Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 169 The Father Who Sells His Sons and Daughters 1

Chapter 169
"Quick! Babes and mothers, hurry up and get into the cave, don't worry about the horses."

The sky was like a leak, and it was pouring down with rain.

This is the first rain in over two years of drought!People took out the containers at home to fill them up.

The rain fell too fast and too fast, and when Yunfei found the cave, the horse was already drenched.

Holding an umbrella, he asked Qin to take the children off and hurried into the cave.

The rain soaked his whole body. He was afraid that the horse would be damaged and he would not be able to enter the cave. Yunfei could only take out a big umbrella like the one used for setting up stalls from the space, stick it in the soil, bury it and fix it it is good.

In the deep mountains and old forests, you can't meet a living person by such a coincidence.

The main reason is that the horse is an important means of transportation for them. If they die, the family of four will have to walk.

Now even if he uses an umbrella to block the rain, Yunfei is still not at ease, but he can only resign himself to fate.

"Master, quickly change out your wet clothes, don't catch a cold."

Mrs. Qin rushed over to help him undress, but Yunfei waved his hand and refused, walked to the side, and took out a pile of dry firewood from the space.

"Light a fire, don't let the children get cold, I'll change at the side." Yunfei walked to the innermost part of the cave, and built a temporary changing room with bamboo poles.

After changing, go back to the fire to help, take out the pot and cook some hot noodles to eat.

A family of four sat on four benches, warming up by the fire, watching the heavy rain outside.

Qin's eyebrows were gentle, and her tone was full of longing for the future, "This spring rain, there will be hope for this year's crops."

"I hope so."

Yunfei is not optimistic about this, as severe droughts are often accompanied by floods and plagues.

There are so many rotting corpses on this road, after being washed by the rain, they flowed into the river...

But he can't solve this problem. In this drought and military disaster, there is no one or two corpses on the road in Tianqi country.

How could so many people have the time to help strangers collect the bones?


Yao Qiyue listened quietly to her parents talking, since she confirmed that this is the father possessed by a family fairy, her hatred has been hidden or dissipated.

"Tuantuan be careful it's hot." Yunfei handed her a boiled egg in a bowl.

"Thank you dad."

Yunfei re-named the two children. The eldest girl is Yao Qiyue, and the nickname is Tuantuan.

Erdan's name is Yao Qiyuan, and his nickname is Yuanyuan.

Qin felt that it was a little inappropriate for Yunfei to use the same character in the middle of his daughter as his son.

After all, what this era pays attention to is that women are not included in the genealogy, and they are not allowed to be in the same generation as men.

What Yunfei said at the time was, "It's just a title. What's wrong with using the same word for children from the same family? The girl is also the blood of our Yao family."

With just such a sentence, Qin Shi stopped talking. Of course, the main reason was that she would not object to her man's words.

When married, obey the husband, and when the husband dies, obey the son.

This is also the reason why she felt sorry for Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan before, but she dared not resist and could only pray to Yao Chunlin.


Qin handed the egg in the bowl to Yunfei, "Master, I won't eat this, you can eat it."

She didn't know how much food the person in front of her had, and she was afraid that the food would be eaten up.

If their existence dragged him down, would they be discarded by him?After all, her father-in-law's blood can give up.

What's more, their mother and son have nothing to do with this person.

"Don't let it come and go, I still have it here, so eat it with peace of mind."

Children are not very good at using chopsticks when eating noodles, so Qin feeds Tuan Tuan, while Yun Fei feeds Yuan Yuan.

"In another month, we should be able to go to Donglin territory. At that time, we can buy a small house in the county town and do some small business, so we don't have to worry about it."

Listening to Yunfei's description, the mother and son's eyes were full of longing.

It was as if he had already seen that day.

After eating, Yunfei let them go to bed first, while he kept vigil.

The cave was too small to make beds practically, so some dry straw was placed and a quilt was laid to put them to sleep.


In the middle of the night, Yunfei with his eyes closed and resting his mind suddenly heard the neighing of a horse and the sound of hooves, he quickly got up and went out with an umbrella to put away the big umbrella.

The horse, which was still sleeping leisurely just now, was suddenly drenched by the rain.

Horses can die, such modern things cannot be revealed.

The pots and pans in the cave were also put away, leaving only the fire and a few sweet potatoes ready to be baked tomorrow.

The quilt is that dark gray color, except that it is thicker, and has no special color.

Sure enough, what he was worried about still came.

The sound of hoofbeats went up the hill, occasionally mixed with voices.

"The rain is getting heavier and heavier, go up the mountain and find a cave to rest."

"Housekeeper! Little master is very hot." The woman's anxious voice came.

"Housekeeper, look! There is a fire, there are people! There is also a cave."

"Go! Let's go up and have a look."

After confirming that they were talking about him, Yunfei gently shook Qin Shi awake, "Mother, someone is here, you will play by ear later!

If the comer is unkind, you can take the children with me when I hold them back, and if I gain the upper hand, just hide and protect the children. "

"The head of the house!" Qin squeezed his hand nervously, her eyes full of fear.

Yunfei patted her hand and comforted her: "It's okay, I'm here! Protect the child and remember what I told you."

After speaking, he picked up a Tang knife and walked to the cave, waiting for the arrival of the group of unexpected guests.

In troubled times, Yunfei, who only possesses great strength and flamboyant fists, is not sure which will come first, tomorrow or the accident.

So he taught Qin's countless times, if something happened to him unfortunately, how should she go the rest of the way.

The clothes on the mother and son have interlayers, and each of them has silver notes hidden on their bodies.

Even in the ordinary headband on the head, there is actually a thin gold chain sewn into the interlayer.

However, every time he said it, Qin would resist, as if he didn't want to face the reality.

On the contrary, it was the little Yao Qiyue who listened seriously.


A quarter of an hour later, the group of people came to the cave.

There are three horses in total, and a young guard sits on one of them.

Let one horse be a middle-aged man sitting alone.

Another horse is a woman with an unconscious child in her arms.

Even with this combination, Yunfei still did not relax his vigilance.

The three people on the opposite side all know martial arts.

This is what Yunfei confirmed at the first sight.

"Hello, big brother. It's raining heavily outside and the sky is dark. My son has a fever. Can you give us a rest? We'll leave at dawn!" the middle-aged man approached and politely begged.

Yunfei didn't know if there was a cave nearby, and it was true that there was no dry firewood to light the fire.

The child could not see very well in the dark, but his eyes were indeed shut.

In the end, he still didn't directly clash with the people on the opposite side, and moved away from the entrance of the cave, "The cave is not big, and my wife and children are also there, so let's each have half of it."

"Thank you, brother." The middle-aged man happily dismounted and handed the horse to the young man.

(End of this chapter)

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