Chapter 141 Amnesia Dad 29

After calling the police, the police arrived at the scene more than half an hour later, from the police station in the town.

Several policemen covered their mouths and noses, first checked the traces in the toilet, and then went to the ground outside the back door to check.

"Comrade policeman, how are you? Do you see anything?" The director nervously wiped the sweat from his brow.

The policeman frowned and said, "There are so many wheel prints and footprints on the ground, it's impossible to tell which is which, and there are no cameras nearby.

Now we can only check and release the vehicles leaving the urban area, and control the people in Qingtan City before looking for them. "

Then the police called their colleagues in the bureau to check the nearest camera to see if they had captured the suspected suspect.


When Yunfei came back near the truck, he found that everyone was not in this place, so he was a little confused.

As a result, I heard people in the market discussing this matter.

"It's too miserable, the three female dolls are all gone."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to find it! We lost so few dolls before! None of them can be retrieved."

"Why don't you sell these goddamned kidnappers to yourself! You just bully these dolls."

"Poor thing, I've looked at those three female dolls a few times today, they look good! All of them are white and clean."

Yunfei was horrified, and hurriedly walked up to the aunt and asked, "Hello, auntie, may I ask that you said that three little girls were lost, are they the ones who were next to the person who painted here?"

"Yes, it's them! A group of big men failed to keep an eye on the three dolls, what a crime."

"Then where are they now?"

"The public toilet on the hillside, the police are here."

"Thank you auntie."

After getting the answer, Yunfei hurried to the public toilet.

At this moment, Li Fengyin didn't know that his daughter was gone. He had just finished work and was on his way back. He had to drive the harvester for more than an hour to get back.


He Xi, who was huddled next to the photographers, saw her father come back sharply, tears fell down instantly uncontrollably.


Yun Fei hugged He Xi who was running towards him, and hugged him tightly.

The son leaned his wet face in his arms, and said sadly: "Father, Xiaoxi is so scared! The three sisters are gone, and the two uncles are chasing them out."

"Hey, don't be afraid! Uncles will find sisters."

Yu Wenli became irritable at the moment, calling constantly and using his contacts to help find the child.

He can't just rely on the power of the police, too many trafficked children have nothing to do after reporting the crime.

For this reason, he also asked his wife to find the phone number of the nearest security company on the Internet, and hired them with a high salary to help find them in the nearby ten miles and eight villages.

Despite his years of silence, he actually doesn't have much savings, and he still spends a lot of money looking for his beloved daughter without hesitation.

And posted a reward on a certain blog authentication account.

Yu Wenli: A lot of money is paid to find his beloved daughter Yu Wenyue, and those who provide valid clues will be rewarded with 100 million yuan, and those who rescue the beloved daughter will be rewarded with 1000 million yuan.

If you abducted the child for money, then please don’t hurt her. We can discuss how much money is willing to return the child, and I can promise that I will not be held accountable.

A photo of Yue Yue is attached below.

Once this news is sent out, the news of the child's loss can no longer be concealed.

Xinxin and Chengzi's family members couldn't sit still any longer, and bought air tickets one after another to rush over.

Yu Wenli was in a very complicated mood at the moment. After learning that the child was lost, his ex-wife called him regardless of past suspicions and asked him if he had enough money, and she could contribute some.

As for the current wife, let's not mention it, she didn't call to ask Yueyue how she was doing, but to reprimand him for setting a high salary!
It's a sky-high price to say that it's a sky-high price to just give one hundred thousand million!There is no need to give 1000 million, and the funds in the family are only tens of millions.

It takes a family not to drink northwest wind!Then he complained about his behavior of getting divorced and leaving the house.

But she seems to have forgotten that he left the house for her and Yueyue!
Annoyed, he hung up the phone directly, and when his wife called again, he blocked her directly.

What he wants to hear now is not how short of money they are, but how they can find Yueyue!

Yunfei didn't bother Yu Wenli, walked over to the cameraman who looked at Yangyang and asked, "What did the police say?"

"The facilities are relatively backward, and there are no cameras in the vicinity. It may not be easy to find." The photographer frowned worriedly.


Yunfei hugged the child and went to the staff of the program group, took back his mobile phone and wallet, and then dug out the replay of Yu Wenli's live broadcast today and started to fast-forward to watch it.

He followed Li Zhong the whole time, and found that he had been sitting by the side watching the children.

For lunch, the little money Yu Wenli earned was used to buy four pancakes and mineral water, which the three of them shared and gave Li Zhong a pancake and a bottle of mineral water.

Then the children get a big steamed stuffed bun and a bottle of yogurt.

The lunch of the photographers is paid by the director. Although the lunch is very simple, it is recording a program!Everyone can understand.

If Yu Wenli didn't earn money to buy lunch, the program team also prepared loan services.

But if you borrow one hundred during the day, you have to pay back two hundred at night.

So after discussing with Yu Wenli and the others, they decided not to borrow it, just overcome it, eat something casually, go back early in the afternoon after buying food, and eat it early tonight.

Three cakes cost 12 yuan each, mineral water 1.5 yuan cost 6 yuan, steamed stuffed buns cost 10 yuan each, and yogurt cost 10 yuan each.

Li Zhong didn't dislike the cheapness of the lunch, so he took his portion.

The host of the program group stayed with him all the time, and later brought his share when buying fast food, and the two chatted very speculatively next to them.

Since the photographer mainly shoots the guests, there are not many shots for that side.

After lunch, Li Zhong left for a while and then came back. He went to the toilet by visual inspection, and never left again.

When Zhao Dongxu and the two of them took the children to the bathroom, the photographer who photographed Yu Wenli also clearly photographed him sitting beside him without moving until the next broadcast.

As for the show host, after lunch, he went to rest in the van.

Because he didn't need to follow him all the way, no one said anything when he went to rest.

You only need to come out to liven up the atmosphere at the end of the day, explain their income to the audience, and complete the task.

After that, the photographer probably received a call from a colleague, and then interrupted the live broadcast, and the video playback stopped abruptly here.

There is a lot of commotion on the Internet now, and the hot search is also the news that the child was abducted in front of the people of the whole country.

People are calling on the authorities to catch the traffickers, which is an open provocation to the laws of the country.

(End of this chapter)

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