Chapter 63
Mr. Tang's brother-in-law also knew about the fact that his brother-in-law bought 1 taels from a shop.

With this beginning, he will come here and take one or two shops to buy when he is short of money. After a long time, it becomes a habit. As long as he has no money, he will think of this matter. The ghost knows how much he sold. Take a few hundred taels and put it down, and the matter will be over.

Duanmu Qiao took a closer look at his brother-in-law's six shops, three of which were sold to this Cao Jiajia, and one only wrote 200 taels.

Duanmu Qiao turned to the page of his brother-in-law's shop, and handed it to his brother-in-law to read. Yang Yuling also stretched her neck to look at it.

"Oh, good guy, 4000 taels of silver, the three of them are 1 taels, and it turns out that the three together are worth 600 taels, not even a fraction." Yang Yuling was really surprised by Mr. Tang If you want to make money in the middle of the operation, it is also possible, but this is too powerful, right?

Good guy, the emperor's shop was sold, and the emperor only got a fraction of it, and the bulk of it was taken by Mr. Tang and his brother-in-law, so it was as if the emperor was making money for them.

These two dared to treat the emperor as a wage earner, which is really courageous.

At this time, Cao Jiajia still couldn't see the situation clearly, so she stood up with a bang, pointed at Yang Yuling's nose, and shouted, "I don't care, I bought these shops with real money, and they are mine." , no one can take it away?"

She has coveted these shops for a long time and finally took them down. How could she just give up like this?This is what she wants as a dowry.

She couldn't buy any of the shops on Zhengmen Street, and the place where these three shops were located was second only to Zhengmen Street. With these three shops, when she arrived at her husband's house, her waist was straight.

Now the little sisters around her are comparing themselves to which street is the dowry shop?The shops her mother gave them are all in relatively remote places, and they can't do any business at all, and no one is willing to rent them out at a high price.

Those who she didn't like, these few that she liked had always belonged to Prince Yu's mansion before, how could she dare to covet the prince's things?

Finally, she waited until the shop was empty. At that time, she had no money. After more than a month of hard work, she got the 5000 taels of silver from her mother. After buying these three shops, there were still 3000 taels left. Two silver coins can be used as the bottom of the box for her.

She was going to get married in three months, and she felt that these three shops were tailor-made for her. When she was about to get married, these shops happened to be vacant.

You know, since she bought these shops, she has held her head high in front of the little sisters, listening to the words of those little sisters holding her up every day, not to mention how comfortable she is. Buying these shops is an oolong, so she will have to be ridiculed for the rest of her life, she cannot accept such a result.

Now all she can think of is to make trouble, as long as other people give up these shops, then these shops will still belong to her.

Yang Yuqing is most annoyed by such people. Looking at her, one can tell what is on her mind at a glance. Isn't she just trying to make them want these shops?How is that possible?This is a loss-making business. They have been in business for so many years, how can they do this kind of loss-making business?
Yang Yuqing stretched out her foot and kicked Duanmu Qiao's shoes: "Qiao Baicai, hurry up, I don't want to entangle with them here for too long, I'm hungry."

"Understood, right away." Duanmu Qiao saw the impatience of his sister-in-law, and quickly waved, asking the person who came out with him to hand over the photo album in his hand to that person, and asked him to take it to the emperor, and found another one. Arrest all these people first, and then send someone to arrest Mr. Tang's brother-in-law as well.

"Don't lock them up together, to save them from colluding with each other, keep the two of them far away, and replace those guarding the cell with yours, and there are people from them among those who are saved." Duanmu Qiao finished. , Yang Jinwen added.

"Understood!" After Duanmu Qiao finished speaking, he waved his hand and told the people next to him to go down to help.

His brother has been worrying a lot about money recently, and he can't find an outlet to vent it. Master Tang came up with it himself, so let his brother vent it!I don't know if it can fill the treasury this time?

After the matter was settled, they came out from the Yamen of Jingzhao Mansion. My sister-in-law was hungry, of course Duanmu Qiao had to get her something to eat first, otherwise the little girl would blow off the roof if she became irritable.

"Xiao Qiao, has the house of Kyoto Paper Manufacturing been sold?" Yang Jinwen only knew that he was so short-sighted, but he didn't know where it was, so he still had to ask.

"No, this is in my brother's hands. He is afraid that others will release this, so the mountain in this place, the house, and the deed of the workshop are all in my brother's hands. Big brother, do you want that place? If that place is used as a residence, it's a bit remote, why don't you choose something else!" Of course Duanmu Qiao knew what his brother wanted to do?I just don’t know if this technology is really only for this family, other people don’t know it?
"Then let's go into the palace! I'll talk to the emperor. There shouldn't be much paper left for those who sell pens and inks in the capital, right?" Yang Jinwen knew that these were all in stock, but there were so many scholars, no matter how much stock was in stock. , it will be consumed soon, and it has been more than half a year, so it should be almost the same.

"Brother, my brother has been worrying about this recently. There are not many left in the palace, but my brother doesn't want to get those people back. Thinking of how arrogant those people were when they left, my brother gets angry. "Duanmu Qiao could understand his brother's mood at that time. The eldest brother was also very troubled, there was no paper to use, but after sending out so many people, he couldn't find a person with this skill at all.

"Then don't bring them back. You're tired of provoking an emperor, right? But I think it's a habit of your scumbag father. Okay, let's go see the emperor first!" Yang Jinwen felt that they Being so arrogant may have something to do with the previous emperor.

After all, it is right for such a craftsman to be praised, but this person seems to be a little drifting.

"Brother, does anyone in the family know how to make paper?" Duanmu Qiao suddenly asked in surprise.

In fact, if he can hear his uncle say so firmly that he wants to talk to his brother, then this will definitely happen.

Duanmu Qiao suddenly stopped eating. If this big problem can be solved, what is eating?
"Hey, hey, aren't you going to eat? Why are you going?" Yang Yuqing watched them turn the carriage around, and hurriedly wanted to stop them.

"Hey, sit down first, and I'll take you to eat the emperor's meal later." Yang Jinwen patted his sister's outstretched hand and told her to sit down obediently.

Yang Yuqing rolled her eyes at her elder brother, and became more and more presumptuous, even wanting to eat the emperor's meal, maybe she was about to be spanked.

(End of this chapter)

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