Pei Guoan didn't expect so many things to happen today, write down Wu Gui's name, and anyone who dares to hit his wife's attention is not a matter of success.
"The status of the Zhou family in the capital, people from the G Association really don't dare to mess with it."

Pei Guoan didn't say to let Li Miaomiao let go of the trouble. In the current situation, he really doesn't have such ability, but there will be a day when he will grow to the level of the Zhou family, and no one will dare to touch him anymore. wife.

It won't be too far from this day.

"I've already prepared a meal in the kitchen, so I'll eat something first. Even if I want to repair the freezer, I have to fill my stomach first."

Pei Guoan knew Li Miaomiao best, and at this moment he must be focused on fixing the refrigerator.

Li Miaomiao nodded, she was indeed hungry: "Okay, then let's go eat first."

In the evening, Pei Guoan waited for Li Miaomiao to fall asleep and went out. When Li Miaomiao went shopping the next day, he heard someone gossip.

"I don't know what wicked thing Wu Gui did. He was beaten half to death, stripped naked and hung on the tree in front of the G club. He really didn't wear anything, his eyes are hot!"

"Wu Gui is usually very arrogant, but this time he fell, his leg was broken, and his family sent him to the hospital."

Li Miaomiao felt familiar when she heard Wu Gui's name. She thought, this is not the guy who wanted to take advantage of her in the G meeting yesterday and was kicked away by her. It didn't take long for Wu Gui to suffer retribution.

There shouldn't be a second Wu Gui in the G Society, that's the guy from yesterday, and at first glance, he usually does a lot of harm to people.

Li Miaomiao thought about this, and then heard the human voice: "I don't know who did it. He is really brave. He is from the G Club. The key is to hang Wu Gui on the tree in the G Club's yard. He is not an ordinary person." It can be done."

"It's true, you can't do this without any ability. Wu Gui has offended many people, and I don't know who has such ability. He hit so hard that Wu Gui's legs were broken, and he won't be able to stand up in the future. gone."

"Wu Gui deserved it right, it sounds really relieved."

"I can't help it, I can't come out to harm people again in the future."

Could it be Pei Guoan who did it?

Li Miaomiao knew that Pei Guoan went out yesterday, and thought he had something to do temporarily, but counting the time, it is really possible that he went to clean up Wu Gui.

It is difficult for others to do such a thing, but it is not difficult for Pei Guoan, not to mention that based on her understanding of Pei Guoan, it is impossible to do nothing when something like that happened yesterday.

When Pei Guoan came back at night, Li Miaomiao asked, it was indeed Pei Guoan who did it.
There is nothing to hide, Pei Guoan told Li Miaomiao what happened

"Since he dares to bully you, he has to pay the price. It's already cheap for him not to kill him! Miao Miao, you don't think I'm cruel, do you?"

Pei Guoan is a little uncertain, after all, his wife is kind-hearted
"What are you thinking? Am I such a soft-hearted person? For a person like Wu Gui, breaking his leg would be an advantage to him. He's just a scumbag. I don't know how many people have been killed by him."

There was no reminder from the machinery factory, so Li Miaomiao was not in a hurry to go to work.

Pei Guoan's transfer order has also come down, Li Miaomiao plans to go back with Pei Guoan before then, and bring his son and in-laws over.

Before going back, Li Miaomiao greeted Zhou Shao specially.

Zhou Shao here is still unwilling to come out, and the day of negotiating with country M is getting closer and closer, and the higher-ups can't do it, so they don't have time to come these days.
Thinking that Zhou Shao was really nice to her, Li Miaomiao made a lot of food and asked Pei Guoan to bring it to Zhou Shao

"That's fine, now that the threat is gone, it's time to take over the child earlier, but are you sure you want to take over the in-laws too?"

Even if Zhou Shao is not married, he knows the difficulty of getting along with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Few daughter-in-laws are willing to live with their parents-in-law, not to mention that Li Miaomiao's family has separated, and her parents-in-law live alone.

"Of course, my in-laws are easy to get along with. Besides, Pei Guoan and I are busy on weekdays. With my in-laws around, we can take better care of our children."

Hearing what Li Miaomiao said, she knew that she had inquired about her idea, and that she had a good relationship with her in-laws.

This time, Li Miaomiao didn't have much to bring her in-laws over, otherwise she would have to bring them back when the time came.

"It will probably take a few days for us to go back this time to get things done at home."

"Don't worry, I will take care of these seedlings, and they will take care of them well."

Luo Shaoze quickly said, unless he is really busy these days, he will always come over to see how the seedlings are growing in the field, especially the peppers and cucumbers have already bloomed, and it won't take long , you can have the first harvest, watching eagerly every day, counting the days.

"Okay, then please."

In fact, there is nothing wrong with these seedlings for a few days, but since Luo Shaoze said so, Li Miaomiao followed the trend.

Li Miaomiao and the others didn't call ahead of time when they got home. When they got home, the old couple of the Pei family had all gone to work, and Pei Yifan had gone to school.

Li Miaomiao didn't go out to call them either. Seeing that it was almost noon, she packed up and went to the kitchen to cook.

However, the old couple of the Pei family came back early, and someone saw them at the entrance of the village.

"Miao Miao, why didn't you call in advance when you came back?"

"Mom and Dad, come back, take a rest."

Li Miaomiao said so, and said something about the situation in the provincial capital.

"It's not just taking time out temporarily to pick you up and go to the provincial capital with your children."

The old couple knew that they wanted to take their children to the city, but they didn't expect that they planned to take their old couple too. They were moved but refused to agree.

"We still have the strength, and we can still earn a centimeter by working in the village, so we won't go to the city to burden you."

"Mom and Dad, I know you don't want to be in the village, but Guoan and I are really busy, and we can't leave the child alone at home, so don't worry. If you are willing to help me, how about I pay you a salary every month?"

Li Miaomiao said that on purpose
Mrs. Pei became anxious when she heard the words: "What are you talking about? I took my grandson and asked you to do something with the wages. This is not a slap in the face."

"Mom, do you agree?"

"If you are really in trouble, how can we as the elderly not help, otherwise, let your mother go to the city with you to help you take care of the children, and I will stay at home, and the pile of things at home will not be left behind for a while. "Old man Pei thought for a while and said
Li Miaomiao knew this would be the result when she heard the words, but since she had already made plans, she naturally wanted to persuade old man Pei to go to the provincial capital together.

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