Chapter 72
After Yang Yuling came out of the Empress Dowager's Palace on the afternoon of New Year's Eve, she was sent to Jingyang Palace where Duanmuqiao lived. The palace was so big that she felt a little dizzy. There were palaces everywhere, and she didn't know which was which. up.

After being brought into Jingyang Palace by a court lady, she didn't want to go out, and she didn't want to go to the Imperial Garden, which she was particularly interested in before.

She has been dealing with the Queen Mother all afternoon, she has been tense for too long and was tired, just when she was planning to find a room in Jingyang Palace to have a good rest, Duanmu Qiao came back.

What greeted him was the pincer-like hand of his young daughter-in-law, who directly pinched him and screamed.

"Daughter-in-law, Lingling, what's the matter? Can we talk properly if we have something to say?" Duanmu Qiao was stupefied when he was pinched, but the pain immediately brought him back to his senses.

His daughter-in-law didn't hold back this time, his waist is definitely blue.

"What are you talking about? You put me with your old lady for a few hours, and I just want to show you off? Tell your old lady that she doesn't care about you. If you offend me, even if you are the emperor, I will still beat you. "Yang Yuling said this on purpose. In fact, the queen mother is not bad, and she is very kind for a few hours. There is nothing unusual when talking and chatting with her, and there is no trace of pretending.

It's just that this bastard took her out of the house at noon and threw her directly to the queen mother. After only a short while, he ran away in a hurry and left her at the queen mother's side for an awkward chat all afternoon. Point punishment for his lack of memory.

"No, absolutely not. It's all the fault of the emperor. I didn't mean that. I care about you. It's impossible to do such a shameless thing. Besides, the queen mother won't have any objections to you." Duanmu Qiao hurriedly said Pulling people into his arms, he will not let go of this great opportunity to eat tofu.

His imperial brother is so bad, in the past few days he has been talking around him all the time, about things between men and women, and even intentionally or unintentionally, he just got a few books of that kind on his office desk, it's hard not to learn from being bad.

Duanmu Qiao looked at the little girl's chattering mouth, and immediately kissed her.

Yang Yuling was a little confused, but when she felt that this guy really couldn't kiss, she couldn't help sticking out her tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, and Duanmu Qiao's eyes became fierce in the corner he didn't notice.

When Yang Yuling came back to her senses, she realized that she was almost bitten by this person, so she stretched out her hand and pinched him. This soft force was like tickling for Duanmu Qiao.

Judging by his own strength, he couldn't have any effect on this person, so he could only stare at him viciously.

In Duanmu Qiao's eyes, she thought her fierce eyes looked like she was acting like a spoiled child, she wished she could pounce on him again, and eat him up.

"Hey, don't seduce me, just stay here and rest for a while, I'll get someone to bring you clothes later, and I'll have a dinner party with my elder brother tonight." Duanmu Qiao reached out and stroked her flushed face, wishing she could stick here and not leave .

"Stinky rascal, just wait for me." Yang Yuling gave him another vicious stare, turned around, and stopped looking at him.

Duanmu Qiao covered his mouth for fear of laughing out loud, his little daughter-in-law is now like a kitten with fried fur, he can't speak anymore, if he pissed people off again, he might have to pinch him again.

Just when he was about to say something, there was a knock on the door outside: "Master, the emperor is looking for you."

"Understood, come here, and rest here obediently, I'll go first." Duanmu Qiao touched her face again, and before leaving, he lowered his head and secretly kissed her twice before leaving.

Yang Yuling rolled her eyes at him, and pushed his face away vigorously, but she didn't have much strength now, so she didn't bother to talk to him, saving him from pushing his nose on the face.

Everyone in the palace knew about Duanmu Qiao's identity, but the emperor didn't say that he was going to abdicate immediately, so the people in the palace only called him Lord without a title.

Since the Lord entered the palace, the palace has been in full swing, preparing for his wedding and enthronement ceremony, but there is no decree announced to the world, and it is difficult for everyone to speculate on the meaning of the king, so they can only pretend that there is no king. I see, but I have a lot of respect for this master.

Everyone in the capital was guessing about the candidate for the future queen, but this master never revealed anything, except for the servants at Jingyang Palace, who saw a beautiful girl brought by this master today.

Which one of the people serving in the palace is not a human being?It's just that everyone guessed, not knowing the identity of this girl. After all, the person who can be brought by the future Long Live Lord is not the future, and the queen is not far away.

Su De originally didn't want to come here to disturb the good business of this lord, but the emperor urged him so hard that he had already come here twice, and he couldn't do it if he didn't come here again.

While knocking on the door, he was still thinking silently, Lord, you can't blame me, this is the emperor's will, and there is nothing I can do about it.

After knocking on the door, he stood at the door, waited with lowered eyebrows, and soon saw the door opened, but because of what happened just now, he didn't even dare to raise his head and silently followed behind the master.

Duan Muxu urged him twice in the imperial study room, but he still didn't see his younger brother, so he curled his lips, sure enough, people with daughter-in-law are different, those who urged him three times and invited him four times couldn't get him out.

Before he finished chanting, he saw his younger brother coming in from the outside. After careful observation, he found that it was different. Look, he is still smashing his mouth over there. If nothing happened just now, he I can't even believe it.

"Why? Isn't everything done?" Duanmu Qiao was very impatient. After all, he had already done what he was supposed to do. Why is this brother always stubborn?He wanted to stay with his little daughter-in-law for a while, but he couldn't live in peace.

No, I have to think of a way to find a wife for my elder brother, otherwise, I'm afraid he won't be able to live a peaceful life in the future.

"A secret report came from the border. The prince of Beizhao Kingdom is dead. He also said that all the evidence points to us. Let us be prepared." Duanmu Xu threw the secret report just received into his younger brother's hand and asked her to read it first.

"Luo Siyu?" Duanmu Qiao saw the name on it, and he knew it in his heart, and he guessed it right.

"Yes, that child is only six years old this year. He is the only child of the Emperor and Empress of Beizhao Kingdom. That child is smart. He started enlightenment at the age of three, and learned mechanics from his mother at the age of four. As early as two months ago, that child The child died due to drowning. After more than two months of investigation, all the evidence points to us Daqin. Beizhao Kingdom has a strong army and horses in the past few years, and the weather is much better than ours. If we really send troops, then we don’t know if we can I can't stand it." Duan Muxu became worried when he received the secret report.

Not long after he took over the Great Qin Kingdom, many things happened, and his father had already squandered the treasury. If it hadn't been for the scrapping of all the properties of the seventh prince and the paper-making family Tan's family, the current treasury would still be empty. Well, where can we afford to fight?

(End of this chapter)

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