Chapter 71 Heroine
Qin Yulan didn't know why she came to this place, but just after waking up, she found that her calf and leg bones were cracked. She asked a doctor to prescribe medicine, but the more she drank, the more painful it became.

She couldn't help but suspect that the medicine had been tampered with, and it was the easiest thing to do in this kind of private affairs.

After completing a mission and returning to China, why is there nothing like a plane crash? She, a leftover woman in her thirties, turned into a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl after she came here. There are some conversions, but the thoughts come.

When I got here, I still have memories, that is, the little girl really lost her temper with her parents. A month ago, the little girl's fiancé wanted them to fulfill their marriage contract.But the man's third leg has been broken, he can't be a man anymore, he dared to say such a shameless thing, the little girl has heard the news, she is not willing to perform this marriage, she is throwing a temper tantrum .

The reason why he will go out today is because the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and her mother sent him to buy some jewelry he likes by himself, and he will enter the palace on New Year's Eve.

It's unlucky, not long after I left the house, I ran into the street, the horse was startled, and just like that, it was kicked lightly, and the whole calf immediately swelled like a steamed bun.

Qin Yulan endured the pain and got out of bed by himself, and searched carefully in the little girl's room. He remembered that the little girl fell down once and her nose was bruised and her face was swollen. Her old mother gave her medicine for bruises, so you can take it out and use it.

After rubbing the medicine, I carefully stroked it. The little girl's memory found that the little girl's attributes were the same as hers. They are the kind of people who know how to use their beauty to pretend to be pure and weak, and to deceive others' trust.This country has just gone through a war. Although the economy is still a bit depressed, the situation here is in Kyoto, which should be the best in the country.

Just after applying the medicine on myself, I heard someone knocking on the door: "Miss, the second lady is here to see you."

"Xiao Cui, please second aunt come in!" Qin Yulan originally wanted to make people get out, but now she was in pain so much that she wanted to hit him, but in order not to collapse her character, she could only hold back her anger and let people come in.

The door of the room was opened just like that, and a woman in a pink double-breasted jacket with an enchanting appearance walked in from the outside.

Qin Yulan just glanced at her and then turned her head. They are all in their mid-mature age, and they are still wearing pink. They are really old cucumbers with green paint. It’s hard to see. Look at the high cheekbones and big mouth. I really don’t know this body. What kind of aesthetics did my father have, and how did he set up such an ugly concubine room?

"Slave, please greet the young lady. Missy, this is today's medicine. Madam told the young lady that you must drink it." The woman saluted hastily, covered her nose as if she was putting on airs, and asked the girl behind to drink it. The medicine is served.

"Okay, let it go, you all go out, I'll drink it later." Qin Yulan felt the smell of inferior rouge on the woman's body, which almost made him vomit, and waved his hands impatiently, telling them to go away.

"Madam said, you have to drink the medicine while it's hot..." The old woman wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Qin Yulan: "You are a concubine who dares to point fingers at me, a young lady, who gave you the courage? ? Xiao Cui get them out."

Impatiently, Qin Yulan asked them to get them out, and when Xiaocui came back, she asked her to go to the kitchen and bring the medicine residue and this bowl of medicine to her mother, and asked her to find someone to check what was inside. What was added?Why aren't his legs better?Instead, it hurts even more.

After waiting for a long time, I finally received a reply, and it turned out that the woman had added a medicinal material that could make the wound worse.

The second aunt refused to admit it after being beaten to death, she added something to the medicinal materials, and the eldest lady sent someone to look for it, but no other evidence was found. who?
This matter has already fined the second wife Yueyin for two months, so it hastily disappeared.

Of course, Qin Yulan wouldn't let it go like this. She changed a doctor, changed some medicines, added the knowledge she had learned, and made herself an ointment. On New Year's Eve, she could get out of bed and move around a little.

If something like this happened, he didn't have to go to the palace. It just so happened that he could only bring his official wife with him to this kind of banquet, so the second lady stayed at home.

After several days of private inquiries and secret inquiries, Qin Yulan finally got a good idea of ​​her situation, and she also knew that it was almost early morning when she went to the palace banquet and returned home.

This is also convenient, since her actions can't do anything to that woman on the surface?Then she'll come down in private. New Year's Eve is a good time, especially since her foot hurts and she can't get out, it can be used as an alibi.

Of course, she can't move freely now, and she doesn't trust that there are not many things that other people can use, except for these flowers and plants in her room.

Although the palace banquet in the palace only started at night, they had to enter the palace one after another in the afternoon. These ladies and ladies had other thoughts, so they could feel at ease when they went there earlier.

Just like Mother Qin today, she thought she could take her daughter with her, but unexpectedly, something happened, and she didn't know which one she chose. Will her daughter be satisfied by then?
For today's banquet, she had been preparing for a long time, picking out a satisfactory son-in-law for herself and marrying her daughter before Zhongyong Hou came to force the marriage again.

A useless man, no matter how much she promises, she will never marry her daughter.

Qin's mother had just stepped into the imperial garden, and she fell in love with Yang Jinwen. After some inquiries, she found out that this is General Pingbei who only entered the palace in the Mid-Autumn Festival this year. He is young and promising, with outstanding military exploits and young He became a third-rank general.

However, he was accompanied by a very good-looking girl, just because he was talking about the girl's hair accessories, so everyone knew that this was not General Pingbei's wife.

Yang Yuling hated her teeth so much, she just wanted to strangle their little cabbage, why did she have to come into the palace?Such a banquet is boring to death.

Now she should obviously have hot pot at home with her parents and younger sister. Looking at those wolf-like eyes, she once again regretted why she came here with her to suffer.

It can be said that the three brothers and sisters were paid attention before Duanmu Qiao came out. Some fell in love with the two brothers, and some fell in love with this gentle little girl. It's just that the three brothers and sisters don't talk to others, so everyone doesn't know. What kind of situation is this, I can only wait silently to see if anyone comes forward to ask?Eat another melon.

After Yang Yuling was hijacked into the palace by Xiaobaicai at noon today, she stayed in the Empress Dowager's Palace for a long time, and then went to Jingyang Palace after three o'clock in the afternoon. After staying there for a while, Duanmu Qiao came to accompany her He even brought her the dinner, the clothes and jewelry to wear, all secretly prepared by Duanmu Qiao for her.

(End of this chapter)

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