Chapter 35 Accident
In the early morning of the next day, everyone in the whole village was in motion. There had been no reunion dinner for several years, and this was the first reunion dinner held after the drought.

In the past few years in the valley, although there are the conditions, but not in the mood, the patriarch said that he can’t do it. He finally came out of the valley, and his mood was finally relaxed. This was only notified yesterday afternoon. In the morning, the men and daughters-in-law in the village all moved.

It is still on the side of the ancestral hall. The gate and some walls of the original canteen were damaged. They did not dare to mess around in the valley and came out to repair it. Therefore, after three years of wind and sun, his wall was completely destroyed. It's all ruined.

The current ancestral hall was repaired after they came out of the valley, and it took the entire village two days.

The stove has not been finished yet. The men in the village got up early this morning to make the stove. The drought lasted for two years, and it slowly improved after two years. Although the rain has not recovered yet It's like that a few years ago, but it's already good.

The patriarch is a far-sighted old man who lived in the valley before. Anyone who cut down trees to build a house had to replant a few saplings after cutting down a few trees. Those who did not plant saplings could no longer use the resources of the village.

Today, the little boys in the village went up the mountain to collect firewood early in the morning. The village with more than 100 households is considered a big village here, and it is more lively than the vegetable market in the past.

Early in the morning, Yang Zhengsong asked his daughter to bring out a wild boar, some wild chestnuts, and ten jars of twenty-jin wine. These wines were picked when they first found the valley.

Because no one in the village knew how to make wine, they didn't dare to take it out for more than two years.

The daughters-in-law and women in the village quickly prepared a lunch, and hundreds of tables were lined up on the side of the grain drying field, which looked very lively.

Just when they were eating more lively, a group of people suddenly came outside the village, looking dusty.

The sharp-eyed Yang Zhengsong recognized this body's parents, eldest brother, and second brother's family with just a glance.

The family's problem was solved simply by leaving, why did they come back now?
Coming back with them, there were also two strange men. As soon as they entered, their eyes wandered around. At first glance, they were not good people, and they would show wretched smiles when they saw beautiful girls in the village.

How can the men in the village bear it with such a look in their eyes?Putting down the bowls and chopsticks directly blocked the way of those people.

The patriarch stood at the front: "I'm sorry, outsiders are not welcome in our village, so leave immediately, or don't blame us for being rude."

"Don't, we're just here to ask for debts, and we'll leave as soon as we're done. Just this old woman, she said her granddaughter is going to be sold to us, and the deposit has already been collected. Now we're just here to take her away."

The old woman of Yang Dashan's family was pushed out. Looking at the group of tall men in front of her, the old woman was actually a little timid, but she had already received a deposit, and she wanted to sell the two daughters of the third family, and the money went into her pocket , of course it is impossible to take it out again.

It's just that she looked around for a long time, but she couldn't see the two black and thin girls from the third child's house, but she saw the third child and pointed directly at Yang Zhengsong: "It's him, he is my son, what I want to sell is His two daughters, go to him for it!"

The patriarch laughed angrily at her shameless words: "You two little brothers were deceived by her. We are all members of the same family in this village. This old woman is not from our village. Where did her son come from in our village?"

"Patriarch, you can't be like this. Don't think that you are the patriarch and you can take care of our family's affairs. He, Yang Zhengsong, crawled out of my stomach. Can you still deny my mother? I'm going to the county. Ya go to see if the magistrate is in charge?" The old lady Yang immediately rolled on the ground when she heard the patriarch's words.

Old lady Yang believed that Yang Zhengsong still wanted to take the imperial examination, so it was impossible for him to ruin his reputation, so she acted violently without any scruples.

"Okay, then report to the officials, Xiao Liu, Xiao Qi, you go to the county government office, recruit arresters, come over quickly, and get these people to the government office." They are the most promising people, and they have grown up in this family. How is the character of this family?Everyone knows that everyone who knows Yang Zhengsong from ten miles and eight villages also knows that this person has always been honest and honest. Of course, everyone knows that he is like a shrew.

As soon as the old lady Yang heard that she really wanted to report to the police, she immediately became cowardly, but this old lady has a poisonous mind.

She wasn't discouraged when she saw that Sapo couldn't do it. Anyway, her home is here, and she's staying here. Those people can't watch her every day!

Man, she's sold, and there's always a way to catch these people.

But when she got up and led the people to go into the village, she was stopped again: "You have been drawn out of the family tree, and you are no longer from our Yangjia Village! Of course, you can't live here anymore. , let’s go! Don’t come here again. We don’t accept people who have betrayed the family tree.” The patriarch unceremoniously ordered them to take a big broom and drive them out.

When I came back, I was still looking at the villagers who were eating, and told the village chief: "In the next few days, find a few people to patrol around. I think the eyes of those two people are not friendly, and the girls in our village are also shining golden lights. Yes, we still have to be careful. Especially at night, if there are girls and children at home, stay at home."

"We know, patriarch grandpa, don't worry, we will protect ourselves." It wasn't just the village chief who saw the eyes of those two people just now. At that time, I didn't think about this level, I just felt that the eyes of those two people were really disgusting. After the patriarch reminded them, everyone woke up.

During the more than two years in the valley, the girls and children in the village were not idle. In addition to washing, cooking and collecting firewood, they also learned embroidery from Grandma Seven, and learned some self-defense skills from Mrs. Yang's third wife. .

At first they knew that Yang Zhengsong had this daughter-in-law who knew how to fight, and everyone was a little surprised, but thinking about it carefully, this little daughter-in-law's natal family used to run an escort agency, and she knew how to fight, which made sense.

When someone was fighting with the little girl Yang Yuqing in the back, she was easily knocked down. This fight actually made the little girl Yang Yuqing's status in the village. After learning that she learned her hand and foot skills from her mother , One by one, they all ran to prepare to learn from a teacher.

Where does Lu Qingshang know kung fu?She learned Sanda and Taekwondo, and won the Sanda champion, which is incomparable with real Kung Fu.

However, it is still possible to teach these little girls a little self-defense martial arts. The little girls nowadays are all quite strong. After all, they have to do so much work every day. If they are not strong, they will not be able to do it at all.

 Good morning, cuties, at least [-] words today, look forward to it!

(End of this chapter)

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