Chapter 60 Discussion
"I remember that there are still a lot of pigments that can adjust the color of lipstick at home. Didn't my sister buy a big bag before? You can take it out and use it first, and then find a Zhuangzi to plant these flowers for coloring. "Yang Yuqing thinks that coloring materials are not a problem?After all, the video has taught the ancient method of making rouge and gouache.

At that time, my sister had been eating this kind of video very seriously for more than a month, so it shouldn't be difficult to do it!
"I don't know why I bought such a big pack as soon as I bought it. Even I thought it was incredible when I saw it. Why is it so cheap? I remember that I asked my second brother to help me take it for testing. Take a lipstick with cheap pigments, is it harmful to eat it in your mouth? It still needs to be tested.” Yang Yuling actually wanted to make a few to try, but who knew that she didn’t see clearly when she placed the order?I bought a big pack directly. You know, you only need a little bit of pigment to make lipstick at a time. That big pack can make thousands of lipsticks.

After the test results showed that this thing was edible coloring, she felt relieved. She only took a little out and tried to make it, and put the rest in the space. After all, you don’t have to worry about it for a long time. will expire.

"Then why don't you have time these few days, let's try to make it, by the way, those plastic shells can't appear here, you can use a small wooden box or a small porcelain bottle instead, but if you want to sell hundreds of taels, you can Go to those who sell inferior jade and pick some small jade bottles made for you, which look tall and high-grade, and most of the ones used in the market are ceramic jars." Yang Yuqing visited the rouge gouache shop before, Most of them are in ceramic jars, and there are very few wooden boxes.

"Just follow the trend and use ceramic jars! Even if the heroine comes here, she won't be able to see anything else." Yang Yuling didn't want to be stripped of her vest all at once.

"That's all right, second brother, what do you want to do?" Yang Yuqing turned to look at her second brother, wanting to ask what this second brother wants to do?
"I, let's open a north-south grocery store! When the time comes, I will run around and navigate to sell the goods on both sides, and I should be able to earn a lot.

Isn't daddy going to make rice paper? Then I can sell daddy's rice paper to other places. "Yang Xiuwen wanted to try it out, would it be better to do business than he was a doctor before?"
"Big Brother, what about you? What do you want to do?" Yang Yuqing wanted to hear what Big Brother wanted to do?
"Let's open a soy sauce shop. Soy sauce, bean paste, vinegar, and white wine are all indispensable things in daily life. I have eaten here for so long, and I have never eaten soy sauce or other places except at home. It’s something like bean paste, and white wine is also available, but the taste is very light.” Yang Jinwen thinks that making this kind of thing that is closely related to the daily life of ordinary people, although there is no huge profit, but it’s better if it’s a steady flow.

"I think you and your dad feel that with the emperor as their backer, you are all safe?" Yang Yuqing was really speechless. You know, a soy sauce recipe can be coveted by people, let alone a big brother. There are so many recipes.

"Of course, otherwise, what are you doing with him as a backer? It's because the mountain is big enough and strong enough apart from him, so we don't have to worry about it being knocked down by us. I understand!" Yang Jinwen was really not afraid of those people coming to seize the treasure, and the emperor There is nothing he can do to prevent him from resigning, and with this title, it is not for nothing.

"Brother, you take the emperor as your backer, and you say it so confidently, you are not afraid that he will get you down?" Yang Yuling gave his elder brother a blank look, and really didn't know where his brother's confidence came from.

"I really want him to get me down. When I arrived in the capital, I wanted to resign, but he refused, so I!" Yang Jinwen didn't care.

Brothers and sisters, how many people have a small meeting?The meeting ended after almost three hours. Liu Jinqiao thought they were discussing how to get out of here?

Who knew it would start on the third day?His little daughter-in-law began to learn how to sew clothes. He secretly saw a piece of red fabric, and the bright color almost blinded his eyes.

Seeing this piece of fabric, he smiled. It seems that the daughter-in-law has no plans to leave, and the wedding dress has begun to be embroidered, which proves that the marriage has been discussed by the family.

After packing up her things the next day, Liu Jinqiao left the Yang family step by step and turned her head three times. When she came to the palace, she was covered with people who resisted. Duanmu Xu immediately pressed her down and began to help with official duties.

Duanmuxu knew that his younger brother had not received any education in this area since he was a child, but his younger brother was very powerful, and the 14-year-old Juren was the first since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

So from the moment he entered the palace, Duanmu Xu began to teach his younger brother how to deal with government affairs and interpersonal relationships, and he also clearly analyzed the various forces in the court and the geography.

In his opinion, the younger brother is still a little too simple. Being an emperor is so simple, but it is easy to be killed.

He wanted his younger brother to take power, not to be tricked.

As the remaining time of the month dwindled, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty also knew that the emperor had been poisoned, and the young man who was brought by the emperor to the court was the real fifteenth prince.

The emperor has no heirs, so it is inevitable for the fifteenth prince to ascend the throne. On the third day after Liu Jinqiao entered the palace, his name was officially changed to Duanmu Qiao. Attend class.

Liu Jinqiao regretted it as soon as she entered the palace, she had no freedom at all living here, every day except going to court, she was dealing with government affairs in the imperial study, and the food had to be tried by the eunuch before eating.

It has been more than ten days since he came in, and he has never even seen his little daughter-in-law, and he looks eagerly every day, hoping that he can enter the palace with his second brother, but he is disappointed every day, and only sees his second brother alone.

After Liu Jinqiao entered the palace, he actually cured the emperor's problem of picking and searching. Duan Muxu almost wanted to give his younger brother everything he could, but he didn't want it too much.

Since Liu Jinqiao lived in Jingyang Palace, there will be a lot of rewards every day, and they will flow into Jingyang Palace from the treasury. Liu Jinqiao will also choose some of the things sent in, thinking that his daughter-in-law will like it, and let the second brother go out of the palace. Time to bring her there.

Duanmuxu's health is getting better day by day, Liu Jinqiao can delay the enthronement for a day, and he thinks that if he can delay it to his elder brother, then he doesn't have to stay here all the time?

It's just that Liu Jinqiao had a pretty good idea. When the one-month deadline was reached, Duanmuxu announced his abdication at the Golden Luan Hall, giving the position to his younger brother Duanmu Qiao, and also ordered Qin Tianbijian to choose the time immediately.

There are many people who want to object, but the emperor's health is not good. This matter is reported by the Tai Hospital, and there is absolutely no falsehood. But is it too childish for a prince who has not grown up in the palace to be the emperor? ?
(End of this chapter)

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