to speak up until later. Wei Xiang is the pillar of the repair shop. How could they not want to maintain it? It’s not because they are afraid of the G meeting and they are afraid that they will be implicated.

Someone from Club G came in from the outside and said something in Club G's ear. The director of Club G looked at the people in the repair shop
"Whoever reported it, stand up and don't let me arrest people myself. I have a bad temper. If I let me arrest people myself, then I will decide what the end will be."

The director of the G Association looked at these people in the repair shop with a half-smile, and asked him to make this trip for nothing. The family sells well, but he also made such an oolong, it is good that he does not offend others.

As soon as the director of the G Association said this, the people in the repair shop looked at each other, and they were very disturbed. Since the director of the G Association said so, they must be among them, but they didn't stand up. I don't know why. Fluke or what.

"I'll say it again, who did it, stand up for me immediately! Don't let me ask a third time, I'll count to three, if you still don't stand up, let me point it out myself, I will kill you today!"

As soon as Director G finished speaking, he glanced fiercely at the people in the repair shop, and suddenly there was a plop, and one of the first few technicians behind the leader suddenly knelt down, his face was pale, and his forehead was covered in cold sweat. I was frightened by the director of the G club.

But as far as the G meeting is concerned, these people are very ruthless, these words are not entirely bluffing.
Everyone looked at the kneeling man in surprise, but they didn't expect it to be him. He has a pretty good relationship with Wei Xiang on weekdays, and Wei Xiang gave him a lot of technical advice before, so he could become the second assistant of the repair shop. handle
Even Wei Xiang was surprised. Before this, he did not expect that the person who plotted against him behind his back would be his good friend. He has no secrets in teaching technology on weekdays.

"I know people, know faces, but don't know my heart. I never thought it would be you. Even if I'm blind, I'll believe someone like you."

Li Chunxiang became even angrier: "Bah, you white-eyed wolf, how did our old Wei treat you like a brother, and now he wants to plot against our old Wei behind his back, you are not guilty!"

"Okay, I found him today, Comrade Li Miaomiao, I will take him back."

"That's annoying."

Li Miaomiao nodded and didn't ask any further questions. Everyone is a smart person. Since this person was taken away, naturally there will be no good end.

On the contrary, the people in the repair shop looked at Li Miaomiao differently.

Everyone knows that Li Miaomiao has a background, but they didn't expect that Li Miaomiao's background is so strong that even the people in the G meeting dare not offend. Wei Xiang's luck is good. This time, he met Li Miaomiao. If you come to the door, it will not be the result.
As for whether they are clean or not, it doesn't matter to those in the G club, but if they go in, they will always peel off their skin. What's more, like Wei Xiang, he must have accumulated a lot of wealth over the years, can the people in the G club let it go?

"Okay, now that the matter is settled, let's all go back to our respective posts and work."

After finishing speaking, the leader of the repair shop looked at Li Miaomiao again, with a more respectful attitude than before: "Comrade Li Miaomiao, who are you?"

"There are still some technical issues that I haven't finished talking about. Go ahead and leave me alone."

Li Miaomiao seemed to act as if nothing happened just now, the leader of the repair shop nodded after hearing that, said a few more words, and left according to Li Miaomiao's wishes

Seeing that the leaders had left, Li Chunxiang breathed a sigh of relief: "Master Miao Miao, I'm sorry, we caused you trouble. I was too impulsive, so people found opportunities to take advantage of it."

Li Chunxiang is really annoyed to death right now, she is not stupid, she doesn't understand what happened just now.

"Sister-in-law, don't blame yourself, it's all right now, isn't it? You have to think about it the other way around, this is also good, just to find out the person who secretly wants to harm Brother Wei, otherwise there is such a person, such a deliberate plan, sooner or later it will still happen." If something like this happens, there may not be such a good result.”

"Master, thank you, thanks to you being here this time, you have solved my future problems for me."

Of course Wei Xiang understood, but he just felt that Li Miaomiao was being troubled again. It was because he was not cautious enough and made friends.

"It's needless to say that. I, Li Miaomiao, am a person who protects my weaknesses. How could I not care about such a thing? Why don't you call me master. This master is not for nothing."

Knowing Li Miaomiao's temper, Wei Xiang didn't say any more words of thanks, but just kept this kindness in his heart.

It was already late when Li Miaomiao came home with her things.

"Why did you come back at this time? If you don't come back again, I will go find you."

Li Miaomiao talked about today's events: "It's not bad to say that it's good to know a brother, otherwise the people in the G club won't have such an attitude."

This is why so many people want power.

(End of this chapter)

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