Chapter 67
The brothers and sisters of the Yang family are busy as soon as they are busy, and it is almost Chinese New Year.

At this time, it is impossible to send people away. After all, the road is blocked by heavy snow outside. Every morning, I have to go outside to shovel the snow for a whole morning before the road outside can pass.

Yang Jinwen did not expect that the winter snow in the capital could fall so heavily. Now the horse-drawn carriages dare not go outside, and the people they meet outside are mostly sparse pedestrians. Many shops are closed because there is no business.

Yang Zhengsong also didn't want his daughter-in-law to move outside because of the heavy snowfall, so both the study and the rouge shop were closed, but the paper workshop continued to operate.

Sheds and firewalls were built in the open space outside, so that the workshop can continue to produce when there is such a heavy snowfall in winter.

Originally, there were only six workshops with sixteen people, but now there are sixteen, and there are several varieties of paper produced.

However, it is a bit difficult to dry the paper in this weather, so several fire walls have been installed in the house to keep everyone warm and to dry the paper.

Yang Xiuwen was free, but at this time there was no way to send Luo Siyu away, so he could only stay a little longer and leave after the snow melted.

Luo Siyu is like a small sponge, absorbing any interesting knowledge, but he doesn't have much time and is still young, he can't learn much, there are many things, and he can't learn it in a short while, just like Same as medicine.

Yang Yuqing observed him for a long time, and felt that his mother's papermaking skills should be the best thing he learned, and he was serious about every process until he could make the finished product before he stopped.

Lu Qingshang didn't hide his secrets, but saw that the child was interested, so he personally taught him.

What Yang Yuqing didn't know was that Ms. Lu Qingshang regarded the child Luo Siyu as another son, so when she heard that the child was interested in learning papermaking, she personally taught him.

"Girl, it's almost New Year's Eve. Think about what to buy for the New Year. I've been a little confused lately, and my whole head has gone blank because of your father. I'll leave your stuff at home to you two!" Lu Qingshang has been getting dizzy from his own man recently. The old man heard somewhere that there is a kind of ink fragrance that can be put on paper, so he has been thinking about how to put this kind of fragrance on paper?

"Mom! I don't even know what to do with New Year's goods? Aren't you embarrassing us?" Yang Yuqing felt a little dizzy when she thought of the goods that her mother bought before, she still had to make an order from her mother, and then she bought them accordingly. That's fine, so you don't have to worry too much about it.

"You will be 11 years old after the New Year, and your sister and I should learn these things. I can't be by your side all the time." Lu Qingshang felt that these things should also be taught to his two daughters.

The two little girls are cooking, embroidering and settling accounts. They already know these things. What they need to do now is to deal with the etiquette and arrange the etiquette. It just so happens that now is a good opportunity to train them.

"Isn't it? It's been a long time since I got married, why did you learn it so early? My sister should learn it, I don't want to learn it." Yang Yuqing was too lazy to move, and she was too lazy to use her brain.

Yang Yuqing really didn't want to learn about those human relations. Since ancient times, human relations have been the most complicated thing, how can she not learn it?

"No, I can't learn. Before your sisters-in-law, this matter will be left to you, including every festival in the future, by you two sisters." Lu Qingshang left after making a decision. Lazy, I really don't know if I can get married in the future.

"Sister-in-law, where are you?" Yang Yuqing thought her brother was dating, and she was ready to shirk responsibility.

As soon as Yang Jinwen entered the room, he heard his sister asking where the sister-in-law was?He himself was a little confused, why didn't he know that he had a partner?


"You said that my sister and I will deal with the relationship and gifts during the festival. When my sister-in-law comes in, we won't need the two of us for this matter. I just want to ask where is my sister-in-law? Can you marry me in sooner?" Yang Yuqing He looked at his elder brother helplessly, waiting for his explanation.

"Uh, there's a huge crowd, and I don't know where it is?" Yang Jinwen felt that his sister was probably fooled by his mother, but he didn't know how to do anything, so he just wanted to help his sister.

The two younger sisters in the family are more worry-free, and the eldest sister is about to get married, so he still needs to learn more, what every lady should learn now, so that others will not use these to pick their sources in the future.

Yang Jinwen is paving the way for his younger sister to become a queen step by step. Although he doesn't want his younger sister to enter the palace, there is no way. The younger sister likes that child, so it is impossible not to enter the palace.

After entering the palace, there are many rules, he has to help his sister find a teacher to teach them first, no matter what?You can't let others transfer to the wrong place in etiquette.

In terms of money, he checked the dowry of the former empress before, and the dowry of 160 eight lifts was the highest specification.

I also deliberately inquired about what is in the 160 eight liters. Four seasons clothes and bedding have to stand at least four liters, and some gold and silver jewelry. It is expected that the decorations will be at least [-] liters, and then there are dowry boxes and dowry bed wardrobes. , and some furniture and so on, the house added up to a dozen or so.

There are also some decorations, house deeds, land deeds, and silver boxes, all patchwork together, adding up to 160 eight loads.

Yang Jinwen was very useful. I found a dowry list similar to that of the housekeeper's wife. After looking carefully, it turned out that the 160 eight lifts actually contained a lot of water. There was also a bucket for measuring grain. There will be more dowry later some food.

At first they didn't know what dowry food meant?When I was pouring wine at the teahouse at the back, I heard other people chatting and knew that the food belonged to their family, and the girl who was going to marry in the past would eat food in the future.

The more you give, it means that the natal family pays more attention to the girl, and prepares the knowledge and money that the girl will need in the future, so that the girl in their family can straighten the plate without looking at the face of the in-laws. Because they are not needed.

This is the first time Yang Jinwen has heard of the food in the dowry, what does that mean?

So after learning this useful information, he found a notebook and recorded it all, which is also convenient. He will buy dowries for his two younger sisters in the future. After all, parents are not necessarily reliable, so he still needs to make two-handed preparations .

Yang Yuqing choked on what her elder brother said, and now she figured it out, she was really tricked by her mother, but the culprit had already left, and she didn't know where to look for it right now, their family's Parents seem to have found something interesting recently. They leave early and return late every day. If they want to talk to these two people, they are hard to find.

(End of this chapter)

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