Chapter 148 Amnesia Dad 36

As soon as the makeup photos and the announcement of the start of filming were released, the deep sea fan base instantly boiled.

Yunfei reposted the crew's announcement, and wrote: "Bad villain, do you like it?"
Aquaman's woman: "Oh! Man, you hide very deep???"

Hai Lanlan: "Brother, are you finally going to open? How long have you been closed!!"

Beihai Youmeng: "This is a makeup photo!! I can~~~"

The sea water is immeasurable: "Is it a character that only needs a handsome face? Brother Haisheng, take it easy! Don't accept those difficult ones."

Sunshine: "I'm dying of laughter, the vase idol is taking over the show again, it's because they don't know their own strength at all!"

"To be honest, I am also a fan of He Haisheng, but I also don't think he should accept the script."

"Brother! Isn't it good for us to shoot variety shows? We just need to show our faces often."

Hailanlan: "Brother Haisheng, fight for your strength! Let's take back the black fans with confidence."

"It was because Mengbao changed his mind about you, but now I think it's a bit sloppy."

"I don't know about his acting skills, but his outfit is really cool."


The majority of people on the Internet are not optimistic, and only the diehard fans who have always supported blindly.

After all, for them, as long as the stars they like are open and they can see them often, it doesn't matter whether they are shooting variety shows or TV.


"Director, the little star we were looking for can't come. I heard that he has chickenpox and has been sent to the hospital! The parents asked us to find another child to act."

"Okay, I see."

The director's face was a little ugly, but he didn't mean to complain, but he was a little worried about where to find another child.

It would be too troublesome to re-audit.

Suddenly he noticed the obedient child sitting next to Yunfei. When the villain was young, who else could be more suitable to play the role of the villain's own son?
There is no sense of discord with the similar faces of the two, okay?That's him! !

So the director politely came over to discuss with Yunfei: "Haisheng, the child who played you when you were young is sick and hospitalized, can you let your son play a cameo?
The main reason is that there are only a few shots of this character, and it would be a waste of time to find them again! "

"This... Let me ask the child if he is willing!"


The director didn't leave, obviously wanting to wait here for the result.

So Yunfei had no choice but to ask He Xi, "Does Xiaoxi want to make a movie? The elder brother who played the father's childhood is sick and can't come. The director uncle said that he wants you to make a movie."

"Think!!" He Xi's eyes sparkled, he just wanted to agree to what the director's uncle said, and he was just worried about what his father wanted.

I can go on TV with my dad! !So happy………

The director frowned when he heard this, "Haha! Okay, thank you kid for helping uncle. The kid's salary is the same as the original kid's. I'll show you the contract later."

The latter sentence was addressed to Yunfei.

Since the child seemed to like it very much, it took only a few shots, and Yunfei nodded in agreement.


Next, He Xi also changed into a costume.

He seems to have a talent for acting.

The director told him how to change the acting, and the little man remembered it.

There is no need to memorize the lines, the dubbing will be done later, all you need to do is to perform the demeanor and read the numbers.

"Cut it! I'll... touch up the makeup, the next shot."

He Xi put away his sad expression just now, and bounced back to Yunfei's side.

The female assistant hurriedly handed him a towel to wipe off his sweat and a children's water cup.

"Dad, filming is so interesting!" The little guy's eyes are full of joy, which can be seen at a glance.

"Father can tell, does Xiaoxi like filming very much?"

He Xi nodded vigorously and said, "I like it! In the future, Xiao Xi will become an actor just like her father!!"

"Hehe, then you have to study hard, and then you will be admitted to Beijing Film Academy."

"Okay!" He Xi solemnly agreed.

At this moment, the child's serious appearance also shakes Yunfei's mind of letting things go.

The original body has experienced all the battles in the entertainment circle, if He Xi really wants to enter this circle when she grows up...

Then as a father, he has to get some grades in order to protect his children in this circle!
But it's still too early to say these things, maybe He Xi's thoughts will change!

But Dad Xianyu, from today onwards, he will work hard to act!Set a small goal first, and give Zai Zai an identity \(`Δ')/.



When the director called to start filming, He Xi's eyes were red, and tears fell to the ground, saying 12345...7202327...

This scene is when the villain was abandoned by his mother as a child.

He Xi perfectly interprets the fragile, covered, and sad expressions.

After the actress who played the villain's mother left him cruelly and left, the director called a stop.

"What's the matter with you? It's not as good as a child! You played a cruel mother, what do you do later??"

The actress blushed and apologized, "I'm sorry for the director, my child... You acted so pitifully, I can't bear to be part of it!"

"Okay, pay attention next time! Make up for this shot, Xiao Xi should rest first."

In the second half of the sentence with He Xi, the director's tone was obviously much gentler.


He Xi came out very quickly, and Yun Fei was a little worried at first, but he was heartless, and clearly separated acting and life.

"Dad, how am I doing?"

"Great! Better than dad."

He Xi pouted in disapproval: "No, Dad is the best, Xiao Xi is not as good as Dad."

"Haha! You father and son are both great, so don't compete." Assistant Xiao Wang joked.

After the next few scenes were performed, He Xi's first role in life was completely completed! ! !

The director gave He Xi a big red envelope, and kept praising: "Xiao Xi is a very talented child, and he is a good face. Haisheng, you should give the child more opportunities. It can be seen that he likes it very much."

"Thank you director, I will respect his own choice."

The next step is to shoot other people's scenes. He Xi followed Yunfei to the set every day, and then sat by the side to watch each scene attentively.

Until September, he will report to kindergarten~~
 Thank you all for your support! !The addition is complete~~●)o(●

(End of this chapter)

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