Chapter 34 Reunion Dinner

The patriarch stretched out his hand to stroke his beard, he was shocked or happy and his hands trembled a little.

It has been many years, ever since the Yang clan had two juren more than fifty years ago, only he, the old man, has passed the exam as a scholar, and there are no others. There are quite a lot of people studying, and they go out to find work There are quite a lot of people here, and because they are literate, everyone can find work after they go out.

It's just that no one has the idea of ​​going to the entrance exam anymore, because it costs money to study, and because he has no talent, except for this Yang Zhengsong, who was made like this by his brother when he was about to succeed.

Finally, after decades, their Yang clan is promising again!This time there were still two, and one was from another village but also the son-in-law of Yangjiacun. How could this old man over fifty not be happy?

"Grandpa patriarch, be careful." Yang Jinwen saw that the old man was a little too excited, so he quickly took care of his younger brother and came over to help him.

This old man should have a bit of high blood pressure. Every time he gets excited, whether he is angry or happy, he will always tremble all over.

"It's okay, old man, I'm just happy. Our Yang family has finally become a promising person again, and there are so many people at once. Now you are an independent branch. You are not going to send your uncle and grandma's influence. Go out Don’t worry, the Yang family will always support you behind your back, old man, I will control the people in the family so that you will not be discredited.” The old patriarch has lived for six or seventy years, has experienced many things, and has seen even more things. many.

If a family wants to be strong, it must be self-disciplined, and the patriarch must have relative courage and be able to restrain the clan members well. Such promising people can go far in the future and can better protect the family. people.

"Grandpa patriarch, we know, tomorrow I will ask someone to bring something from outside, let's have a reunion dinner! We can only stay here for a few days, and we have to take over Prince Yu's mansion. After returning to the capital and returning to life, we will come back to set up a water table Let's celebrate." Yang Jinwen knows that people here are generally optimistic and will set up banquets to invite villagers and relatives to dinner.

Now that they haven't returned to the capital, they don't know what's going on in the capital. Are their official positions stable?So they were outside just now, and they didn't say that they had become officials.

"Okay, okay, let your village uncle go and inform that all those who are still in the valley will come out tomorrow. It has been several years since they have had a reunion dinner. This time, let your Aunt Liu do a good job." The patriarch heard He said he was going to hold a reunion banquet, and he was happy again, but he thought that the things they brought back were just the things they usually ate. After all, there was no food at this time.

After Yang Zhengsong took the children away, the old patriarch hurriedly ordered people to go and let the people in the valley bring out more food, and bring out everything that could be served on the table, and bring out some of the rabbits and pheasants that were raised in the valley. Pack it up first, it can be used tomorrow.

They also wanted to raise wild boars when they lived in the valley, but wild boars were too edible, and they didn't grow fast, so they couldn't afford to consume them. After that, they never thought about raising wild boars.

When Yang Jinwen and the others returned home, they were greeted by the white eyes of the third sister. Liu Jinqiao was a little confused at first, but when she saw the ears of the future daughter-in-law were twisted red, and the eyes of the uncle, she realized what was going on.

Liu Jinqiao walked over to comfort her, but was held back by her uncle, didn't she see the old lady staring at her?Be careful to be cleaned up even worse.

Liu Jinqiao has lived in this family for more than two years. The six members of the family are changing, and the ones who have changed the most are his future daughter-in-law and sister-in-law.

When I saw the real face of my future daughter-in-law for the first time, I felt that she was too thin, with only a layer of skin covering the bones. Although she looked quite delicate, she was too thin, which ruined that delicateness.

The same goes for my sister-in-law. Although she is fatter than the future wife, a little bit whiter, but a five-year-old child looks about the same as a three-year-old.

The key is the temperament of this family. It doesn't look like a mud-legged person in the country at all. He is not the kind of bookworm in his father-in-law and uncle, and he looks more refined.

how to say?Judging from the appearance of his future father-in-law, he looks more like the master he saw in the Imperial College before. There are six members in the family, and each of them can write well. At first glance, he is not at the level of ordinary scholars.

I don't know what method they used. In just over two years, his future daughter-in-law has become white and tender, and has grown a lot taller. She is completely different from the first time they met. Her sharp chin Now it is rounded and looks more lively and cute.

After more than two years of getting along day and night, Liu Jinqiao really saw the faces of this family clearly. The eldest brother and the second brother look alike, except for their eyes, one looks like a father and the other looks like a mother, they are almost like twins.

The more we get along, the more mysterious this family becomes. No matter how old or young, everyone is capable of writing and martial arts. Even the youngest sister-in-law, although her military strength is not good, she has a sharp tongue and writes a very beautiful hairpin flower. .

This handwriting came from a little girl over five years old. He didn't believe it at first. After all, there are very few little girls in the countryside who want to be literate, and people in the countryside generally don't pay much attention to girls. home reading and literacy issues.

Many little girls started helping the family with housework and washing clothes when they were very young, but his future daughter-in-law and sister-in-law have never done housework for a day since the first day they met.

Their family seems to be completely upside down from other families. From the first day he came to this house, his three views have been subverted. Cooking, sweeping the floor and washing dishes have always been done by the future father-in-law and two brothers-in-law , mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, and sister-in-law are only responsible for food and clothes for the whole family.

"Aunt Qing, have you packed up all the things in the valley? We have a reunion dinner tomorrow, and we have to leave again. The eldest brother plans to take the whole family away. If there are still things left, we will go and pack them up later, saving tomorrow. I have to go back after dinner." Liu Jinqiao wanted to divert the flames of the war, but seeing his little daughter-in-law's ears were all red, he felt a little distressed.

"There is nothing left, but the millet planted this year will take two days to harvest, and we will wait until the crops are finished in two days before leaving." When Lu Qingshang moved out, he put most of the things he could take away with him. In the space of the little girl, the rest are the crops planted in the ground.

The two of them, husband and wife, and their little girl planted a total of eight acres of land. Farming was a very new experience, which made her reluctant to come back once she landed.

I don't know why, but after coming here, she feels her strength is getting stronger and stronger, and farming is like playing for her. It only takes two days to harvest the eight acres of crops. The villagers next to him were all envious.

 There will be a recommendation tomorrow, let’s update it

(End of this chapter)

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