Chapter 65 Luo Siyu
Luo Siyu is quite used to the daily life here, but he still wants to go back and meet his parents.

It will take another month for Yang Xiuwen to take him out, so let him study with Shen Wen's brother and sister first.

It's just that Luo Siyu has fallen in love with medical books recently, no, it should be said that since he caught a coral snake, he has fallen in love with playing with these toxins.

Especially after knowing that mushrooms with more beautiful colors are more poisonous, I like to follow a few children nearby to go up the mountain to find mushrooms with beautiful colors and come back to play.

Yang Yuqing felt a little speechless, how could this person's hobbies be different from normal people's.

It would be a tragedy if someone accidentally poisoned him to death.

It is true that Yang Xiuwen has not really studied poison making in a systematic way, but medicine and poison have not been separated since ancient times. If many herbs are not used properly, they will become poison.

Since this child is so interested in teaching him, it is also possible to teach him. After all, living in that kind of place, if there is no means, it is impossible to grow up safely.

In particular, he is still the only child of the Beizhao Kingdom's royal family, so it is impossible for him to have a smooth journey.

This child has been in their house for so long, and he gets along very well with his family. It is said in the book that a family can only be formed by fate. Yang Xiuwen thinks that the one or two picked up by their family may become a family with them. A family, Duanmu Qiao is one.

What Luo Siyu was thinking about was how to learn Yang Xiuwen's skills, and how he could learn the skills of the old man of the Yang family?

Now hearing that Aunt Yang can make paper, Luo Siyu's mind is on their family, what else can't be done, after all, he finally understands that his mother has been talking about the world No surprise there is no meaning of this sentence.

Meeting the Yang family really overturned any kind of worldview he had learned in the past six years, and he also knew that one person can do so many times, can be so good, and so capable.

So taking advantage of the limited time he spends with them, he wants to do his best to learn all the skills from them, no matter whether he can learn it or not?Everyone wants to try it.

"Xiao Luo, don't always follow them to the back mountain to mess around. There are no medicinal materials there. Don't listen to your second brother's nonsense. You should study hard. When your second brother is done with the work, let him send it to you. You go back to save your parents from worrying." Yang Zhengsong looked at Luo Siyu, a foolish kid, who was once again tricked by his second son into going up the mountain, and really couldn't bear to remind him.

"It's okay, Daddy Yang, I will go up the mountain with my second brother, and I can help him with a lot of work. I'm still learning to recognize herbs. If I don't follow, I won't be able to recognize them." I could go up the mountain with my second brother, but he tortured my second brother. It took a long time before the second brother agreed to take him with him.

Yang Zhengsong looked at the foolish child, he had no choice but to shake his head and lament what a fool he was.

The previous paper-making workshop just stopped working, and no one dared to touch the things inside. Now that Yang Jinwen has taken it, he only needs to open the door and the craftsmen are in place, and the work can start immediately.

Ms. Lu went shopping and found that the things are indeed quite complete, but she hasn't made them for a long time, so I don't know if she can make them all at once. Worker.

In a society where craftsmanship needs to be kept secret like now, those who come to help with the production must be servants of the death contract, or those born in the family dare to use it as a craftsman.

Before they came to the capital, they bought a group of servants. Ms. Lu Qingshang thought that those people were okay. Some of them were more stable and honest. The patriarch picked a few more reliable ones to come over to help. The stone and Jia Nuo they had brought before could also be pulled over.

Those who know the basics can rest assured, those selected by the patriarch can do the first and second steps, and those that don’t need to be kept secret, even if they are leaked, it’s nothing.

It's just cutting down trees and peeling the bark. Although this job is not easy, they can pay higher wages, so more people want to do it.

Ms. Lu Qingshang thought that if she could ask her daughter to make some perfume or spices, she could add some of these spices to some paper, and sell them to those official ladies or girls from rich and noble families. It should be very popular.

After Lu Qingshang tried it out, he brought his son, daughter, and son-in-law over to help make it.

Some of the raw materials in the workshop were left over from the original, which saved them the trouble of cutting down trees and peeling the bark when they first arrived. Soon, the paper they produced was presented to the emperor.

The emperor's high heart was finally let go. For the next whole month, the emperor's mood was so good that his illness was getting better and better, and his younger brother was getting better and better. He could help him. The number of patients has increased, which makes him a patient a lot easier.

The most important thing is that the paper-making workshop is profitable. Ms. Lu Qingshang told her two daughters that she wanted to make that kind of scented paper. After hearing this, the two daughters were very interested and even helped to experiment. So I made paper with six flavors, and printed flowers on the top of the paper.

Each piece of paper has exactly the same flowers, which amazed the emperor, and their study was opened, and it was the first time to release this kind of scented paper, which caused a sensation among the officials and girls in the capital. One taste, don't be the same as others.

Even the emperor was dumbfounded when he heard this. This paper was expensive to buy, but if it was customized to taste different from others, it would even be more expensive. These girls are really rich.

Yang Yuling and her sister made a large batch of rouge gouache and aloe vera gel, which also opened ten days after the opening of the study. They can try it out here. They can try it out if it works or buy it if they like it. There was a buying spree, the two sisters had been working on things for half a month, but they were swept away in less than three days, leaving only shelves in the warehouse.

"Isn't this too exaggerated? Sister, let's hire a few people to help with the work, otherwise we will be able to fill up this warehouse by the two of us, and look at how many days we have been working, There is more than half of the warehouse, right? It only took three days to buy it. If this sales speed, I really can’t do it, no, no.” Yang Yuqing looked at the empty warehouse, wanting to cry but not crying.

The two sisters have struggled for so long just to be able to live for a while, who would have thought?It has only been open for three days, and she has emptied all the inventory she put in the warehouse.

Yang Yuling added the well water from the well in her sister's space to the rouge powder she made. Although she only added a little bit, the effect was really obvious, especially when added to the aloe vera gel. obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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