Chapter 19 Natural and Man-made Disasters
Yang Zhengsong didn't intend to go to the county bookstore to get the books and copy them back. Although the job looks like he can earn a lot of money, copying so many books at once will not only make his heart tired, but also his hands tired, so it's not worthwhile.

He wanted to get some money out to cross the road before the drought came, so that he could stock up more food and help the people in the clan in the future.

Why did they take inventory at home, they still have a lot of things left now, but some rice noodles are those polished rice noodles, the color is so different from here, it is not suitable to take out at all.

If you want to help your clansmen, you have to do so under the condition of your own safety.

The silver bills that were looted from those men in black that day were actually quite a lot. The silver coins alone amounted to more than 100 taels. The two silver bills wrapped in oiled paper were worth [-] taels. This is not needed, but he wants to disguise himself and exchange all the bank notes for silver, so that it will be safer to put them in the space.

After all, if the dynasty is really changed, the first to be replaced are silver notes and copper coins, and gold and silver will not change.

Anyway, they have a place to carry it with them, so they won't be burdened by how much they change.

However, with the serious business of copying books, it will be easy to change some money when he will go to the city more times in the future.

Due to the low water level at the pier, many large cargo ships cannot reach here. Every day, there are fewer and fewer people waiting for workers at the pier.

The village head simply told them not to go, let them go up the mountain with Liu Dexin and Yang Xiuwen, how many things they could find, how many things they could find, and they would not go bad if they were stored at home in this weather, more or less they had to prepare for the drought .

There is also the need to go into the mountains to find a place to live temporarily. The amount of snowfall this year is too little, and the water pool on Yezhupo has dried up. All the old people in the village are worried.

Ms. Lu Qingshang was also infected by this worried atmosphere, and was worrying, but the little girl told them another explosive news.

After dinner last night, the family was sitting and chatting. In the past few days, Yang Xiuwen and Yang Jinwen followed the uncles in the village and ran up and down the mountains all day.

Yang Xiuwen originally wanted to take them there, but when he found the hot spring, everyone shook their heads and waved their hands when they heard that it was there, and dared not go there.

Everyone in the village knows that there are tigers there. When the old hunter took his son to hunt, his son was killed by a tiger. After so many years, who knows how many tigers there are there?It's not worth risking your life for a little knowledge.

Yang Zhengsong's family thought it was just a drought, but never thought about looking at them like this. Looking for a temporary place to live here, Yang Yuqing could only tell the reason why she had to leave here.

"Second brother, let's find a time to take the village chief to dig out all the sweet potatoes in the valley! Those can't be kept. You must know that the book said that the whole village went out to flee, not just because of the drought. There is another reason.

The place where they are now belongs to Song County, which is under the jurisdiction of Ping Province. This place is the fiefdom of King Yu, the fifth son of the current emperor. The current emperor is already old, and nine of his ten sons have grown up. Well, the reason why the old emperor is still unwilling to establish a prince is because he prefers his son to be the youngest fifteenth prince, and the current fifteenth prince is not the youngest son born to the empress, but an illegitimate son who was secretly replaced by the old emperor.

The Hou Ye we saw that day was the elder brother of the illegitimate son. Because of their mother's relationship, this little Hou Ye walked sideways in the Hou Mansion, because the emperor would support him, even his father, the old Hou Grandpa didn't dare to do anything to him?
But the real fifteenth prince suffered so much in the Hou's Mansion that he almost died in the lotus pond of the Hou's Mansion.If it wasn't for his own elder brother, the eldest prince Chu Wang, who passed by when he was going to the banquet and saved his life, he wouldn't have lived to be an adult at all.

However, the emperor's favorite woman was afraid that the two brothers would recognize each other, so she directly sent the fifteenth prince who was still sick to a remote Zhuangzi, and none of the servants would give her away.

Later, it was reported that the second son of the old Hou Ye had died of illness, but the final villain of this book is the prince.

Just before and after the Qingming Festival this year, King Yu will rebel and try to seize the throne when the old emperor is old. This battle will last for six years. During these six years, the people who suffer the most are the people in King Yu's fiefdom. Years of drought , Coupled with the increasingly heavy taxation, the common people are destitute, and countless people starve to death on the road. "Yang Yuqing has never experienced those painful experiences, and the descriptions in the book are still pale.

"I don't know if it's too late to leave now, and if I want to drag my family to another prince's fiefdom, they may not accept it, and there are people in such a big village, how can they just leave? "Yang Zhengsong was a little worried. You must know that the ancient fiefdom management system was quite strict, and it was not that simple to change places to stay.

But when you think of natural disasters plus man-made disasters, you can imagine how sad those days were.

"Father, aren't there still those men in black who were buried near the cave? We can use those people to make a fuss and tell the village chief and patriarch that the news came from these men in black. We are older, so we must know how to choose, let’s wait for them to make a decision.” Yang Jinwen thinks that the valley is actually really good, and it occupies a larger area than their village.

And if they live there and don't have to pay taxes on the things they plant, can these villagers live better?It's only been six years, and it's okay to come out after the war outside has passed.

Moreover, to rebel, they must also recruit strong men from among these people, and their two brothers are just the right age.

That night, Yang Zhengsong and his two sons sneaked to the village head's house. Within a quarter of an hour, the village head took his son and followed them to the head's house.

The old patriarch was also frightened when he heard that the strong men were being picked, but he still decided to go and see the man in black that Yang Zhengsong and the others were talking about.

Early the next morning, he sent people to the city to call his son and grandson back, and at the same time took a few strong boys from the village into the mountain together. Yang Xiuwen also took the village chief and the old patriarch to see the valley they found.

This place is very secret, and it is also a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but since you want to hide from the world, you must ensure that the people who are with you can work together. Like their current situation, if someone reports it, the whole family will be killed. It must be destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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