Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 170 The Father Who Sells His Sons and Daughters 3

Chapter 170 The Father Who Sells His Sons and Daughters Thirteen
"Zhao Qian quickly take the young master in."

The woman in black hurried into the cave with the child in her arms. They were all wet, and the floor of the cave was wet as soon as they entered.

The warm flames in the cave made several people sigh, and they were troubled by the wet clothes on their bodies.

In the end, it was the person called the butler who came over embarrassedly and asked, "Brother and sister-in-law, do you have dry clothes for children? We are willing to spend money to buy them.

It doesn't matter what we big bastards do, pity my little... son. "

Qin looked at Yunfei, and after seeing him nodding, he handed over a set of round and dusty clothes.

Just because that child looks like he is only three years old.

"The family is poor, so the clothes are a little tricky, please don't be disgusted."

The butler quickly took the clothes and thanked him, "Don't dislike it, don't dislike it, this is the money to buy the clothes, please accept it, sister-in-law."

Both Yuan Chen and Qin Shi are thin and dark people, so they look a little old in appearance.

The Qin family still looked at Yunfei unconvincingly, and only accepted the piece of silver after seeing him nodding.


After taking the clothes back, the housekeeper was still at a loss.

In the end, he gritted his teeth, and came over to ask again cheekily: "Well, brother and sister-in-law, I'm sorry, but can you let my little son change clothes in your cubicle?"

The simple bamboo sticks and gray cloth changing room that Yunfei had hung before had not been put away, and when someone came, it was used as a cover to cut the two sides apart.

After all, he had two women sleeping on his side, and two men on the other side.

This little thing, they agreed again...

But the children were sleeping soundly, so Yunfei said bluntly, "We let them out, but our children are young and sleep deeply, so we won't wake them up, since they can't see when they are asleep anyway."

Some people's children start to pay attention to the difference between men and women at the age of three, and they can understand.

The butler looked at Yuanyuan a few more times, hesitated for a while, but didn't say anything more, and kept thanking her.

With consent, the woman hurried in with the child in her arms to change clothes.

Yunfei didn't give those three people any clothes, after all, there were too many clothes, which didn't fit their refugee persona.

So the three of them could only sit around the fire to dry.

It's just that the faces are getting more anxious and worried than the other, just because the child has a fever.


"Daddy." Yao Qiyue woke up, got up from the quilt, approached Yunfei and gently pulled his clothes.

Yunfei looked back at those people, looked at the little girl in front of him gently, and asked softly: "What's wrong? Did you wake up?"

Her face was flushed just after waking up from sleep, and some small hairs were scattered in two braids.

"Hmm!" In fact, Yao Qiyue was having a nightmare.

She dreamed of the day when she was whipped for smashing a bowl in the Liu residence.

When she opened her eyes and saw a strange sister helping a child change clothes, she was frightened to death.

She thought that her escape from that place was just a dream.

It wasn't until he saw the familiar yet unfamiliar father and confirmed that his eyes were no longer laziness but kindness, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it's not a dream.

"That big sister just now, why did you wear round clothes for the little sister? Don't I have them too?" Yao Qiyue, who is only five years and seven months old, already understands the difference between men and women.

"Huh? Maybe it's inconvenient for my sister to say that she is my sister. You should remember that you are my younger brother, okay?"

Yunfei was worried that whether the child was a boy or a girl would be a secret, just in case it was better not to let those few people know that Tuantuan had seen it.

To avoid killing people to silence them because of this kind of secret that doesn't matter to them.

"Okay." Tuantuan nodded obediently.

"Let's sleep a little longer. When the rain stops, we still have to go on our way. We're very tired."

"What about dad? You drive the car during the day and watch the night at night. Aren't you tired?"

Yunfei gently rubbed her little head, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "I'm not tired, Daddy has a secret rest, so don't worry about Daddy."

Yao Qiyue suddenly approached Yunfei, hugged his arm tightly and snuggled up, "Daddy will always be our daddy, okay? Can you not leave?"

"Silly girl, daddy is your daddy, where can you go?"

Receiving Yunfei's disguised promise, Tuantuan breathed a sigh of relief, and went back to sleep on the haystack with peace of mind.


The powerful butler and the woman in black next door accidentally eavesdropped on the entire conversation between the father and daughter.

They didn't care much about knowing that his master was not a young master but a young lady.

They are from Donglin country, but the mistress's house is in Tianqi.

The little lady was weak since she was a child, and was raised by her natal family. This time, Tianqi suffered more and more serious disasters. The owner was worried, so he sent them out to take the mistress's family to Donglin.

Unexpectedly, when they arrived, they found that the members of the family of the young lady's family had already left, and only the young lady and a few old servants were left guarding the huge house.

The little lady was dying of starvation...

So they were rushing with anger along the way.

I just want to go back to Donglin as soon as possible and report this matter to the Patriarch.

As for why she dressed in men's clothing, she was just afraid of being noticed, and it would damage the young lady's reputation if it was spread back in the future.


"Housekeeper, what should we do? Young master's body is getting hotter and hotter." The woman asked anxiously holding the child.

The housekeeper is also worried at this moment, where can I find a doctor for the child in the deep mountains and wild forests.

They only had dry food on them, and she couldn't even swallow the steamed buns that had been baked until they softened and fed to the children.

Yunfei looked at that immature little face, which was burning red at the moment, and sighed, after all, he couldn't bear it in his heart.

He took out a bowl under the cover, poured half a bowl of still warm water from the bamboo tube, put a third of analgin to melt in the water, and took it out to the woman.

"Feed the child some hot water, drink more hot water, and sweat, maybe it will be better."

"Thank you, brother!" The woman hurriedly took the water and fed it to the child.

The butler was a little worried, but he couldn't stop him when he wanted to speak.

This Zhao Qian is too upright, how come she dares to feed Miss!Fortunately, the only people I met this time were enthusiastic farmers. What if there is a next time?
When she goes back, she has to be sent back by the Patriarch to train her again.

In order for the children to have hot water to drink, Yunfei lent them the somewhat black clay pot.

After the effect of the medicine came up, the child really sweated, and the woman wiped it carefully for her again and again.

The fever gradually subsided.

There are antipyretics for children in Yunfei Space, but the sweet smell is too strong, Analgin is also quite good, colorless and odorless.

At least, it is better than ancient medicine.

Too many children with fever in this age died young.

So the housekeeper felt a little strange about the little lady's ability to reduce her fever so easily.

He quietly looked at Yunfei who was leaning against the wall to watch the night.

(End of this chapter)

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