Chapter 140 Amnesia Dad 28

He Xi also obediently said that she would never run around and followed her uncles closely.

In the end, Yunfei still went. After all, there were very few job opportunities in this small market.

Before leaving, I told Zhao Dongxu and Shen Bin not to look for a job, but to look after a few children.

In the end, everyone earned money to buy things together and cook together.

Those who came to participate in the program would not care about the distribution of such a small amount of money.

In their guarantee, Yunfei got into the car to load and unload the red bricks, followed by his photographer.

Zhao Dongxu and Shen Bin returned to the small market with their five children. In front of Yu Wenli's booth, there was an old woman sitting upright smiling and asking him to take pictures.

When they came back, they didn't bother him, but played games with the children.


Zhao Dongxu reached out his hand helplessly to catch the children behind Shen Bin, and he had to control the release of water, and he almost missed it every time.

But the children were having a good time, laughing happily, pulling the clothes of their companions in front of them, running around and hiding behind Shen Bin.

Li Zhong smiled honestly, watching them play, his eyes were full of love for children, at least on the surface.

Rising sun Dongsheng: "My brother Xu, the eagle catches the chick, it doesn't release the water, it should be said to release the chicken."

Departure: "I see, two men, one is forced, the other is what I want to play."

Be polite: "Such a childish Oppa, I don't want to admit that he is the male god I have liked for many years."

Hai Lanlan: "My brother Haisheng is still good-looking. He easily picked up two baskets of bricks and placed them on the cart. The workers next to him were shocked!"

Fengshou: "Haha, our brother Feng is also nb, and his proficiency in driving the harvester is the same as that of him who drove this thing in the first place."

"Brother Feng is in a nearby town, it's obviously more prosperous than the small market."

"If it weren't for the town, people probably wouldn't be willing to pay for a harvester. People in that small mountain village basically harvest by hand."

"The main reason is that people in small mountain villages are generally older. People of the older generation are frugal, and would rather work harder than spend money."

"The people in the countryside are still simple and simple. You look at that warm-hearted uncle and the eyes of the children, and you love them as much as your own children."

"Indeed, I guess I really want to have a child, after all, at this age."


Among the five sub-shots, three are from Yu Wenli's side, which is very lively.

Then there is Li Fengyin, who is wearing a straw hat and driving a small harvester rolling back and forth in the rice field.

As for Yunfei, like a strong man possessed, one person is worth three.

After filling the car with bricks, drive to the customer's house, and pick the bricks to the second floor under construction.

Because the small market basically closed at about [-] pm, they made an appointment and tried to finish work before [-] pm.

The speed of moving the bricks, because of Yunfei, has already moved the bricks after two o'clock in the afternoon, and they are on the way back now.

Yu Wenli took the last guest's order.

Shen Bin and the two took a few children to the public toilet, because it was not easy to enter the women's toilet, so Zhao Dongxu waited for the three girls at the door of the women's toilet.

Shen Bin led the two boys into the men's room.

This is the second time for the two of them to take their children to the toilet today, so they can be regarded as familiar with the road.

After going to the toilet, Shen Bin came out and didn't see any girls, so he asked casually, "Are the children alright?"

Zhao Dongxu smiled, "Girl, it's normal to slow down, you wait here, I'll go to the toilet too."

Neither of them thought much of it, but after 10 minutes, there was still something wrong with the lack of sound.

"Xinxin? Yueyue?? Oranges?? Are you alright?"

The photographer was still shooting, and Zhao Dongxu was a little hesitant to rush straight into the women's toilet.

There happened to be an aunt coming to use the bathroom, Shen Bin stopped her and asked, "Auntie, can you please call the three little girls inside for me to come out for a while?"

"Okay." The aunt readily agreed.

The accent here is a bit like Mandarin, so some of their Mandarin is not standard, but it does not prevent them from being able to understand.


Until now, they didn't think much about it, they just wondered if any of the children were on a tuba.

The people in the live broadcast room didn't think too much, they were still discussing the talents of several male gods.

The public toilets in the small market are the kind of toilets without doors, and a row of low walls separates individual pits.

A whole cement tunnel, like a ditch, runs through five pits, and a lot of excrement has accumulated in it, and the stench is suffocating.

If you want to flush the toilet, you can only wait for the cleaning personnel to pour water down from the first pit.

That's why Zhao Dongxu and the others didn't dare to rush into the women's restroom. The restrooms on both sides are very simple collective public restrooms.

The same goes for the men's room, so it's not easy for them to take three little girls into the men's room.

After all, no one knew if anyone was using the toilet before they came.


After the aunt went into the toilet, she felt a thump in her heart.

It's just because I didn't see a little girl in the toilet as far as I could see, let alone three, there was no girl at all.

"It's broken!" The aunt hurriedly checked the toilet, and ran to the back door for the cleaning staff to take a look.

There is a small door at the end of the toilet with a water tap behind it, which is reserved for the cleaners.

After walking out of the small gate, there is a patch of weeds outside, and there are three paths left, one leads to the small market, and the other two can lead to other places.

The aunt ran out of the public toilet in a hurry and shouted: "There is no little girl in there, no one!"


"What did you say???"

Everyone was terrified, and the two men couldn't care less, and rushed into the public toilet.

no one!Not a single person.

After everyone found the small door, they rushed out, and the outside was deserted. At this moment, everyone was in a panic.

The cameraman has also turned off the live broadcast and is calling the police and notifying the director.

"Hello, this is Taoxiang Bazaar. That's right, three little girls got lost in the public toilet, right..."

"Director, come to the market to help find the child!! The child is lost."

Yangyang and He Xi held the photographer's hand in fear, while Zhao Dongxu and Shen Bin chased each other down two paths.

Only two photographers were left on the spot carrying equipment, and each of them led a boy.

The aunt next to her patted her thigh and said, "I ask the folks to help me find it too."

After finishing speaking, she ran back to the market to call people. Her family also has a baby, and she especially hates those who kidnap and sell babies.

The netizens in front of the TV also exploded.

Rising Sun Dongsheng: "@program group, what's going on? Is the child lost?"

Fengshou: "Why did you turn off the live broadcast suddenly? Where are the little princesses?"

Yu You: "We all heard! The kids aren't in the bathroom, are they???"

"Where is @program group? Come out! Give everyone an explanation!!"

"Don't worry, just wait for the news! This is a live broadcast! Criminals don't dare to steal children so rampantly in front of the people of the whole country?"

 () It was another night, and I punished myself.

  There will be more updates tomorrow, and the code will be posted later~~
(End of this chapter)

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