Chapter 59 Start a career

"Some things can be replaced by things here, but we have to experiment. I heard that the paper here is monopolized by which family? Back then, even the emperor failed to take it down, but I don't know what this family is doing now. What’s wrong? We’ve moved other people’s interests by doing this, so they won’t do anything to us, right?” Yang Yuqing was more worried because their family was relatively idle, and it might not be good for them to help other people’s cakes.

"That family is the natal family of the Seventh Prince's concubine, and they seem to have been assigned because of the Seventh Prince's involvement. I heard that before the family left, they were sure that the Emperor would beg them to come back in the future.

Duan Muxu seemed to be pissed off by their attitude at the time, why don't I go and talk to the emperor and sell us the family's former house and a mountain behind the house, where the raw materials for making paper are grown. "Yang Yuling remembered that Liu Jinqiao told her about it.

Because they copied the Seventh Prince's Mansion and the family's residence, they copied a lot of gold and silver treasures, but they filled most of the empty treasury, what a pity no matter what?The family refused to spit out the recipe for making paper.

Only then did Yang Jinwen realize that the emperor's search has nothing to do with whether he has money or not?
"Okay, you can go and talk to the emperor. If you can take it down, then I will give the emperor [-]% of the profit a year, plus [-]% of the tax." Yang Jinwen looked at his father with a wave of his big hand and let it out for four weeks. Cheng, if his father is allowed to do business, he will definitely suffer a lot.

Yang Yuqing didn't want to refute her father, so she covered her mouth and laughed.

They all thought that what the old man wanted was to find a big backer, but he didn't think about the profit issue.

The brothers and sisters didn't expose the father, they just thought that if the father loses money in the future, how many of them will give him a little subsidy?

It's just that they didn't expect that after a few years, the one who made the most money would be their father, and they all looked at the account book in father's hand in disbelief, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Yang Zhengsong is actually very shrewd, how could he fail to see what his sons and daughters are thinking?
It’s just that these children don’t think about it, this is an exclusive business, and because there was no imperial examination a few years before the establishment of the new dynasty, many scholars were depressed. After the announcement of the scientific examination, those people had to squeeze hard. If you want to take the imperial examination here, you have to write articles desperately, you need paper to write articles, and you need books to write articles. Isn’t this a huge demand?
For this kind of exclusive business, of course, you have to have a backer with a bigger background. In this kind of feudal society, the emperor is the biggest backer, so as long as you can become a backer, what's the point of giving him more benefits?
"Okay, okay, let's talk about what you want to do. Just leave the largest storefront for me as a bookstore, and leave the two small courtyards for the second child to marry a wife! If you can buy the paper maker, the family house and land, then your mother and I are over there.

Anyway, you have a backer, how do you like to toss and toss, right?Second child, do you want to open a clinic? "Yang Zhengsong doesn't care what they want to do? Now that the children are grown up, he just wants to hang out with his wife.

"No, I don't want to spend all day on the way to see a doctor and see a doctor. After treating the emperor, I want to go out and have fun, and send Luo Siyu back by the way, and then go see what good things they have there? Come back here and sell." Yang Xiuwen spent all his life dealing with patients, but in this life he doesn't want to, unless necessary, he will not do anything again.

Besides, did the family members forget Luo Siyu?The child is still waiting to return to the country, so let him take care of the emperor's illness first!

"Yeah, forget about this, okay, okay! As long as you don't disturb our two-person world, you can do whatever you like?" After Yang Zhengsong finished speaking, he waved his hand and left.

The brothers and sister Yang Jinwen looked at each other, ignoring their father, Yang Yuling looked at her second brother with bright eyes: "Second brother, I will go with you, and it will be easy to transport things then."

Yang Jinwen immediately shattered her fantasy: "No, Liu Jinqiao is going to enter the palace, you have to embroider your wedding dress carefully, maybe one day you will get married, then you will be in a hurry, there are still many rules to learn, What are you running away now?"

Yang Jinwen actually didn't want to force her younger sister, but she had to do it herself. After all, she chose the person herself. If she wants to enter the palace, she can't be careless. Many palace rules have to be learned. When the date is almost fixed, There will also be nuns in the palace who will come out to teach her the rules.

Yang Jinwen thinks these rules are not difficult for the younger sister?After all, she also learned some when she was acting, but now it's more formal.

And if the empress of the main palace doesn't have any rules, then those ministers in the Jinluan Hall will have something to say again.

When Yang Yuling heard her elder brother's words, she became paralyzed, lying on the table and wailing half-dead.

Yang Yuqing was almost laughed to death by her third sister, but she would not sympathize with her, she could go with her second brother, and if there was danger on the way, they could still enter the space.

Yang Yuling looked at her sister covering her mouth and sniggering, and reached out to pinch her fat face: "Stinky girl, dare to laugh at your sister, believe it or not, you will be worse than me in the future?"

Yang Yuqing shook her head and wanted to shake off the hand pinching her face, but her old sister's claws were too tight: "Sister smelly, let go, I won't, you are as miserable as you, don't Entering the palace, there must be no bones left in the palace like me, I haven't lived enough, so I don't want to make mistakes."

Yang Yuqing knew how terrible the rules of entering the palace were, and she didn't want to make it up for herself.

But what they didn't know was that if the crow's mouth of Yang Yuling got what happened in the future, Yang Yuqing would be so angry that she wanted to hit her.

But the brothers and sisters in front of them didn't think so much. What they can think about now is how to allocate the stores in the family?what to buy?
They haven't forgotten that there is another time-traveling heroine?This person hasn't appeared yet, is it because he hasn't come yet, or has he temporarily cultivated himself after he came?They don't know, so they don't dare to come up with too modern things, for fear of being caught by the vest.

"Then I want one, don't be too big to open a dim sum shop, my sister can make rouge powder, right? And perfume, do you want to make this? This is very profitable." Yang Yuqing feels that the current bread and the like cannot appear here, but some The typical ones made by ancient methods are fine. After all, there are also those typical ones in this era, but the ones made are not as fluffy and delicious as modern ones.

"Yes, this is quite simple, and the materials needed are relatively easy to find, and I just earned some pocket money." Yang Yuling also thinks this method is feasible, and those who make these idea lists are not afraid of being seen, after all, now There is also rouge gouache, but the quality is not good enough.

(End of this chapter)

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