Chapter 66 Opened
On the first day of Yang Yuling's opening, because of the promotional slogan, a delicate and small girl came in wearing a veil. At first, everyone thought that the little girl put on the veil just because of the rules. The girl lifted the veil, and the whole face looked a little scary.

It's the kind that is full of pimples, and those pimples are big and crowded, and the whole face is bumpy, which looks very scary.

When Yang Yuling just took off the veil, she was also frightened, but she also has confidence in her products, especially after adding water from her sister's space.

Yang Yuling felt that this was a good publicity, so she got some facial cleanser for the little girl in front of all the customers. After washing her face and drying it, she applied a cream with anti-inflammatory effect. After a short meeting, the girl began to describe the feeling on her face.

Everyone thought this process was miraculous. After the little girl's face was washed, everyone saw that the red, swollen and purulent wound had subsided somewhat.

Yang Yuling lightly applied a layer of aloe vera gel to the little girl's face, and brought the little girl a small jar of the anti-inflammatory cream and a small jar of aloe vera gel that she had just used on the little girl's face, and asked the little girl to follow the instructions. She will do the procedure again tomorrow morning, and come back the next morning to show everyone the effect.

"Is it effective? You can come to see it the morning after tomorrow, or you can go to Zhengsong Study Room. The shopkeeper there is our father. He is now in his forties. You can also go and see his face, but Not even a single wrinkle." Yang Yuling advertised the effects of her cosmetics, and even dragged her father into the water.

Originally, she wanted to drive her father's business by the way, but where does her father need him to drive?Especially with the introduction of those scented papers, today's study is overcrowded every day.

It was the first time for those people to hear that the paper could have the same pattern and scent. Although many of them were more for watching the excitement, as long as people entered the study, they would buy something and bring it out.

Yang Yuqing thought that everyone is so busy now, so let's put her shop aside for now, and go to the shop to help out.

Because the store was too busy to open, the brothers and sisters didn't pay much attention to that matter about Cao Jiajia.

They were too busy to pay attention to this matter at all, but a few days after they took the picture, they suddenly heard a little girl come to the store to buy things, and Cao Jiajia was mentioned.

It was only at this time that Yang Yuqing remembered that the arrogant and domineering young lady of the Prime Minister's Mansion also remembered that this matter that they didn't pay much attention to seemed to have been resolved, but no one informed them of the result.

Two fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls who were standing by the shelf picking out rouge each took a box of lip glosses of different colors, checked the colors, and whispered BB: "Sister Tao, have you heard that Miss Cao Lei is getting married?" ?”

Another little girl in lavender clothes nodded: "It seems to be next month, I don't know what she thinks, her background is the highest among us, the eldest daughter of the prime minister's mansion, I don't know why Will pick another family like that.”

"Who says it's not? That scholar is useless except for his good-looking face." The little girl who was the first to speak just now curled her lips when she said this.

"She looks good, but she can't eat enough. You didn't see her mother-in-law hanging her face all day long. She doesn't seem to be a good match. I don't know if no one told her that her son's woman relies on Women get it." The little girl in purple had a disgusted look on her face, and she looked down on these men who were soft-fed.

"Then Miss Cao is as if she has been drugged with ecstasy soup. She has to go around that man every day, and she still takes the carriage to pick up that boy from get out of class every day, and even flatters him with snacks and meals." The little girl at this time They are all relatively precocious. It is common for 15-year-olds to get engaged now.

This little girl didn't get along well with Cao Jiajia at first glance, otherwise why did she look so disgusted with Cao Jiajia?And her in-laws?

Yang Yuling rolled her eyes when she heard what these two little girls said, who said that these little girls' eyes are so bright just by looking at them?
Looking at the two well-behaved and cute little girls in front of him, and looking at the careless little sister in his own family, he shook his head, really a little disappointed.

Little Yang Yuqing, the bully of Yangjia Village, saw the obvious dislike in her sister's eyes, stretched out her foot and kicked her chair: "Put your eyes away, or I will bully your little cabbage."

Yang Yuqing is a very hopeful person. She thinks she can't beat her elder sister, so she can only bully someone who won't fight back.

"Smelly girl, if you dare, I'll let him beat you hard." Yang Yuling reached out and pinched her chubby face, pretending to be fierce.

"Do you think he dares?" Yang Yuqing is not afraid at all, but Qiao Xiaobaicai does not dare to hit her. Although Qiao Xiaobaicai is good at martial arts, she has always been the only one who bullies Qiao Xiaobaicai. They were all defeated by her subordinates. (talking)
Although this little girl's military strength is not good, she can speak with a small mouth, and she is also a logic genius. No matter how clear your thinking is, if you are cheated by her, you will be led into the ditch by her.

Duanmu Qiao was particularly afraid of his sister-in-law's small mouth, she was so eloquent that he couldn't stand it.

"By the way, sister, we don't seem to know the result of that adult's handling, do we?" Yang Yuqing was already thinking about who to ask in her little mind.

Usually, they don't care about outside affairs, but this woman was released after scolding them.

However, the eldest lady of the prime minister's mansion does have the capital of arrogance, but the result of this matter is somewhat beyond their expectations, and someone actually fished her out so easily.

"Come on? We don't need to know the results, but this Miss Cao will definitely have a hard time in the future. Although I only listen to rumors, we all know that there is no wave without wind, but I will believe that an arrogant and mean person like Miss Cao will have a hard time. Only a mother-in-law like that can subdue it.

This is pretty good, they are definitely a perfect match, a one-time punishment is too simple for them, and letting them fight each other is the best solution, understand? "Yang Yuling doesn't let her sister do too many complicated things outside, everyone wants to protect her.

This premature little girl will always be that in their eyes. The little baby who is a few years old will often get sick and cry and say no to injections. The three of them are the ones who accompanied this little guy to the hospital the most times since childhood Seeing that she is now in good health and can go out for a walk and dance with her friends, several people feel that they have no regrets.

(End of this chapter)

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