Chapter 17 Harvest
Yang Zhengsong's family harvested so much in the valley that they directly filled the warehouse on the first floor of the eldest daughter. You must know that this floor has more than 150 square meters.

Sixteen large boxes of wild chestnuts and ten boxes of wild grapes were fully harvested. Yang Xiuwen and his eldest sister caught dozens of adult pheasants and two litters of cubs, and put them in the yard of their home. , surrounded by stones.

The little rabbits also put two litters, about [-] little rabbit cubs went in, the biggest animal inside was a litter of wild boars, this is a group, one boar, four sows, and nineteen cubs piggy.

Some of the sweet potatoes in the field were destroyed by these wild boars, and the sweeter part of the wild grapes was also torn to pieces.

"We killed these big pigs, and drove out these little wild boars, and let them go to other places to forage, so that when they grow up, we will have pork to eat." Yang Jinwen felt that these were too small to be killed together up.

"Alright, but when we go out, should we block the entrance of this hole?" Yang Xiuwen thinks this is feasible, but whether to block it when we leave is a problem?

"No, otherwise how would you explain it? You found this place, it's better to be careful, not everyone in the clan is reasonable." Yang Zhengsong thought it was better not to block it, so that finding this place would be easy. will become a matter of course.

When Yang Zhengsong was about to go down the mountain, he took a basket with a few notebooks, a bolt of cloth left over from making clothes, and a small bag of brown rice. He walked around the foot of the mountain and entered the village from the direction of the county town.

As soon as they entered the village, someone saw them, and they ran towards them in a hurry: "Third brother, third child, where are you going? Why haven't you seen anyone for two days? That big brother of yours is too embarrassing Yes, he took his daughter and said that your family hadn’t seen anyone for two days, so you must have died at home, and you have been lobbying the patriarch over there to kick the door of your house. If it weren’t for Xiuwen boy who took us up the mountain two days ago, we almost Just believe it, right now your elder brother is still messing around with his daughter in the ancestral hall."

"Brother Zhuzi, I took the children to the county seat. I originally wanted to buy some food, but I didn't have much money left, so I only bought a little. By the way, I took a few books from the bookstore to copy and earn some money. It was also my negligence to buy food with money. I forgot to go to Ah Xin’s house to tell them when I went out.

Isn't this about running out of food at home?Xiao Er followed you up the mountain two days ago, caught two pheasants, and wanted to exchange for some food. The little girl is already in good health. She hasn't been to the county since she was born, so she wanted to take her to see it. It happened to be a bookstore My boss said that he had to copy books recently, so he went to pick up a few copies, and planned to take them home with my boss to copy books, and use them as a living income.

Brother Zhuzi, I am a little confused by what you said. What do you mean our family is dead?It's really unlucky for people who are celebrating the Chinese New Year to say this, they are all real relatives, how can these people be full of nonsense. "Yang Zhengsong was dragged by the pillars and ran all the way. As soon as he ran to the gate of the ancestral hall, he saw Yang Zhengsong's elder brother Yang Zhengcheng and his second brother Yang Zhengfu coming out aggressively with hoe and pole.

Those who know say they want to save people, but those who don't know think they are fighting. Who will save people?He also took a hoe and a shoulder pole, because he was afraid that others would not see it, and they wanted to find fault?

"Patriarch, what?" Yang Zhengsong played a victim so vividly along the way that Ms. Lu Qingshang almost laughed out loud.

She never knew that Lao Yang of their family was so talented in acting, and he acted like anything else. If they hadn't been together all this way, they would have believed it.

"Third brother, where have you been? Why didn't anyone come home when you knocked on the door?" The patriarch stood on the high platform and asked loudly.

"Uncle patriarch, isn't this the pheasant that my little two went into the mountains with the big guy a few days ago? The family is almost out of food, so I thought about taking the pheasant to the county to see if I can exchange some food? Because There was a little delay on the road. Last night we passed at the foot of the roadside mountain that was about to enter the county town.

At daybreak, I went to the county town, exchanged some food, and went to a bookstore. It happened that the owner of the bookstore said that there was a job of copying books, so I took a few copies back and copied them, intending to make some money for my family. Isn’t this little girl in my family Have you been in poor health?I haven't been to the county seat since I was born, and it happened that I had nothing to do, so I thought about taking her with me. My wife was worried, so I just went together.

This posture of shouting and shouting scared me. Apart from the two boxes of books, my daughter-in-law's dowry box and a few broken quilts, if it wasn't for the uncle of the village chief who helped me get fifty catties of broken pieces Zha Mi, and ten catties of black noodles, we might not even be able to make it through the Chinese New Year, Uncle Patriarch, tell me about my... this..."

Yang Zhengsong described his family as miserable, and some of the daughters-in-law present were secretly wiping their tears.

Everyone knows how miserable Yang Zhengsong's family was in the old house of Yang's family. It was because the old couple did not agree with Yang Zhengsong's going to study. Suffering, all of this is separated and passed alone, and it doesn't stop.

For those who celebrate the Chinese New Year, when it comes to the ancestral hall, the whole family is dead. Isn’t this bad luck?Why can't these people stop for a while?You can't live without being restless all day long.

Yang Changlin's daughter-in-law, who was standing beside her, reached out to shake Lu Qingshang's hand, and patted it comfortingly.

Lu Qingshang knew that the little daughter-in-law was comforting her, so she didn't break free, but just lowered her head and leaned against her.

"Boss Yang, second child Yang, do you see this? This man is your own brother, not an enemy. How can you be so vicious?" The village head pointed angrily at the nose of the eldest child of the Yang family.

The people next to him were also talking in low voices, because the two brothers had hated Yang Laosan for so many years because of the matter of reading.

The boss Yang and the second brother Yang were obviously not convinced, and they were so angry that they looked like the boss, and the appearance of his second child made the patriarch very angry.

"Since you are not subject to discipline, then find a time and I will draw you out of the Yang family's genealogy. You can go wherever you like! Our temple here is too small to accommodate you big Buddhas." The patriarch has been the patriarch for so many years He has always convinced people with virtue, fairness and justice. After so many decades, everyone agrees with him very much. I don't know what happened, but such a family rebelled.

When they heard that they were going to be expelled from the family tree, both the boss and the second brother Yang were frightened, they quickly threw away the things in their hands, and directly bowed their heads to admit their mistakes.

But since the patriarch didn't want to, he just let them go. There can't be such rebellion in a family, otherwise the future fate of the family will be worrying.

(End of this chapter)

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