Chapter 142 Amnesia Dad Thirty
Three hours after the child disappeared, Li Fengyin also came back.

Hearing the news of Cheng Zi's disappearance, he couldn't believe it, "This is fake, right? Is it a plot arranged by the program crew? Where is Cheng Zi? Cheng Zi is coming out soon, Dad is back!"

He desperately hoped that someone would come out and tell him that all of this was false, but everyone just bowed their heads silently and said nothing.

In the end, the director came out, and he knelt down on the ground unexpectedly, regretting: "This kind of thing happened to the program crew, it was the crew's negligence!

Our program team is willing to take responsibility for the crime, but the top priority now is to save the child, please allow us to do our part. "

After Zhao Dongxu and Shen Bin chased them out, they haven't come back yet, and they don't have a mobile phone with them. The crew has already sent a car to find them.

A lot of police officers came to the police station, and they are conducting a carpet search separately.

"The village..." Li Fengyin suddenly thought of something, raised his head and murmured.

He went back to the market to find Li Zhong, and asked him to drive him back to the village, or lend him his car.

The director and the others also rented a car with money, and they didn't have a car.

As for the police car at the police station, it's not up to him to make up his mind.

Li Zhong agreed, sat in the driver's seat and prepared to start the car, and Li Fengyin got into the co-pilot.

"Wait! Let's go too." Yunfei was followed by two security guards, who he specially asked the director to come.

After they got into the car, the car started.

I thought I would be able to reach the village soon, but I didn't expect that the car would suddenly fail to start on the way.

Li Zhong said with a full face of apology: "This car is a bit old, I'll get out of the car to see what's wrong."

Li Fengyin, who was in a hurry, thought that running might be faster than repairing the car, so he jumped out of the car to ask the way and drove away.

Yunfei kept an eye on it, he thought it was a coincidence that the car broke down.

So he asked the two security guards: "Are the two big brothers good at repairing cars? Can you help me or something?"

"I'll be a little bit more, the driver who let the employer off for two or three years before." The older security guard said calmly, and then went around the front of the car to check.

His whole body is full of muscles, and his whole body is ready to go, making him feel very safe.

He Xi didn't speak all the way, and quietly accompanied his father. He was very worried about the three young ladies.

If you get lost, you can't go home, you can't see your parents, from the orphanage to your father.

Let him clearly understand the difference between having family members and not having family members, his little hands are tightly wrapped around Yunfei's neck, it's so scary, he doesn't want to get lost.

"Huh? It's not broken! Is it out of gas?" The security guard said in surprise after checking the front of the car.

Hearing this, Li Zhongqu's black face was a little reddish, showing an embarrassed expression of a normal rural man.

"I'm sorry, I was too anxious, and I didn't pay attention to whether there was any oil. The oil gauge of this broken car is broken, and there is no oil here. What can I do!"

"It's okay, I'll trouble you, let's walk back for the rest of the way." Yun Fei still behaved politely, so that no one could notice the suspicion in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, I'll call someone to bring some gas."


Li Fengyin, who was the first to run back to the village, was picking out the house where everyone was at home and sneaking in, checking the cellar, the room, and the livestock house.

There must be someone in the village secretly doing abduction and trafficking!It is very likely that they are the same group of traffickers. If they are caught, they may be able to provide clues.

Li Fengyin admitted that he was a little impulsive because he had no evidence, but as a father, even if he had only a little hope at this moment, he still had to try.

I have been searching through the two houses, and even opened the door of the house to look inside, but there is no clue.

The masonry houses here still use wooden doors. As long as the door is lifted hard and moved out of the groove, the door will be as if it were fake.

When Li Fengyin moved the door of the third house, the villagers saw it.

"Hey, what are you doing? Do you want to go in and steal something? Come on, come on! A foreign star guy is stealing something!!" The old lady shouted into the village at the top of her voice.

The villagers in the house raised their hoes one after another, and ran over with their shoulder poles.

"Third wife, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, look, it's just that young man, I saw him slamming the door of your fifth uncle's house as soon as I passed by here!! Looking at this very rich young man, why is his heart so dark!" The old lady pointed at Li Fengyin and cursed .

The village chief also came, and he stepped forward to appease the angry villagers, "Maybe it's a misunderstanding, I asked him why he opened the door, he has money, so he probably doesn't like our three melons and two dates. "

Li Fengyin was silent when faced with the village head's questioning. He couldn't just say... I suspect that your village is a den of human traffickers!
At this time, Yunfei, who was walking fast, was holding the child, followed by two security guards who also arrived.

Seeing the situation, Yunfei understood what Li Fengyin was doing.

To be honest, although there are excusable circumstances, this kind of practice is against the law. If people sue him, they will be sure.

So he insisted on dragging Li Fengyin to apologize to the village chief, paid him money and asked him to hand it over to this family, and dragged him back to the small shabby house.

The crew paid a month's rent, so they still have the right to live here.


"Haisheng, why are you pulling me away! I'm going to find Chengzi." Li Fengyin struggled, but didn't dare to make too much movement, after all Yunfei was still holding He Xi with the other hand.

"Brother Feng, calm down first. It's useless for you to search the house like this. It will only scare the snake. The villagers will not let you continue the search."

Under Yunfei's persuasion, Li Fengyin gradually calmed down a little, and stopped struggling. He gritted his teeth and said, "Then I'll throw money at you!! If you dare to accept money, I won't worry about searching. If you don't dare, there is a problem!"

"Wait until it gets dark! Look for people from house to house when it gets dark. There are only a few places where people can hide. As long as you find a little clue, you can provide evidence to the police for investigation."

Li Fengyin held his head in distress and said, "I can't wait until it gets dark."

Looking at the nearby hillside, Yunfei suddenly thought, "Brother Feng, tell me...they really dare to hide someone at home when they know there is a TV station coming to film it?

It is not ruled out that they feel that the cellar at home is very safe, but what if they move in advance?So where is the most likely place? "

"It can't be very far, because the girl in the red dress can escape to the village!"

Yunfei nodded in agreement, "Since she escaped, why did she go back to the village to ask for help and take risks? We can make a bold guess, is it because she is in a position where she has to go through the village if she wants to go out?
Then she once heard the discussion in the village about having a TV station to film?So she chose to go back to the village for help!
But there is a premise that she was really trafficked by the villagers!if not………"

(End of this chapter)

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