Chapter 133 Amnesia Dad 21
This sleep lasted until midnight, seeing that He Xi was still fast asleep, Yunfei took a flashlight and fumbled to get up to go to the bathroom.

The moonlight outside the house is very bright, and the surrounding things can be vaguely seen on the ground.

The toilet is at the back of the house. It is a kind of dry toilet in the countryside. It is a simple pit made of two stone slabs. There is no smell in it. After all, this house has not been lived in for a long time.


After finishing the solution, Yunfei suddenly heard the cry of a woman, he shot the flashlight in the direction of the source of the sound, and walked over there nervously.

"Who is there?"

The sound of stepping on dead branches was very clear in the quiet night, and Yunfei's heart also began to beat.

After approaching carefully, he could see clearly that a woman with disheveled hair was hiding behind the tree. She was wearing a red floral dress and was crying with her head buried.

"What’s wrong with you?"

The woman slowly raised her head, criss-crossing scars covered her entire face, causing Yun Fei to take two steps back in fright.

After the woman found Yunfei, she stopped crying, laughed a few times at him, then stood up and wanted to walk towards him.

"Wow~~ Dad!! Help..."


Hearing He Xi's terrified cry, Yun Fei didn't care about anything else, left the woman behind, turned and ran back into the house quickly.

He Xi was crying bitterly while hiding in the thin bed sheet, still shouting, "Don't come here...don't come here...Dad save me!!"

"Xiaoxi, don't be afraid, it's Dad. Dad is back. What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?"

Yunfei took the child out of the thin quilt, hugged him tightly in his arms, and comforted him.

Finding that it was really her father who came back, He Xi clenched her little hands tightly and hid in Yunfei's arms crying in fear.

After the mood gradually stabilized, He Xi sobbed: "Just now...a long-haired sister stood outside the window, she was calling my brother..."

"Sister with long hair? What color clothes are you wearing? Has Xiao Xi seen her clearly?"

"It's a white dress, I can't see my sister's face, her hair is so covers her face! Dad, I'm so scared." He Xi leaned into Yunfei's arms, still sobbing.

Yunfei put his arms around him, stroked his back lightly, and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, daddy will hold you to sleep, and when the sun rises, we will go home!"

"But... Uncle Wang said, we will pay for going home early! Xiao Xi doesn't want Dad to lose money."

"For Dad, no amount of money is as important as Xiaoxi, it's okay, our family won't be able to afford food without this little money."

The father and son chattered, and He Xi gradually fell asleep again.

No one appeared in the window again...

Yunfei never thought of doubting what He Xi said, because he also felt that there was something wrong here.

【System, isn't this a supernatural plane? 】

The system, who was eating a snack, replied casually: [Things that are not written in the plot are nothing. 】

So... not a ghost?That's a person?

Two women, one in a red dress and the other in a white dress, one to frighten him and the other to frighten Xiao Xi, what are they trying to do?
Don't know if this has happened to others.

Yunfei put the child back on the bed, then lay down and gradually fell asleep.


There was the sound of crackling raindrops on the tiles, and the sound of pouring rain and lightning and thunder sounded outside.

He Xi didn't sleep well, Yunfei coaxed her softly before going back to sleep.

The sky outside was gray, because the phone was taken away by the program crew, so he wasn't sure what time it was, he could only guess that it was around five o'clock in the morning.

The coolness of the rain dispelled a lot of the summer heat, and the mosquito coils in the house had been extinguished.

After Yunfei leaned against the head of the bed and looked out the window quietly for a while, he continued to lie down and went back to sleep.

When it was completely bright, it was still raining heavily.

Knock Knock~~
Under the assistant's umbrella, the photographer carried the camera to the house in the rain and knocked on the door.

"Brother Haisheng, are you awake?"

"Wake up!" Yun Fei quickly got up and opened the door for them.

The camera smashed his face, and took a high-definition picture of his face without makeup.

Fans in the studio screamed.

Nest king's woman: "Ah, add chicken legs to the photographer!! I took the picture I want to see most."

The sea water is immeasurable: "This man's appearance has never let me down."

Hai Lanlan: "This is actually the face of the father of a five-year-old child. In fact, I can accept the position of stepmother!!"

Beihai Youmeng: "Haha, if Brother Haisheng is my husband, I can even perform a vasectomy for him."

"The main reason is that Xiao Xibao is so obedient and can get along well."

"I haven't seen you all night, I want to kill some male gods and cute babies!!!"

"Should I say it or not, the plain makeup of several male gods after waking up is quite resistant, unlike female stars, after removing makeup, they are passers-by."

"However, He Haisheng and Li Fengyin are more outstanding in appearance."

"Everyone has their own preferences. I think Yu Wenli's gentle scum is very handsome."

"Why is it raining so much? Are they still going out today?"

"Brother Haisheng, it's raining too much, so the director said to wait until the rain stops before doing the task. During this period, just shoot some daily routines for fans to see."

Yunfei responded lightly, "Yes."

"Brother Haisheng, let's get along well with the photographer brother. I'll go back to the director first. Today's food supplies have been brought to the kitchen for you." The staff in charge of holding the umbrella said politely.

"Slow down!"

"Okay, there's no need to send it away, what about the heavy rain?"


After the staff left, Yunfei and the photographer went along the eaves to wash in the stove.

Fortunately, the eaves of this earthen house are connected with the stove, so they are not exposed to the rain.

The warm food last night was already cold, but Yunfei didn't intend to waste it, so he could just heat it up later and eat it.

Put the rice into the pot, burn some millet porridge, and wait for the rice porridge to boil before filling it out.

Crack an egg, put some oil and salt into it and stir it, and a bowl of delicious egg porridge is complete.


After He Xi woke up, she ran out quickly, followed the voice and hugged Yun Fei's leg tightly, it seemed that she hadn't recovered from the shock last night.

Yunfei picked him up and gave him enough sense of security before taking him to the door to wash.

"Brush your teeth and wash your face, let's have breakfast, photographer, have you eaten yet?"

"Thank you, Brother Hai, I came here after eating." The photographer smiled shyly and continued to hold the machine steady to shoot.

Hai Lanlan: "Haha, I suddenly found that Xiaoxi's bald head is really easy to take care of."

Yuyou is with you: "That's right! The male god Yuwen is still messing with Teng Yueyue's hair, and it's messed up."

Fengshou: "Heh! Look at how convenient our car god is! He washed the little baby's hair yesterday, and didn't remove the dreadlocks. He just washed it like that and dried it."

"Boys' hair is really convenient. Yang Yang and Brother Shen Bin don't comb their hair at all, just brush it casually and leave it alone."

"Hahaha...Brother Xu is better, he tied a ponytail for Baby Xinxin."

(End of this chapter)

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