Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 171 The Father Who Sells His Sons and Daughters 13

Chapter 171 The Father Who Sells His Sons and Daughters 13
No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a doctor or a hidden person.

That sun-drenched skin and calloused hands didn't come overnight.

The housekeeper has experienced so much wind and rain, and he has long been indifferent to such things as luck. He knows very well that there is no such thing as a pie in the world.

So they are being favored by others without knowing it.


The next day, it was still raining heavily.

The plan to part ways can only be put on hold for the time being. During the conversation, Yunfei knew the names of the four, but he didn't know if it was true or not.

The housekeeper's surname is Cao, a surname bestowed by the master.

The young man and woman were the bodyguards of Cao's family. The girl's name was Zhao Qian, and the boy's name was Cao Ming, so the child was Miss Cao.

Butler Cao thought that everyone knew about it anyway, so he just didn't hide it, and directly said that it was their young lady.

Qin came to her senses, took a set of round clothes to the female guard, and said embarrassedly: "I thought it was a boy yesterday, change the clothes of my daughter for the young miss."

"Ma'am, no need." Zhao Qian politely refused.

Anyway, I've already worn them, so it's better if I don't change them, and I can continue to pretend to be a little boy in the future.

Even they can't eat as much as they want in the presence of outsiders.

So there was only sweet potatoes for breakfast, one for each of us, four were given to Steward Cao, and they returned four hard steamed buns.

"Brother Yao, I'm afraid the rain won't stop for a while." Steward Cao said sadly while sitting in front of the cave entrance.

"Fortunately, you have the foresight to pick up so much dry firewood in advance, otherwise I'm afraid you will be frozen."

That's what I said, but if the rain doesn't stop, I'm afraid the firewood will be gone.

They don't dare to add firewood during the day, for fear that it will burn out and it will be cold at night.

In the nights and mornings of early spring, the coldness can penetrate into the bones.

"I can only see if the rain can slow down in the evening." Yun Fei was also worried.


"Sister Tuantuan, you are so warm."

Cao Jiayun's small body hung directly on Yao Qiyue's arm.

The entrance of the cave is not covered, so the cave is a bit damp and cold.

Cao Jiayun just had a fever again, so Yunfei asked her to lie on the bed together, sleeping on the far left, and Yao Qiyuan on the far right.

The Qin family in the middle is lying next to Yuanyuan, and Tuantuan is next to Cao Jiayun.

"It's good to be warm, go to sleep." Tuantuan rubbed her little face, what a lovely sister.


The little girl who had just been ill was a little weak, and gradually fell into a deep sleep again.

Until the sky darkened, the rain outside still didn't stop, and the rain was still so heavy, as if to make up for the rain that was lacking during the drought.

For dinner, Yunfei boiled some water in that earthenware pot, tore up the hard steamed buns and boiled them into a paste, then added some oil and salt.

The fragrant and hot noodle soup was finished, and after they finished eating, Steward Cao borrowed the pot and oil and salt to cook like him.

Anyway, I drank a bowl of hot soup for the patient.

Everyone was speechless, and after discussing to take turns to watch the night, Yunfei naturally didn't dare to trust others, closed his eyes and rested his mind, and dared not fall asleep to death.

In the middle of the night, he suddenly felt the ground shaking, and he opened his eyes all at once.

"What's the matter? Is the ground shaking?"

Steward Cao shook his head and said solemnly: "It's not a cave, I'm afraid it's because the mountain torrents in this area have been released."

Everyone was awakened by the sudden loud noise and shock, especially the three children, who were shivering close to Mrs. Qin.

I could hear the crashing rain outside, as well as the raging flood and the impact of stones, and the crackling sound of dry trees being broken by the impact.

"Mother... Yuanyuan is afraid."

"Yun'er is also afraid."

The two three-year-old children cried softly in fear, and Tuantuan, who was almost six years old, was more courageous, but he was quite calm anyway.

Her eyes were fixed on the monster daddy, daddy will protect them.


"It's okay, this cave is high-lying, the flood will not rise here anytime soon, go to sleep! Let's see what happens tomorrow." Yunfei comforted Qin, and let her sleep peacefully with the children.

In the second half of the night, except for a few children and the frail Qin, no one else wanted to sleep.

The four of them frowned tightly, their faces full of sorrow!The atmosphere was solemn and terrifying.

Yunfei leaned against the wall of the cave, thinking about what to do.

There is no boat in his space, only things like swimming rings and swimsuits. There seem to be lifeboats. I don’t know if he has collected anything to cheer him up.

But there are outsiders around these things, let alone taking them out, even taking a piece of candy has to be weighed.

It is unlikely that they will go their separate ways. If the flood is deep, they will be trapped on the mountain together.

Over time, food is a big problem.


No matter what they thought, the dawn still came as promised.

The young guy went out in the rain to check the situation. Yunfei's umbrella was modern and had been put away early, so he couldn't get an oiled paper umbrella to support him when he went out.

After a while, the people ran back wet, "Sure enough, the flood was released. The water is about half a person deep, and the water is a bit fierce."

The rain was still falling, just a little less.

"What should I do now? How come I just caught up with the mountain torrent! Hey." Steward Cao sighed, feeling very uncomfortable.

Everyone defaulted to not eating breakfast, saving food, and only roasted three sweet potatoes to feed the stomachs of the three children.

They didn't even eat lunch, and everyone endured the hunger.

Yunfei is not special either, he is skeptical about whether he can defeat the three ancient martial arts practitioners.

It wasn't until night that I cooked some sweet potato soup in a terracotta pot, and everyone ate half a bowl.

During the night watch, Steward Cao approached Yunfei and said in a serious tone: "Brother Yao, I feel that we can't sit still! Why don't we go out tomorrow and cut down some giant trees, tie them together, and let's rush out?
If we stay like this, when we run out of food, we are afraid that we will be trapped to death on this mountain. "

"Okay... I have a bundle of hemp rope in my carriage. If it's not enough, I can tear some old clothes."

"Then since Brother Yao has the rope, let us do the work of cutting down the trees."

Yunfei nodded and smiled, "Okay."


On the second day, Steward Cao and the little brother went out to cut trees in the rain.

After dawn, the rain became much lighter, and only densely packed light raindrops were still falling.

The female guard guards in the cave to protect Cao Jiayun.

The three children are playing the clapping game that Yunfei taught them.

"You take one, I take one..."

"Brother Yuanyuan made a mistake again, scratching his nose." Cao Jiayun stretched out her small hand and gently scratched Yao Qiyuan's nose.

Zhao Qian looked at the young lady who had no idea of ​​male and female defense, and muttered to herself... I can't see it, I can't see it...

It was rare to see such a lively lady, she couldn't bear to interrupt, after returning to Cao's mansion, the lady might never smile so happily again.

The old madam has always disliked the wife, and even less the young lady who is a daughter. Day and night, what she looks forward to is the addition of a man to the house.

(End of this chapter)

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