Chapter 54

Yang Jinwen didn't dare to rest here for too long, so he gave them some water, and let the older ones run away with the younger ones. Although this is an official road, there are bandits, so few carriages will run here Come.

They didn't know whether they were lucky or unlucky that day.

In the cell of the first three children, these three children were classmates from the same academy, probably because they wore better fabrics, so they were kidnapped by those bandits in order to let the family members take money to redeem them.

It’s just that these people couldn’t find the place the three children mentioned, and they have been here for more than ten days. Every day, there is a coarse-grain steamed bun in the morning, a coarse-grain steamed bun in the afternoon, a bowl of water for each person, and nothing else.

These young masters are usually picked up by carriages, how can they really find their way by themselves?So it's normal that bandits can't find them in the places they mentioned.

The oldest of these three children is only eight years old, and the youngest is six years old. They live in the same street, so they walk together after school.

The other two, a boy and a girl, are a pair of brother and sister. They have been here for more than a month. They used to have baby fat faces, but now their thin faces are pointy.

These two may be the most unlucky people in the three cells. Before they were captured by the bandits, their father had just died, and their mother ran away with the money, leaving an empty house and an old housekeeper, and they would be arrested. They were arrested because that day, when the elder uncle came to rob the house, the brother and sister were kicked out. It was a coincidence that they were captured by these bandits.

It's just that they are homeless now that they have gone back, and they don't know where to go.

Yang Yuqing noticed that the two were walking more and more slowly, and the boy was still a little worried. A ten-year-old child doesn't know what to worry about?
"What's wrong with you? Don't you want to go home?" Yang Yuqing's frowning little brother looked at the little sister with red eyes again, a little confused.

Not happy to be home?Why is it like this?

"We have no home anymore, our father died, our mother ran away with the money, the house was taken by the uncle, and now we don't even have a place to stay when we go back, and if we are accidentally kidnapped by someone, we have to sell ourselves Be a slave." The more little brother Shen Wen said, his voice became softer.

He was only ten years old, and he couldn't even support his younger sister, let alone find a house to live in.

"That's it! Then do you want to come with us? But we won't settle here in Changping. We are originally from Ping Province, and now we are going to Kyoto. If you don't go to Kyoto with us, then I can also borrow you Some money, let you go back to the original place." Yang Yuqing and the others are going to the capital, and these people are all from Changping, so it is a bit troublesome to take them away.

"Let's go, let's go with you. I will serve tea, pour water, wash clothes and cook. As long as I have something to eat, I can do whatever I can to support my sister?" The young boy thought that Yang Yuqing meant to buy their brothers and sisters.

"No, I'm not going to buy your current person. You used to study, right? My father and brother are also scholars. We can subsidize you to continue your studies. You can write an IOU and return the money to us in the future. You can do it like this Can’t you?” Yang Yuqing thinks this is a bit like a student loan, but she is not short of money now, and she thinks it’s a good thing to be one.

These places, which have been humiliated by King Yu in the past few years, are already in disrepair. There is still a long way to go before they can be restored to their original state. She thinks that maybe she can contribute a little bit.

"Miss, I sold myself to be a servant girl, please help my brother, my brother had good grades in school before, I can go through fire and water for my lady, I will do whatever I want." When the little girl heard that her brother could continue to study, Hurry up and kneel in front of Yang Yuqing, there are only two siblings left in their family, she doesn't want her brother to be a slave.

Her elder brother is very talented in reading. The master and father in the school have always praised her elder brother. Now she has a glimmer of hope to let her elder brother continue to study, even if it means making her a slave, she is willing to do so.

"You get up first, I really don't want to buy you brother and sister as slaves, how about it! You go to Kyoto with us, this way, you should think about it carefully, but the household registration is a problem, you wait, I will ask my brother-in-law. "Yang Yuqing heard her father say that where the household registration is, the exam must be taken there?

If the two of them want to go with them, the household registration will become a problem. After all, every time you enter the city, people will look at your household registration and road guides. Like her brother who has an official position now, as long as he takes out his token, he can Easy pass.

But if the child still needs to study and take the imperial examination in the future, the household registration will be a big problem.

"It's okay, the imperial examination has not yet resumed, they can go with us first, let's go to the capital to deal with the matter, and decide where to go? Let someone come over and transfer their household registration." Liu Jinqiao listened to the sister-in-law If he decides to stay in the capital after he returns to the capital, he can ask for help to bring over the household registrations of these two people.

"That's fine, you two can go with us at ease." Yang Yuqing looked at the surprised eyes of the two siblings, and gently pinched the little girl's little face.

This little girl is too thin, and her face is like that of a snake spirit, she can really poke people.

Yang Yuqing decided to take these two people in because they relied on each other in the most difficult times. They had clear eyes, brother-sister friendship, and they were definitely not treacherous people. That's why she decided to take them in.

Several people hurriedly arrived at the small town before it was completely dark. Following the marks left by the coachmen, they found two coachmen.

The coachman was quite surprised when he saw them. He really didn't expect that the master's family was quite powerful. After more than ten days, he could escape from the bandit's den: "Where are the eldest son and wife?"

Yang Jinwen remembered his father and mother only after hearing what the coachman said, and they hadn't picked it up yet.

"They are hiding. My little sister and I will pick them up later. Xiao Qiao and Xiuwen are going to wash up and order some food. We will be back soon." It's been more than ten days since mom released it, so she must be suffocated.

When Yang Yuqing released her, she saw her father holding the child and looking helplessly at the two brothers and sisters.

Yang Yuling has been worrying for more than ten days. Although the child is only six years old, he is not stupid. Many things in the house have never appeared before. I just know where I was caught, and I can't get out of here.

She didn't know whether the child believed it or not, so she lived with them in the space for more than ten days, just wondering when she could go out, and didn't bother to ask those things he had never seen before, what exactly were they?
This made Yang Yuling breathe a sigh of relief, but she was really afraid that if she stayed here for too long, it would be troublesome for the child to recover.

(End of this chapter)

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