Chapter 28

"It doesn't matter. I was not a pampered young man since I was a child. I often live worse than the villagers in the village. I can adapt. Thank you, uncle and aunt." Liu Jinqiao is also thinking about finding a place to live a good life at the moment. It is the same to him wherever he goes, maybe living with this family will bring him different surprises in the future.

What about ordinary villagers, people who know and have storage space, how can they be called ordinary villagers?This future father-in-law is really humble.

Yang Zhengsong agreed, but he didn't take the child directly to the valley. Instead, he took him back to the village, settled him there to recuperate, and then went to the village chief himself, and told the village chief Let's look at the situation.

However, he did not reveal the child's true identity, but said that it was the son of Lu Qingshang's natal cousin. Because of the chaos outside, he got separated from his family and was injured.

Because his mother had told him before she went out to escape, that if she got lost in this area, she would come here to find her cousin, Lu Qingshang.

It happened that they met yesterday when they came back from the county. Yang Zhengsong assured the patriarch that he was an honest boy, but he was not good at farming.

In the eyes of these ordinary villagers, scholars are different from them. With Yang Zhengsong's guarantee, the patriarch and the elders of the clan agreed to him bringing people into the valley.

After all, it is quite dangerous outside here. Although those people have come to the village once to look for it, who knows if they will come again suddenly, it is better to be careful.

After Lu Qingshang returned to the valley, he told the villagers in the valley about the situation outside. When they heard that there were no young adults outside, the faces of the villagers turned ugly.

"Now there are a lot of people begging on the streets of the entire county, and there are no shops open, and all these beggars are old people and children, and all of them are women. What's more frightening is that the county government has posted a notice that this year the tax will increase by [-]% "Lu Qingshang deliberately emphasized the last sentence, because this is the third increase in taxes since last year's autumn harvest.

Originally, the tax set by the imperial court was [-]% and half, but it became [-]% when the prince’s fiefdom was reached. Last year’s autumn harvest was halved due to the drought, but the tax was still increasing, from [-]% to [-]%. , it became [-]% again, and this time, the annual tax has to be paid [-]%, and the crops that have been halved in the first place, if the [-]% is paid, farmers like them will have to pay the tax in order to be able to pay the tax.

"Could it be possible that King Yu is crazy? He never thought about the current situation. Paying [-]% of the tax is tantamount to taking away the lives of these ordinary people." The village chief was very angry and threw his hand The cigarette pot in the car was smashed.

"Now he just wants to kill all the way to the capital, and he never thought about whether the people in this fief will survive. Fortunately, we run fast, otherwise we will all be unlucky." Yang Changlin is a real farmer. I can't figure out what is so good about grabbing that position, sitting there every day in fear, is it really that good?

"Come here, let me introduce you, this is the nephew of my daughter-in-law's natal family, surnamed Liu, named Jinqiao, who is [-] years old this year, and came from Huai County, village head, we have to hide well now, You don't know, my little nephew and their side are even more serious than ours, the men were arrested, the food was robbed, and some people in their village were even killed." Yang Zhengsong just said in a serious way, After all, what happens after this event.

Huai County is a county in the opposite direction to them. Although it is not big, it has a large population. There is a large wharf on their side. Generally, relatively large merchant ships and cargo ships will stop there first.

The pier in Song County is relatively small, and generally only things shipped to Song County will pass through this pier, which is incomparable with the pier in Huai County.

Originally, they were eager to move, and wanted to wait until the storm passed, and the people who returned to the village were instantly quiet. If they came here from time to time and grabbed food if they couldn't get people, would they still be alive?
"Zhengsong's daughter-in-law, do you want to do it in the county?" An elder thought of the drought, but he didn't know if it would affect other places?
"Fuck, I heard from people in the county that many wells have dried up. From the county to Huai County, basically no one has planted seeds this year, because there is no water, and they can't be planted." Lu Qingshang also inquired The place north of the county seat may be drier than their side, because after the autumn harvest last year, there were only two snowfalls in the whole winter, which were not very heavy.

You know, auspicious snow heralds a good year, which means that the bigger the snow, the better it is for these crops, but in the winter of several months, the two thin snows have no effect on the geographical winter wheat.

"Okay, I can't go out in the last two years. Hurry up and tell the people below to divide the land and get the seeds right, otherwise this year's life will be even more difficult. And send people to protect the water source. , don’t be destroyed, you know, there are only those two water sources in the whole valley, if it is dirty or destroyed, how can we live in it?” The patriarch hurriedly ordered the village chief, Dispel the idea of ​​those villagers who want to go out, let them farm here with peace of mind.

"Don't worry! I will send people out every day to find out the news. As long as the war outside subsides, we will go out. This place is not far from the village, and there is no need to pay taxes. You can continue to farm here. Of course, the outside land also needs Planting, but not now, we are farming outside now, and we can’t pay taxes at all.” The patriarch also knew that everyone had relatives outside and was worried, but it was not suitable to live outside at all.

Under the leadership of Yang Xiuwen and Yang Jinwen, Liu Jinqiao soon became acquainted with people of the same age in the village.

When Yang Yuqing saw the person brought back by her brother, she knew that this person was definitely brought back by her sister. This kind of appearance has completely grown into the look that her sister likes, but she doesn't know how her character is?
"Qingqing, come here and introduce you to a little brother, Liu Jinqiao."

Yang Yuqing's eyes widened when she heard the name. This thing turned out to be a big villain. His sister was so big that she even brought all the villains back.

"You know who he is, why did you bring him back?" Yang Yuqing stretched out her hand to pinch her sister's face, and asked with a bit of resentment.

"I know, I know, how can I not know? I have to know the details before I can get it back. Let me tell you, he is my sister's adoptive husband. I have given all the dowry, and all my wealth is with me." Yang Yuling let her sister pinch her. Her face, stretched out his hand, let her see that tattoo.

(End of this chapter)

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