Chapter 64 The Big Dilemma

It was the first time for Yang Yuqing to enter the imperial palace. Looking at the rockery garden with carved beams and painted buildings, she felt emotional. Sure enough, the craftsmen who will be sent to the imperial palace are all the best. No wonder they were able to make such a unique garden and scenery.

When passing by the Royal Garden, Yang Yuqing looked at the flowers of different varieties competing for beauty, and Yang Yuqing wanted to run to dig one of them and plant it in the space.

These words are really good-looking. Many varieties are new to her, and they are expensive varieties at first glance.

Duanmu Qiao sent his sister-in-law and daughter-in-law to his palace, and ordered the eunuchs and maids to serve them tea and snacks, first came to pad their stomachs, and then took the eldest brother happily to find his elder brother.

Duanmu Xu was a little surprised when he saw his younger brother, thinking that it would take him a whole day to go out. After all, he has been locked up here for more than ten days. How could his little wife come back after only going out for a while without seeing him?
"I just picked up the account book, and I didn't read it so quickly." Duan Muxu thought that they had no results, so he quickly raised the account book in his hand that had only turned two pages.

"It's not because of this matter, Your Majesty. I want the house workshop of the paper-making family and the hillside where raw materials are planted behind their house." Yang Jinwen said straightforwardly.

"Yang Aiqing knows how to make paper?" Duan Muxu looked skeptical, isn't this person too versatile?How can you do everything?
"No, but my mother will." Yang Jinwen deliberately paused.

"General Yang, don't breathe too much in the future, it scares me." Duan Muxu almost couldn't catch his breath just now.

"How much does the emperor want to sell that place for?" Yang Jinwen really wanted to buy those places with his own money.

"Here, I don't need money for you." When Duanmu Xu heard that someone could make paper, he let go of the stone in his heart, and finally he didn't have to hold back his anger to bring those people back.

"No, you don't need money, Your Majesty, you have to settle accounts with your brothers. My father said that I will give you [-]% of the tax and [-]% of the profit after it is produced. However, I still want to buy the place myself and write it down in my father's name." Mother’s name.” Yang Jinwen felt it would be safer to buy it himself.

"All right, all right! You can give 100 taels for the workshop and the house, and another 100 taels for the hillside behind." Duanmu Xu accepted the 200 taels meaningfully.

Seeing that he was stubborn, Yang Jinwen had no choice but to agree, took 200 taels of silver from his sleeve pocket, told the emperor his parents' names, and got the place within a few minutes deed.

They were ready to leave after taking the things, Duanmu Xu: "Why are you two in such a hurry? Stay and have a meal!"

"No, let's go to Jingyang Palace to eat. Your Majesty, don't forget that you can only eat light food in your current body." Yang Jinwen deliberately emphasized the last few words, and Duanmu Xu paused instantly.

Having eaten vegetarian dishes and light Duanmu Xu for several days, he looked at the two people walking from the imperial study with a look of unlovedness while discussing what to eat.

The chief eunuch standing next to him wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, his shoulders trembled a little.

He knows how much the emperor doesn't like porridge. Recently, three meals a day, plus one meal of dim sum, are all light, similar to monks. Let alone the emperor, even he feels his mouth But neither had a hint of salt.

However, Dr. Yang explained that the broth can be drunk, but the meat can be ignored, and the frequency of drinking it is too high. It can only be drunk once every three days. After the detoxification is over, how can I drink it?How do you want to eat?fine.

When Yang Jinwen followed Duanmu Qiao to the palace where he lived, the two younger sisters had finished eating the snacks they brought and were just playing with those decorations boredly.

"I've sent someone to pass on the meal, and I'll have something to eat soon." Duanmu Qiao looked at the listless sister-in-law with some amusement.

"Sister, I'm looking forward to the craftsmanship of the royal chef in the palace." Yang Yuqing knew that when she was there before, the business of restaurants that typed the name of the descendants was generally better.

Yang Yuqing also tried it out of curiosity, but the result was not satisfactory. I don't know if she can look forward to it here?
"Try it! It can't be worse than the one we grew up with before, can it?" Yang Yuling thought that if the income was poor, she wouldn't be able to enter the palace as an imperial cook, right?

"The chefs in the imperial dining room are all good at cooking, especially the cabbage soup and meatball soup. I think they are pretty good. Qingqing can try it." Duanmu Qiao has been eating here for a while, and he feels pretty good.

"That's all right, I'll try it later. By the way, didn't the elder brother say that he wanted to eat with the emperor? How did it become a meal with cabbages?" Yang Yuqing suddenly remembered that the eldest brother just said that he wanted to eat with the emperor. Rice.

"I forgot just now. The emperor can't eat greasy food now. He can only eat white porridge, millet porridge with side dishes. If you want to eat that, I will take you there. The emperor must be very happy to have someone to eat with her." Yang Jinwen scares his sister.

"No, who wants to eat porridge?" Yang Yuqing immediately quit. She wanted to eat imperial meals, not to drink porridge. This big brother is too much and always likes to scare her.

"By the way, big brother, do you have any rewards for helping the emperor solve a big problem?" Yang Yuling suddenly remembered this matter.

"No, Your Majesty, I don't have any money now. I bought the paper-making house, the hillside, and the workshop for 200 taels. The Emperor personally got me the deed." Yang Jinwen shook his head, flattered He took out the few pieces of paper that he had just put into his arms and handed them to his sister.

"It's not so cheap to buy Chinese cabbage, is it? Is there a problem?" Yang Yuling felt that something was wrong?
"Of course not, the emperor is anxious to find someone who can make paper. Originally, the emperor said he would give it to me for free, but I thought it was for my parents, so I asked him to collect the money. In the end, he gave 200 yuan. Two silvers, it's cheap!" Yang Jinwen said with a smug expression on his face.

Yang Yuling felt that after her brother came here, his age became younger, and his mental age also became younger. How does this look like a child who bought candy?

"My elder brother is so powerful that he even fooled the emperor." Yang Yuqing gave his elder brother a thumbs up in a strange voice.

"Come on, I didn't fool him, didn't I just want to save trouble in the future? Is that why I asked the emperor to help me get the deed done?" Yang Jinwen reached out and squeezed his sister's chubby face, and turned towards her a blank stare.

This little girl is really too shrewd, everyone in the family looks stupid, how come the two of them are the only ones who didn't inherit the stupidity of the family?

Duanmu Qiao looked at the two people who instantly turned into babies with some amusement, and after saying a few more words, the two brothers and sisters could still pinch each other, just like two little dolls who have just become sensible.

(End of this chapter)

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