Chapter 96 Follow-up
Just when everyone thought it was just their fantasy, the voice started again, and this time it kept humming intermittently for a long time.

Everyone understood clearly, but whether they could hear it or not?The people there didn't care too much.

Everyone no longer listened to the voices from over there. One by one, those who should do handicrafts, those who should write, and those who should read, pulled everyone's consciousness back into their bodies in an instant.

On the fifth day of departure, the captain of the boat finally caught the thief.

Looking at the people rummaging in her room, Yang Yuqing was a little speechless. Are all the thieves so aboveboard?

This person didn't know whether he was really looking for money or something else. Anyway, her second brother had no money, only a few copper coins at most.

So the thief who couldn't steal anything angrily pulled out all the quilts and pillows on the bed. After throwing them away, he spent money on money before leaving. When he reached the door, the officers and soldiers were already waiting for him. When will he land? of.

Yang Yuqing didn't follow her off the boat to watch the fun. Except for the boat boss and two assistants, everyone else on the boat was watching over the bed.

After solving the thief's matter, Yang Yuqing felt that she couldn't go on like this, otherwise she would be useless.

So she used her not-so-bright mind to recall the making of soap vigorously, and then wrote down the required materials on a piece of paper.

The steps are actually quite simple. I just don’t know if there are materials in the space. If there are, they can be taken out and used directly. I also said that I need to gather all the materials outside before I can enter, which is quite speechless.

Obviously there are so many materials in the space, but in the end they can't be used for various reasons, so they can only try their best to get them by themselves.

In this state of the house, there is no one to ask, and there is no space to explain that she can only study and grope in the dark.

Yang Yuqing decided that she was fine on this boat anyway, so she went back to the space to research, what could replace the soap bases bought online.

Just when Yang Yuqing was obsessed with making handmade soap, the old woman who made trouble before was about to reach her final destination.

It takes about 10 minutes to arrive. After the boat boss counts the number of people here, let them get off the boat to buy something if they want to buy something. The boat docks and departs an hour later.

When Yang Yuqing came out of the space, she found that the room was empty, and no one knew where she had gone, but the food on the table was still warm.

Sitting outside, she didn't have an alcohol stove, so he should have used the small galley on the boat, but he brought his own things instead of using the one in the galley, so he only charged ten copper coins for rent.

Yang Yuqing felt that his mood seemed to be getting better. In the past, she was a passive robot at home. He would only talk to you when you talked to him. If you kept silent, he could also act like a mute to do with you for a day.

It didn't take long for Yang Yuqing to feel emotional, and the two of them came back.

While they were eating happily on their side, there was another fried pot on the deck.

The old woman didn't know what medicine she took wrongly, and she was about to disembark at the next stop, but she forced the boat boss to sue him, no matter how others persuaded her, it wouldn't work?He kept holding on to the sleeve of the boat boss, and almost kicked the old woman into the river with a kick.

"You idiot, don't you know that I'm directing the prospect? I've been sitting here tightly, so you stay here until she lets go!" The boat boss saw that everyone was just looking at him silently, secretly Sighed.

"I don't care. If you don't pay me, then we'll be wasting all the time. I don't care if I'm an old woman, but I don't know what to do with other people who want to do business?" , hugged the thigh of the boss of the boat, and then sat on the ground and lied and couldn't get up.

Everyone around looked at the corners of their mouths twitching, what kind of a superb existence is this?He still uses this trick.

That day she knew that the thief had been caught, and he was taken to the government office. Shouldn't she have to go find the thief?Why do you keep pestering the boss of the boat?

The boss of the boat really couldn't bear it anymore!He chopped the old woman unconscious with another hand knife, kicked her aside, and directed the boat to approach the station where the old woman was about to disembark.

It happened that his son and daughter-in-law were standing eagerly by the pier, staring at the approaching ship.

When the boat stopped, the two of them ran over in a hurry, calling for their mother.

The boss of the ship commanded the crew on his own ship, directly carried the old woman down, threw her on the pier, and threw her things down intact, and told them in front of the coming and going ships that if the old woman was picked up in the future, it would be Step on his boss Chen's face.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, what kind of opinion does it take to say such a thing?

The old woman's son saw the miserable appearance of the old woman, so he hurriedly wanted to come over to argue, but as soon as he got to the side of the boat, he was kicked to the ground by the boss of the boat, and warned him viciously: "I tell you, never From now on, if this old lady comes here to pester her again, if she wants to take a boat, I will hit her once. I have lived my life for more than ten years, and I have never seen such a brazen Humans are simply market bastards."

After speaking, the boss of the boat ordered the people to leave. He still had a month's journey to go this time, so he couldn't be delayed because of these people.

At the same station as the old woman, there were a few people who saw everyone discussing over there, so they publicized the matter on the boat to everyone, and those who were still saying that the boss of the boat was unreasonable all shut up.

If this person sticks to it, he is not very familiar with it, and at least two layers of skin must be dragged. Fortunately, the boss of the boat is ruthless enough, otherwise this old woman will never end.

From that day on, no matter whether it was the old woman or his son and daughter-in-law, they were all remembered by the several ships docked nearby. After that, no matter how much money they gave, they had no ships and were only willing to carry them.

The daughter of the old woman far in the north was also relieved to see that her mother hadn't come.

Every year during the autumn harvest, my mother would come over to pick up a few bags of the harvested grain before it was put into the warehouse.

His son and brother-in-law are both studying, and reputation is very important. If the news of the old lady's sloppy rolling gets out, the reputation of the two of them will be damaged, and there will be no hope for the scientific examination.

Because of the scientific examination, she endured it again and again, but because of the lack of her mother, she kept making progress again and again. Every year, she prayed in her heart that her mother would not come over. After ten years of praying, it finally had an effect.

After confirming that her mother would not come over, the old woman's daughter was like a deflated ball, and tears of happiness rolled down from the corners of her eyes.

I hope that God will continue to bless my mother so that my mother will not come here again. She will ask someone to help bring some money to go there every year.

(End of this chapter)

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