Chapter 18 Apologize
In order to make an example of others, the patriarch discussed with several clan elders and asked them to apologize solemnly, and one family gave five catties of brown rice as an apology.

As soon as she heard that five catties of brown rice would be compensated, Yang's daughter-in-law immediately jumped up, pointed at Yang Zhengsong's nose and called him a skinny!Clam!toad!short-lived ghost...

There are a lot of balabala, no matter how ugly it is, the patriarch is completely stunned, but Yang Jinwen found out that something was wrong with him, so he hurried over to help him, and ordered his younger brother to bring a glass of water to the old patriarch.

The old patriarch's daughter-in-law and granddaughter-in-law became anxious when they saw this posture, and hurried over to help. Seeing that their father-in-law and grandfather had recovered, the two of them stepped forward and grabbed Mrs. Yang's hair and tore it apart.

Seeing this posture, Yang Zhengsong's family was stunned. They had never seen anything like this before. The fight was thrilling.

The daughter-in-law and grand-daughter-in-law of the patriarch's family are so fierce, both of them are petite and exquisite, but when they met, Mrs. Yang was such a big fat man, she was not at all inferior. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law directly cleaned up Mrs. Yang Howling on the ground.

"Your own daughter's sin, you howl here, obediently get the punishment, or you will be locked up in the ancestral hall for three days and you will not eat or drink. Try it, don't think that you are great because you have a loud voice, usually everyone just doesn't like it." I'm just willing to argue with you, I really think I'm capable.

Hurry up, members of the Yang family and the Yang family, since you are not convinced by the punishment just now, then now the family will take out another five catties of black noodles and tell you that if you don’t receive the punishment, it will be doubled. If you don’t believe me, try it. "The patriarch's daughter-in-law is a powerful leader. Generally, everyone in the village will find her to resolve disputes among women. In Lu Qingshang's eyes, this is the female director of a village.

But this double punishment is really good. Although they don't eat those things, it is definitely something to be happy about making those two families feel heartbroken.

The things were brought over quickly, but along with the things, there was also the old lady of the Yang family, who grabbed Yang Zhengsong's sleeves and started rolling on the ground as soon as they arrived. Before Yang Zhengsong could react at first, the sleeves were caught Stopped, Lu Qingshang cleverly pulled the sleeve out of the old woman's hand, and pulled her back far away.

The women in this family are too scary, rolling on the ground at every turn?Don't you check to see if the ground is dirty?It was a snowy day, and the snow on the ground was melted by them, and then mixed with mud, it was a disaster scene.

How did these people get off?Still preparing to pull people together, it really makes people speechless.

The people around looked at the old lady Yang rolling on the ground, and none of them wanted to go forward. Several men directly blocked Yang Zhengsong's family and prevented the old lady from approaching.

Yang Zhengsong and Lu Qingshang felt warm in their hearts when they saw the actions of these clansmen. After coming here, after so many days of unfamiliar life, they finally found a sense of belonging here. They feel that the clansmen here are better than them. The clansmen over there in modern times are much, much better.

"Yang Dashan's family, if you don't get up again, a family of ten catties of food will become a family of twenty catties, do you believe it?" The daughter-in-law of the patriarch's family, with her hands on her hips, watched the old woman roll on the ground, waiting for her to roll. , came this sentence coolly.

The old woman was so frightened that she quickly got up from the ground, pointing her dark fingers at the daughter-in-law of the patriarch's family, "you you you you you for a long time."

The patriarch asked someone to take the things handed over by the son of the Yang family, and then handed it over to Yang Jinwen who was supporting him.

"Thank you, patriarch, grandpa. Our family only accepts half of the income, and the remaining half is given to Grandma Yang Liu and Grandpa Jiu. Their two families are more difficult than us. These are somewhat of a treat. My father and I took over the job of copying books, and the days will be slow." Take it easy." Yang Jinwen knew that his father just sold it badly, and now these things can't be pushed away, so he can only accept them, but he can't accept them all. Two sons in the village died because they went out to serve as soldiers. For the widowed and lonely old people, the remaining half of the food is just right for them.

"Okay, okay, they are all good children. It is so difficult. Remember to take care of the lonely and widowed elderly. This is a good character. I will accept the things for them. You go back! Just leave the things here to me." The patriarch Nodding his head, he took the half of the food, stretched out his hand and pushed them to go back first, so as not to look at those bad people here, and get in a bad mood.

"Understood, the patriarch, grandpa, be careful. If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell Aunt Liu." Yang Jinwen was afraid that the old man would get angry and his blood pressure would soar. It would be bad if he got angry.

"I know, let's go!" The patriarch nodded and let him go first.

His old man cherishes his life very much. Except for Yang Dashan's family, the rest of his family are very worry-free. Now is the time for him to enjoy the blessings, and he doesn't want to get angry at himself because of this family.

Yang Jinwen left with his younger siblings and parents, and his father's two family members also left with them, and everyone else was watching the excitement of Yang Dashan's house.

"Ah Zheng, I was really scared to death just now. The old woman's hands were so fast that she almost dragged you to the ground. I don't know why their family is so careless. The ground and snow are covered with black paint. How can the black mud roll down?" Yang Changlin was still a little scared at this moment, the old woman's hands and feet were really fast just now, just arrived here, she just grabbed Fa Xiao's sleeves and rolled on the ground, fortunately Fa Xiao Break free, or you will be like them, rolling into a clay figurine.

"I really didn't expect her to be like this, otherwise I must have been wary of her, and I was frightened just now." Yang Zhengsong was also a little scared at the moment, making him roll on the ground, and his skin got goosebumps just thinking about it.

"Ah Zheng, did you really take over the job of copying the books? Do you want to go to this exam? I still have some money here that I can give you to make up for." Liu Dexin knew that in the old house of the Yang family, it was never a child. No one took over the job of copying books.

After all, it's not easy to go home every time, and you have to be studied until midnight, so you don't have the time and energy to copy books.

Moreover, in the county bookstore, there are many people who copy books, and the boss is also very picky. He doesn't want to write with uneven size, not to look good, not to, not to be neat, not to, he feels his scalp numb.

"No, I won't go this time, let's go again when things get better in the future! It's not easy for everyone now, and you still have a big family. I think the job of copying books is okay. Let's put it this way! The average labor force Going to the wharf to carry goods for [-] copper coins a day, I get [-] copper coins for copying a book, a book takes a day and a half, in those three days I can get [-] copper coins, is it more than carrying bags? A little more?" Yang Zhengsong had inquired about the price of copying books before, but now he has never thought about taking those books back to copy.

(End of this chapter)

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