Chapter 94

In fact, things like this often happen on board, so every time a guest boards the ship, the crew will remind the guest.

It doesn't matter to them whether they listen or not. After all, I have already said, take good care of your belongings, and if some people don't take care of them, it has nothing to do with them if they lose them.

The aunt who is rolling around on the ground often takes this passenger boat, and her son-in-law pays for it. Every year when the grain is collected, the old woman goes north by boat to ask her daughter and son-in-law for food and money.

She paid for the travel expenses herself, and his son-in-law helped to pay for the travel expenses back home, and even got her some food and money to take back.

To say that he has been the boss of the ship for five or six years, she knows these rules, and she has experienced a lot, who knows that this time it will be her turn?
But no matter how much she plays and rolls?It's impossible for the boss of the ship, the money was paid to her, and this matter was made clear before boarding the ship.

There were quite a lot of people watching the excitement around, but no one stepped forward to persuade her to get up. In the past, when he saw other people's things lost, he would say a few sarcastic remarks.

Although everyone didn't like it, they had nothing to say. After all, they were not their own people, so it was impossible for them to open their mouths to speak out about others.

Several of them have been on the same boat with her for several years, and they feel relieved to see her like this. After all, they have been stolen before, and this old woman is still talking sarcasticly over there.

Everyone knows that there are hundreds of people on this ship, and it is normal for some people to steal. Is there a mark on the silver?If money is lost, it cannot be found.

Although the boss of the boat has been trying his best to avoid it, he has no way to check how much money each person has.After being stolen, see which family has more money and which family has less money. Isn't this a fairy tale?
Well, after a while, the old woman was still rolling on the ground, and the boss of the boat was a little impatient, but he still wanted to run on this road and dared not fight with others, but it was okay to scare him.

"Before boarding the ship, I told you to take good care of your belongings. If you lose them, I will not compensate you at all. You also agreed. I just boarded the ship with this statement. Now I lost the financial management. What does that mean? I didn't steal from you, if you want to hate you, go to the person who stole you, what's the use of looking for me?

I just earned you two hard-earned money, and I have to lose both laughs and money. How can there be such a reason in the world?If you make another trip like this, I won't date you, no matter how much money you give me, if you earn less, what will happen to me?There's no point in wasting saliva with you here.In Sapo, I'll kick you down from here, if you don't believe me, you can give it a try. "Boss Chuan is really impatient to deal with this kind of thing, and others who have been stolen will not be like her. At most, he just came to talk to him and asked him to help pay attention to whether there is anyone who behaves abnormally?"

He will also ask the crew to pay more attention. To be able to do this, he has done his best. He has never been bullied like this in a boat that has been running on this road for decades.

"I don't care. You are the boss of the ship here. If I don't look for you, who will I look for? Anyway, I lost the money, and I will look for you. I lost it on your territory. You have to be responsible for helping me find it, otherwise You have to accompany me." The words were quite clear, but after finishing speaking, he lay down on the ground and couldn't get up, as if I wouldn't get up if you didn't pay back the money, which made the boat boss laugh angrily.

"Did I give you too much face? All members come here, you have to take a good look at this face. From now on, no matter whether it is coming or going, this person is not allowed to be picked up again, and the price will not be doubled." , It’s really annoying. I didn’t make you a lot of money, but I still have to look after the money for you. You are so ugly, how can you think of good things?” The boss of the boat couldn’t bear it anymore, so he called all the crew on the boat over, and took a good look at it. recognize this face.

There are still many people who want to take his boat. If the old woman didn't rush to the boat every time, he wouldn't have to entangle with this annoying old woman every time.

The reputation of this old lady is very famous among them. She is a rascal, but she has a filial son and a filial daughter. My mother's family, in short, is the best of the family.

He had already refused to pick up the old woman several times, but only after his son begged hard and the old woman spoke all kinds of good things did he reluctantly accept her money and carry her northward.

This time, the old woman made it clear that she wanted to extort his money, how could he bear it?
"Come and two people to tie her up with a rope, and let her take a bath in the river, so that she can be sober." In fact, they have already set their sights on the person who stole money on the boat this time, but In order not to startle the snake, they have to be careful.

Now there is no way to go to the village, no place to go to the store, even if he is caught, there is no place to lock him up, so he can only be left to wander on this boat, but after this incident, he will send two people alone to carefully Staring at his every move, it is best to only grasp the current situation, so that it will be more convincing.

When the old woman heard that she was going to be hung in the water, she was there immediately, and howled: "You who killed a thousand dollars, my mother lost money with you, shouldn't you pay for it? After returning to the county, I must go to the Elder Master to sue you..."

The old woman was still over there, Barabara said, and there were already several crew members over there, ready to come over to tie her up with ropes.

The people who wore them worked all year round. Although they were strong, they couldn't stand up to the old woman. Their fingernails kept growing and they scratched and scratched so hard that their faces and necks were scratched.

The boss of the boat was so angry that he kicked him directly, knocked him to the ground, and knocked him unconscious with a knife in his hand.

After watching the farce all morning, everyone dispersed.

The food on this passenger ship was pretty good. In the morning, there was golden millet porridge, some steamed buns, buns, steamed buns, and steamed buns.

The chefs who cook are estimated based on headcount, so even if there are leftovers, there are not many.

The most hateful thing is this old woman, who is unwilling to pay for it every time, and will sneak into their kitchen to steal when they are not paying attention.

Although they have paid attention to it, sometimes the old woman's hands are really fast, and the things in her hands will become the dry food she brought on board.

After all, when boarding the boat, each person had one bag, and he, an old woman, had several bags, all of which were food given by her daughter, and no one could say that there was no such dry food in his bag.

There is no way, once or twice, they can only increase their vigilance, especially not long after eating.

But there are always more solutions than difficulties. The old woman couldn't get any good after the meal, so she thought of a way to come and steal them when they were busy steaming the steamed buns.

This time, her silver would be stolen, and she deserved it. The entire crew on the ship had always kept their eyes on the matter of her being stolen.

 I've been a little busy in the past few days, sometimes I forget to update, please forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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