Chapter 55 Arrived in Kyoto
After the matter was settled, the group first went to the provincial capital of Changping. The young boy was from this provincial capital. He entrusted his shop and small courtyard to a friend and asked him to help rent it out.

The reason given was that he could not appear in the provincial capital for the time being, so that his father's wife would not come back to trouble him.

My friend thought this was the same reason, so he took over his shop and small courtyard: "By the way, I have already sold the courtyard where my aunt lived before. I sold it when I was not paying attention, and it was exchanged for 1000 yuan. Two more silver, the house is located in a good location, and the yard itself is quite large, and the decoration is also exquisite, so it can be sold at such a high price. The money is here. Look, I'm afraid it's inconvenient for you to take it away, so I give it to you. You exchanged it for a gold ticket, and here are 100 taels of silver and some broken silver for you to use on your way out."

Although the friend is very reluctant for him to leave, but also knows that the eldest lady over there is not a worry-free master. She always wants to trouble the friend's mother and son. It doesn't matter if the friend leaves. When this matter fades away, it is almost done, and it should be fine. up.

"Thank you. I will be back. Take care of yourself. If they come to trouble you, just push me. I doubt that I will be caught up the mountain. I have a certain relationship with that woman. Forget it, you Don't push her hard, I'll go first." Young Sheng Jun kissed, patted his friend on the shoulder, turned around and left resolutely.

His father's wife had always wanted to bite them, mother and son, so they couldn't stay in this provincial capital, but he didn't like her, he wanted to live well, take the imperial examinations well, try to pass the exams, and pissed her off.

His mother was originally a girl from a scholar's family. More than ten years ago, his maternal grandfather was invited to his father's mansion to enlighten the son of the family. At that time, she had a marriage contract, but her father used strong tactics to force her to give in, and even threatened her mother with her grandfather.

Mother knew that the wife in the father's mansion was a powerful one, so she resolutely refused to enter the mansion as a concubine.

His father is considered an official, and it is normal for him to have three wives and four concubines, but his father's first wife is the daughter of his superior official. You know, a senior official crushes people to death, and his father has been crushed to death by his father-in-law all these years. In the mansion, there is only one concubine Teng who was married by his wife and two wives.

My father didn't dare, because he was too prominent for his mother. All these years, the courtyard they lived in was worth a little money, and it wouldn't be too much for a month. Some of the jewelry would be filial to others. I didn't care and took it out to my mother.

My mother wanted to get rid of my father all the time, but there was no way. My father was the local parent officer here and couldn't get rid of it at all, and finally died of depression at the beginning of last year.

Before leaving, he gave him the deed of the yard where he lived, and gave him a shop and a small yard registered under the name Sheng Jun, and told him that he would be called by this name from now on.

She put this name on record for him, so don't use the previous name. I bought the rented house sometime, and there are all painful memories there, not worth remembering.

Sheng Jun has been studying all the time, and he has already passed the Tongsheng exam. If it hadn't been for King Yu's rebellion and the drought, he might already be a scholar by now.

The three scholars stayed in Changping. After all, their home is here. Brothers and sisters Sheng Jun and Shen Wen followed Yang Jinwen and his family. We were able to arrive.

The time for them to return to Beijing is limited, and the last time left is only half a month. They must arrive in Kyoto within this half month, otherwise they will be dealt with by military law.

Yang Zhengsong and his wife discussed it. In order not to delay their sons, they decided to let their son and son-in-law go first. , so that they don't have a place to live after they arrive in Kyoto.

Yang Jinwen also felt that this method was feasible, so the three of them rushed to the capital at high speed.

They arrived in the capital just in time for the report deadline, and Duan Muxu happened to go down to receive them personally.

After inquiring about their experiences, Duanmu Xu was really surprised by the luck of these people. How could such a secret place be discovered by them?
"What about the other people? Aren't there other people in the cell?" Duan Muxu wanted to know where the other people went?

"We really don't know about this, but there is an unknown device in that underground palace, which can squeeze people into juice. We have encountered it twice, and we were scared to death. It was hard to escape from it. Where is it? Do you have time to worry about where other people have gone?" Yang Jinwen rolled his eyes quietly in his heart, he was almost running, how could he have time to care about where other people went?
"Your Majesty, I want to get rid of my official position. I prefer to do business..." Yang Jinwen wanted to get rid of his official position. He really didn't like fighting.

"That can't be done, I'm at a time when no one is available to me, you can't just quit at this time, and my health is already failing, you can't let my brother fight alone when the time comes! "

As soon as Duan Muxu said this, the three people in the hall were all frightened. Could it be that there is really no way to change the plot?How has everything changed so much?Duanmu Xu still had to die.

Liu Jinqiao was stunned, his brother looked quite healthy, why did he say such a thing?

"I don't want it. You bear your burden yourself. Why do you want to dump it on me? I won't do it." Liu Jinqiao was particularly resistant. He didn't expect that things would have such a result, and he couldn't accept it.

Originally, he thought that he would go back to accompany his daughter-in-law after he came over and made it clear to his brother. He had already promised that the daughter-in-law would marry into their house, so he didn't want to bear such a big burden, it was too heavy.

"Brother doesn't want you to bear such a big burden. I also hope that you can grow up carefree and live happily, but there is no way. I may not live for a month at most. Both me and my mother need you." , The Xu family also needs you." Duanmu Xu was also in pain, he never thought that his father would be so ruthless, and poisoned his youngest son after he was born.

If he hadn't fainted from exhaustion due to his busy work a few days ago, he would not have known that his body had been poisoned for so many years.

The imperial doctor concluded that he only had one month, and he had already done everything he could do for his younger brother, and the rest could only be left to fate.

"Second brother, second brother, you are good at medicine, please save my brother!" Liu Jinqiao suddenly turned around and grabbed Yang Xiuwen's hand, startling him.

"This, I really don't know the poison that can stay in the body for so many years without causing it, but if your brother is willing, I can try it." Yang Xiuwen has never studied this aspect?But there is still a month, but you can try it.

(End of this chapter)

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