Chapter 95

After the old woman was knocked out, everyone left. No one cared about her, so they just lay on the floor. Their floor was made of wood. In this weather, plus the clothes the old woman was wearing, she could lie down for an hour or two. It's also fine.

The boss of the ship already has doubts, so he doesn't want to deal with this matter for the time being, for fear of scaring the snake.

What the boat boss suspected was a middle-aged man who was about his age. Every time this man appeared on his boat, someone on the boat would definitely lose something. Most of the time it was money. No matter who owns it, so if you say it belongs to you, others can't say it's not.

So many times, all of them were lost before. Last time, he not only lost money, but also lost food. When he got off the boat, he found that the middle-aged man was carrying a bag of food and got off the boat without looking back. When a passenger was about to disembark, he found that his food was missing a bag, because the boss of the ship suspected this person because of this bag of food.

That person looks so gentle that he can't tell that he is a person who can steal things, just because of the bag of grain, I don't know, when he knows, when he is suspected because of the bag of grain, will he not Will you regret it?After all, people like him who can be carried by boat usually have some family background, and they lose a lot of money every time, ranging from dozens or even hundreds of taels.

After being stolen for the first time, he will first warn everyone to keep the valuables by themselves when the guest uploads, and lock the door of the room when resting, so as to avoid their own losses.

But just like this, he always talked about getting on and off the ship, and he still lost it many times every year, but he had heard that other ships had it before, which reminded him of the thieves organization.

The captain of the boat was right to suspect that it was indeed this person. His target this time was Yang Xiuwen and the others, but because the old woman was so noisy that he didn't even have time to rest. He can only deal with her first.

But if he knew that the old woman would be so noisy after taking his things, he would never reach out to her, which made him almost annoyed to death now.

When Yang Xiuwen was watching the fun, he found someone peeping at them. After looking carefully, he didn't find who it was?After repeating it several times, he didn't want to look for it anymore. Anyway, he was strong enough, and he wasn't afraid of others stealing it.

He only keeps a few copper coins with him now, and puts all the others with his sister, which is safer and not easy to lose.

Although they brought a lot of food, they only put a few ragged clothes and two clay pots in the back basket as a cover, and put everything else in the space. Whenever they want to eat, they will always be warm when they take it out. Yes, even the heating is saved.

Seeing that there was nothing lively, they went back after watching it. It was already afternoon, and they had to go back to get something to eat, because there were no entertainment activities or sports on the boat, so the three of them only ate two meals a day.

Eat one meal around nine o'clock in the morning, and another meal after four o'clock in the afternoon, and it's almost the same.

Now it's time for lunch. She has eaten pancakes for two consecutive days. She doesn't want to touch the greasy pancakes anymore. Vegetable meat porridge or eight-treasure porridge, she can have one to relieve his greasy.

When the two returned to the room, they saw that the younger sister had come out of the space, and they were all overjoyed just sitting in the room.

Yang Xiuwen grabbed his younger sister's shoulder and looked left and right, um, it's still the same younger sister, so what's missing?
"It was so lively outside just now, what's going on?" Yang Yuqing didn't go out, only heard the noise outside, and didn't know what happened outside, so she could only ask her brother.

"It was that female Xu who helped him carry two bags of food. The old woman who uploaded it, her money was stolen, and she was clamoring for the boss to compensate her. The boss of the boat said it before when we uploaded it. You have to keep the items yourself, and he should not be responsible if they are lost.

So even if the old woman was throwing and rolling on the ground, she couldn't please her, and she was knocked out by the ship's boss and thrown on the deck.However, I think the boss of the ship seems to have a suspect. I heard that her trip is not smooth, and she will be stolen once every two months.

I couldn't catch those before, wait, when I was outside, I felt someone was spying on me, but when I turned my head to look for it, I found no one, I just had a whim, this time this person Is it targeting us? "Yang Xiuwen really felt that way, and it was very strong.

Yang Yuqing looked at the clothes and outfits of the two of them, and then at her own, but they looked like big fat sheep. The clothes they were wearing were all made of brocade, and they were gifts from her sister. The jade pendants that brother and Luo Siyu hung around their waists seemed to be of great value.

Not to mention, the jade crown and hairpin on the head are all made of the best jade. A discerning person can tell the value of this jade pendant and the two jade crowns at a glance. It's not a big fat sheep, what is it?
Yang Yuqing's previous thought was that the three of them had good martial arts, even if someone wanted to rob them, they would have to weigh it carefully, so they didn't ask the second brother and Luo Siyu to change their clothes.

"It's okay, we'll deal with him when he comes to the door." Yang Yuqing didn't want to be a big fat sheep, and secretly waited for the thief to come to the door by herself.

After waking up, the old woman found that no one cared about her, so she got up from the ground in despair, patted the dust on her body vigorously, and returned to her seat, still cursing, but this time she didn't dare to speak loudly. She was afraid of being knocked out again.

Food is precious now, and she doesn't want someone to take away her food when they disembark, so he can only curse in a low voice, then hold his two bags of food, and lean on the food Fell asleep.

Everyone was a little speechless, the old woman just fainted on the ground for an hour or two, right?Why can I sleep again after climbing up now?

Could it be that this pig came to reincarnate, but this heart is really big enough, just now the old woman said that she lost dozens of taels of silver, why is she acting like a normal person now?

It's quite boring on this boat, there must be some excitement, see, otherwise this day is really hard.

I was most afraid of the sudden quietness of the air. After the old woman fell asleep on the grain bag, the whole boat could hear needles falling quietly. Except for the occasional sound of water, it was a bit weird to be quiet on the boat.

Suddenly, in this eerie silence, a voice similar to a woman's sheying came out, pulling everyone back from the eerie silence, listening to the voice carefully, and suddenly everyone froze.

Everyone's heartbroken, this is so fucking exciting, you know, although these boxes are boxes, they have no sound insulation at all, and the bed in the box is only a little bit, just enough for you to lie on your side, if a In a deep sleep, if you accidentally turn over, you can roll to the ground, let alone do that kind of thing.

(End of this chapter)

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