Chapter 149 Amnesia Dad 37

On the first day of school, Yunfei deliberately got up early and sent him to the kindergarten, "Be obedient at school! If a child bullies you, just tell the teacher. If the teacher doesn't care, you have to tell Dad after class, you know?"


He Xi seemed to be in a good mood, so Yunfei confidently sent him to the teacher.

It wasn't until he saw him go in that he turned around and got in the car to return to the set.

He didn't see that just as he was leaving, He Xi suddenly rushed out again, with red eyes, watching his car start with reluctance.

The teacher who had just led him in followed behind him.

"Xiao Xi is reluctant to part with her father, right?"

"Hmm!" The child's sobbing voice made people feel distressed.

"Let's play with the teachers and classmates in the kindergarten first, okay? Dad will pick you up in the evening." The female teacher comforted her softly.

"Okay." Xiaoxi has to go to school, illiterate can't be an actor.

The teacher took his little hand back into the classroom.

"Ah! Brother Xiaoxi." Cheng Zi shouted happily.

Seeing an acquaintance, He Xi's expression lit up, and she ran over to say hello to Cheng Zi.

Seeing that the two children knew each other, the teacher simply let them sit at the same table.

Cheng Zi is an old student in the class, so she is not afraid at all, she chirped to comfort He Xi, and even introduced her friends to him.

Unexpectedly, the child's clothes were a little old, which was very different from their bright and bright clothes.

"This is Tongtong! You are all my good friends, so you should also be friends."

The little girl smiled shyly, and called out sweetly, "Hello, brother Xiaoxi."

"Sister Tongtong, hello."


In the afternoon, Yunfei was waiting at the door for He Xi to leave school.

Among the group of children, he saw his cub at a glance. At this moment, He Xi had little girls holding his hands on both sides, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

The little guy's hair has grown a short layer, and he is wearing a striped children's suit, with two small white clouds hanging on both sides of his trouser pockets.

It looks cute and handsome.

Yunfei was wearing black trousers, a white shirt, and black sunglasses on his face, leaning against the door of a luxury car, which also attracted attention.

The fees of this kindergarten are not low, and the families of the children attending the school are not too poor, so luxury cars are not uncommon. What is rare is the pair of long legs and the perfect chest under the shirt.

In the sunlight, the black four-leaf clover earrings on the man's earlobe were shining brightly, and the hands wrapped around them were white and slender with distinct bones.

Seeing his father coming to pick him up, He Xi quickly let go of the hands of his two sisters, said goodbye to them, and threw himself into Yunfei's arms happily.


"Good boy, do you miss Dad?" After picking up the child, Yunfei kissed his little cheek.

"Yes!" The answer was loud and enthusiastic.

"Goodbye to teachers and classmates! Let's go home and have a shower and dinner."

"Goodbye, teacher! Goodbye sister Tongtong, goodbye sister Chengzi!"

After He Xi waved goodbye to the two of them, he sat on the child seat in the back seat, shaking his legs happily.

After they left, Li Fengyin also rushed over to pick up the oranges.

Chengzi's little expression was shocked, as if to say, Dad, why are you here to pick me up?
Li Fengyin seemed to scratch her little nose and said: "What's the matter? You look like you have never seen the world! From now on, Dad will pick you up and pick you up, so let Mom take a rest.

sorry!Today, my father made a mistake in his estimation, and there was a traffic jam when he came, so he was a bit late. "

Cheng Zi bit her lip and blushed and said, "It's okay."

"Thank you, my lord, for being generous, and forgive my father for his mistakes! Let's go, my little princess! Let your knights carry you to the throne, okay?"

The appearance of Li Fengyin playing tricks successfully made Cheng Zi's face redder, "Okay, thank you Dad."

"Goodbye, teacher, see you tomorrow, Tongtong~"

"See you tomorrow, Cheng Cheng." Tongtong looked enviously at the little friends, who were picked up one by one by their family members.


In the end, she was left standing alone at the gate of the kindergarten waiting, while the teacher next to her called her parents over and over again.

Finally the call was connected, "Hello? Is this Bai Sitong's mother?

Hello, I'm Teacher Chen, why didn't you come to pick up the child?

To pick up her brothers and sisters...

Then please come here quickly, the kindergarten is about to close~~"

After hanging up the phone, Teacher Chen looked at the shy and well-behaved child with some pity.

Tongtong has been in kindergarten for one year, and she is now in middle class, but since the day she entered school, her parents have not come to pick her up on time.

According to her understanding, Tongtong's father was a firefighter who died heroically, and later remarried with his mother to the current stepfather's family.

The elder brother and sister mentioned by Tongtong's mother are a pair of children left by her stepfather and ex-wife.

Every day after school, Tongtong's mother would go to the gate of the primary school to pick up her stepfather's elder brothers and sisters, and after sending them home, she might even take care of them properly before coming to pick up Tongtong.

Every time Tongtong waited obediently, with loneliness in her eyes but never cried, and even comforted her mother.

"It's okay for Tongtong, mom, don't worry, just come pick me up when you're done."

It stands to reason that a family that can afford a noble kindergarten should not afford to hire a driver.

Teacher Chen understood the difficulty of the stepmother, so she suggested that Tongtong's mother, brother and sister, should pick it up, and let the driver pick up Tongtong.

After all, she was late every day, which not only made the children uncomfortable, but also delayed their kindergarten from get off work.

But Tongtong's mother just smiled in embarrassment and didn't speak.

The mother and daughter are not like the stepmother in that family, but more like nanny.

Tongtong's mother is better, she dresses very stylishly, but the clothes on Tongtong's body have to be washed and worn.

In summer and winter, the three sets are worn back and forth, and they are obviously old clothes.

Probably the older sister's old clothes at home.

Because of the clothes, the children who are more particular will say that it is dirty, and the children are like that, and everyone will say it.

Although she educated her, not many children were willing to accept her.

Only Li Chengcheng is willing to be friends with her.


Teacher Chen moved two benches out, and sat at the door with Tongtong and waited.

After another half an hour, Tongtong's mother came to pick her up on an electric motorcycle for women.

"Teacher, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. Tongtong's sister said she was a little I..." After Tongtong's mother came, she immediately apologized to the teacher.

Teacher Chen's face was a bit ugly, but he didn't say anything, "It's okay, I just hope that Tongtong's mother will pay attention to the school time next time. If it doesn't work, it's okay to hire a driver or a nanny to pick her up."

"I'm sorry, I'll pay attention next time, Tongtong is here, let's go home!"

Tongtong's mother still avoids talking about asking someone to pick up her child.

(End of this chapter)

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