Chapter 29 Integration
"Fuck, what the hell is this? Does he have room too? No, why did he give you this thing as soon as we met? With your skinny look like an African refugee, can he take a fancy to you? "Yang Yuqing looked at Heibuliuqiu's sister in disbelief, as if you were teasing me.

It's not that Yang Yuqing looks down on her sister, it's because her sister's current body doesn't make people think of marrying a wife at all. It's been a month, and I've just got a little bit of flesh, basically just holding up that layer of skin.

Just such a person, no matter how you look at it, you don't think it's someone who people want to marry back as a daughter-in-law?

"Who do you look down on? Just wait! My sister will definitely regain her beautiful face, but her figure is not necessarily the case. This one is too short, she can't reach my previous height at all, so I can only make do with it." Yang Yuling She completely forgot that she is now a short, smelly, thin and dry little girl, with a confident look, which made the elder brother who was watching the show laugh.

"Okay, you two, there are outsiders here, so don't be ashamed." Yang Xiuwen really admired these two girls for daring to speak.

"He is not an outsider now, but an insider. He is my foster husband, have you forgotten?" Yang Yuling said playfully, staring at her brother.

"Hey, you shameless girl, how dare you say it, Jing Mimi has taken away all the family's belongings, and if he doesn't come back with you, is he going out to beg for food?" Yang Xiuwen really admired his eldest sister for this The skin is too thick, it is estimated that the bullets will not be able to penetrate.

"Second brother, I didn't make that, he made it up by himself, I can't help it, I can't get it out, but second brother is quite rich, there are dozens of boxes of good things , there are still gold bars, silver ingots, and a lot of silver notes, and I have to find some time to let him change these silver notes, who knows if these silver notes are still useful when the emperor is changed?" Yang Yuling took advantage of the During the time this man was recovering from his injuries, his family property was cleared up.

Compared with the things in this person's space, their family is very poor. Really, they don't have a whole box of gold bars, and they don't have a whole box of silver ingots. million banknotes.

Oh my god, this Hou's mansion is too rich. Just an unfavored child can have so many things. Before that, the favored person they met in the mountains would be a few times more than this, Just thinking about it, tears flowed from the corners of his mouth, they are so rich, these people.

"You stinky girl, you got into the eyes of money, don't we have any money?" Yang Xiuwen really didn't know what to say about this girl. In the past, money seemed to be just a number to this girl. What to buy? expensive?She never blinked?I bought it directly, but now I'm picking it up.

"That's not true. Didn't you say that the emperor will not know who it is? Every time the emperor is changed, if it is not in line, those bank notes seem to be useless. This time I don't know who will be the emperor, so the bank notes are still exchanged." It is more realistic to save money, and it will be useless in the future, so it will be very distressing, how many 10 taels?" Yang Yuling did not admit that she was in the eyes of money.

"Sister, if you make it louder, the whole village can hear it." Yang Yuqing reached out to cover her sister's mouth and whispered in her ear.

Liu Jinqiao was amused by the two little actions of the sisters: "Don't worry! It's the banknote of the Xu family bank. Even if you change the emperors for several generations, the Xu family will not collapse. No matter when you change it, it's fine."

"So that's the case! Then it's fine, as long as you can change it." Yang Yuling let it go when she heard that she could rest assured no matter what.

"By the way, you don't have the jade pendant now? Even if you go back, Empress Xu doesn't know you!" Yang Yuling felt that this jade pendant must not be that simple. Like them now, the jade pendant has disappeared. How to do?
"I can't tell you about this right now, but I will tell you when I have a chance." Liu Jinqiao's ears and neck turned red when he thought about how to deal with this matter.

Yang Yuling looked at his slowly turning red neck, and suddenly thought of something?But we can't be too sure, after all, the twelve or thirteen-year-old kid in front of me must have not received that kind of education, and he wouldn't think about that kind of thing.

It's true that Liu Jinqiao hasn't received that education yet, but I can't bear to have someone in the Hou Mansion who can send it anytime, anywhere!The young Lord Hou, who was 15 years old, was hanging out with the maids in the rockery pile at home.

After seven or eight years, all the fair-looking maids in his own yard have had sex with this guy. Liu Jinqiao met him not ten times at home, but eight or nine times. If you still don't understand, then it's strange .

The quietness in the valley was in contrast to the hustle and bustle outside. It took more than two years for King Yu to win that position. In the past two years, countless manpower and material resources were spent.

It also took the lives of tens of thousands of people here in his fief, those who died in battle, those who starved to death due to drought and food shortages, and those who died on the way to escape because of avoiding smoking. Save at least half of the people who escaped and died.

It's just that King Yu still didn't give up after repeated battles and defeats, but he suffered from the people wherever they went.

The emperor sent people to persuade him many times, but King Yu still refused to repent, and kept saying that his father was old and it was time to abdicate.

A person who has been an emperor for more than [-] years, how can he tolerate such provocations?Even if it was his own son, the emperor couldn't tolerate him anymore.

Concubine Rong, the biological mother of King Yu, was given poisoned wine by the emperor and died in her bedroom as early as when King Yu rebelled.

However, King Yu's rebellion this time also gave the emperor a chance to get rid of King Chu. He didn't want the Xu family to control his fate again, and the Xu family's biggest bargaining chips were King Chu and the fifteen princes.

Now, the fifteenth prince has been replaced, and the only one left is Duanmu Xu, the eldest son. He has to get Duanmu Xu out of the capital in a legitimate way, so that he has more room for manipulation outside.

The reason given by the emperor was very good. After all, the king of Chu was the eldest brother, so it might not be possible to convince the king of Yu if he could play the family card.

And after more than two years of consumption, King Yu is now seriously injured, and sending King Chu to go will not be too dangerous.

Now the courtiers dare not say anything more, after all, they have already said it, there is no danger, if they stop it, the emperor will not be able to speak well.

In this way, Duanmuxu, King of Chu, was sent out of the capital to Changping. He left the fiefdom of King Yu and went to the second city in Kyoto. He fought for more than two years. This is the most city that King Yu can occupy. I stayed here for more than a year, but I couldn't say that I couldn't go to this boundary line. This made King Yu very angry, but there was nothing he could do.

(End of this chapter)

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