Chapter 132 Amnesia Dad Twenty
In fact, as Xiao Xi said, he really knows how to light a fire.

There was a box of matches on the stove, and Yunfei, who was also from an orphanage, naturally knew how to burn earthen stoves.

After the fire was built, the dead leaves were lit, and the fire crackled, and the firewood that was set up was quickly burned.

He Xi took a small bench and sat watching the fire, mainly to push the firewood in when the fire was about to burn out, and add more firewood when it was about to burn out.

The supplies for dinner include a handful of water spinach, a small strip of bacon, three eggs, a few green onions and string beans.

It is not easy for the villagers to go to the market, so they seldom eat fresh pork.

Usually, most of them are bacon, bacon, and bacon. On special days, they will kill a home-grown chicken and duck for two cups.

After boiling, take out the rice soup, continue to stuff the rice, and then take it out when it is cooked, wash the pot and add oil to stir-fry.

Stir-fried bacon with green beans, fried egg with chopped green onion and a stir-fried water spinach.

"Photographer Fu, how about some food together?"

The photographer shook his head and said, "Thank you Brother Hai, but these are the food for you, and my colleagues will bring me food later."

"Well, then we're welcome."

After being hungry for a long time, the father and son finally ate today's overtime lunch. After eating, they put the leftover half of the food in the pot to warm up for dinner before eating.

In fact, with this amount of food, Yunfei can at most eat two minutes more full, so he controls himself to eat more and eat less food...

The program group is really doing something... The other four groups don't know if they have eaten.


"Xiaoxi, let's take a shower before going to bed."


Yunfei put the hot water from the small stove at the back into a wooden bucket and carried it to the bathroom next to the kitchen.

It is a small cubicle surrounded by two walls built next to the kitchen, with a cloth curtain hanging on the door, and there is nothing in it, except for a hole in the back wall to let the bath water flow out.

After Yunfei washed He Xi's hair and body with a ladle and spoon of water, he put on a clean casual trouser suit and asked him to go back to his room.

Then he also took a shower, and it was already five o'clock in the afternoon when he finished his work, and He Xi fell asleep on the bed.

Yunfei, who was a little sleepy, simply went to bed to accompany him on his lunch break.

Hai Lanlan: "It's hard to imagine that our brother Hai looks like a playboy, but he can do everything in private."

Beihai Youmeng: "Brother is really good, brother Feng next door is still trying to make a fire!"

"Don't mention it, I feel so sorry for the babies! They are all starving, and they have been crying for a long time."

"Although it hurts so much, the crying is really tormenting. I might as well watch the scenery at the entrance of He Haisheng's live broadcast room."

Because both Yunfei and his son were asleep, the photographer focused the lens on the scenery outside the house.

It is a rule of the program group not to film privately.


Li Feng held matches and dead leaves in his hands, lit them for the nth time and threw them into the stove.

Seeing it burnt out quickly, the firewood was only blackened but still not burning, Cheng Zi pursed his lips and shed tears silently, which made him very irritable.

"Stop shooting, go home!"

Angrily, he threw down the box of matches and dead leaves in his hand, picked up the orange, and prepared to go to the director.

"Mom have to be consistent in doing things, and those who give up halfway can't do anything well."

Li Fengyin: ... Is the five-year-old kid mocking him?

Gritting his teeth, he put down the orange, picked up the tool and continued to light the fire, "Is Dad that kind of person? I just want to test you. Orange is awesome, and I can remember such a long sentence."

"I'm dying of laughter, the car god's tough-mouthed appearance really amused me."

"The child's mother is really good at teaching, Cheng Zi is only five years old!"

"Children from rich families learn things early."

Fengshou: "So, when will my brother Feng and my daughter be able to eat? Can the show crew give the children something to eat first?"

"But... Orange looks uncomfortable?"

Cheng Zi in the camera has no blood on his face, his head is sweating profusely, and his eyes are gradually becoming a little loose.

Chengzi's mother struggled, and finally got the director's phone and dialed, "Is that director Sun Huaming?"

"I am, may I ask you?"

"I'm Li Fengyin's wife, Wang Wenling, and Chengzi is weak. I have pampered her all these years, and she is very uncomfortable now!
Please send her back to your program team, and we will pay the breach of contract fee. "

"This... You see, why don't we take care of her more and send her back if it's really impossible? And we have to ask Brother Feng about this matter."

"Okay, you can communicate with Li Fengyin as soon as possible, and tell him for me that my daughter is very delicate, not like his rough skin and thick flesh!!"

"Okay okay."

Chengzi's mother hung up the phone angrily, and looked at the silly duo on the screen, hating iron for nothing.

If you don't run fast under such conditions, what are you doing there?Their family does not lack that little money.

In the end, the photographer couldn't stand it anymore and helped teach me how to make a fire, but he didn't participate in the rest.

Li Fengyin doesn't know how to cook, so he simply put in more water, poured in all the ingredients and cooked them together.

Finally, add some oil and salt to start eating.

Maybe it was too hungry, but the father and daughter ate very well anyway.


The other three groups were also in a hurry this evening. After cooking, they had to boil water for the children to take a bath.

The most important thing is that they are not very cooperative.

"Father, I need to apply incense." Xinxin pouted.

Zhao Dongxu coaxed feebly, "Xinxin is good, there is no Xiangxiang here. Dad will fix it for you some other day, okay? We don't need Xiangxiang tonight."

"OK then."

Xinxin was very upset, but she didn't make it difficult for her father anymore, mainly because she was too tired.

As for Yueyue, it was even more difficult!They also stay at dinner time.

"I don't want to eat this, I want to eat Western food!!! These things, Xiaobai in our family hate them!"

With a dark face, Yu Wenli quietly watched the troubled child in front of him. For the first time, he began to wonder if his decision to abandon his wife for the sake of this child was right.

Then he spurned himself again, how could he think that way?What a lovely child Yueyue is!

"Be good, Yueyue, this is the first time Dad cooks for you, are you sure you don't want to eat?"

Yueyue got a little tangled up when she said that, and finally picked up the spoon with her lips pursed unhappily.

Yu Wenli breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly peeled off the two boiled eggs and handed them to her!Coaxed for a long time, finally willing to eat.

It was much easier for Shen Bin and Yang Yang. Usually, Shen Bin would help take care of Yang Yang at home, so the relationship between the father and son was very good.

Yangyang just cried and complained that he missed his grandparents and mother, and then the food was unpalatable. In the end, he only ate an egg and half a bowl of millet porridge.

After taking a shower and returning to the room, I found that there was no electricity...

The coolness depends on cattail fans and windows, and the lighting uses kerosene lamps and flashlights.

Undoubtedly, the village heard the sound of children crying one after another, accompanied by the sound of dogs barking.

(End of this chapter)

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