Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 242 Female Venerable, I am Mother 9

Chapter 242 Female Venerable, I am Niangjiu

The weather is getting cooler, and on October [-]th, it is raining lightly outside.

The backyard of Prince Jing's mansion welcomed their fourth master.

Ye Lianer, who was born as a commoner, and her mother was just a barefoot doctor in the village.

The jokes in the teahouse in the capital for the past two months have been contracted by Prince Jing's Mansion!
First the son of a merchant, then a brothel actor, and now a village man...

Everyone is discussing and guessing what kind of man their Highness Prince Jing will marry next, as one of the four kings!

Soon...they'll know!
The bastard of a third-rank official family...

The status is very low, if it is true, it is better than the status of the merchant's first son.

But this also let the people of Southern Tang know that the man whom His Royal Highness Prince Jing likes doesn't care about the other party's identity at all!
This shows that a son in their family is also possible! !
As a result, there were many veiled young men in front of Prince Jing's mansion, passing by ten times inadvertently...

The maids guarding the gate were speechless. If it weren't for the gentle temper of their highness, these shameless men would have been put in jail long ago!

The 28th of the twelfth lunar month.

It was the first time for Yunfei to go out shopping with five husbands at the same time.

Wearing a red dress, hair tied up with a golden crown, handsome eyebrows and phoenix eyes, red lips and white teeth, tall and slender figure, protruding forward and backward...

Next to her stood Gong Liusu, who was also wearing a red robe. The pattern of golden branches and jade leaves was outlined with gold threads, and red flowers were drawn between her eyebrows. She was covered with a red gauze, which looked regal and dignified!Like a blooming peony.

Behind him was Lan Nianqing, wearing a light blue gauze robe, elegant and elegant, his face was covered by the blue gauze, so he couldn't see his face clearly, and he was tightly clutching the robe's hand, revealing his nervousness.

Bai Ruyue wore a brocade robe embroidered with golden bamboo, walked with her head held high, without any timidity, as comfortable as in the back garden of her home.

The state of mind is not affected by the many peeping eyes on the roadside.

Ye Lian'er likes green robes, fresh and elegant, embroidered with a kind of wild grass with small white flowers.

With big round eyes, look left and right, everything is fresh, and he pulls the hibiscus next to him with a face of resistance.

As a concubine, Mu Jin wished she could become transparent and not have to deal with people in the house on weekdays!
I'm afraid of being harmed accidentally!But since I came to the palace, I met the lively and active Mr. Liance......

Today I ask him to go to the garden, tomorrow I ask him to feed the horses in the backyard, and the day after tomorrow I ask him to drink soup and cruise...

The topography of the entire palace was forced to be understood! !
Silly Mr. Lian, he is not afraid of showing off too much and attracting the displeasure of Mr. Gong Wang!

If it were in his mother's backyard, this kind of servant who loves to wander around would have been beaten to death with sticks and thrown into the cemetery long ago.

Fortunately, Gong Wangjun is so generous that he can tolerate them jumping around... There are no rules at all!

Thinking of this, Mu Jin took another peek at the handsome woman in front of her, who was also their wife and was well taken care of by His Royal Highness Prince Jing.

It's just... that he hasn't consummated the house all the time, which makes him a little uneasy!

But he saw that the Shougong sand on Lian Choujun's arm was still there, so he didn't need to worry too much if he had someone to accompany him.

Maybe His Highness really just feels sorry for their young age, Cheng Huan is not good for their health.


There are six people in a group, accompanied by the maids and servants of the palace, and the dark guards and dead soldiers in the dark.

The dead soldiers were trained by the father-in-law of the original body's father, not many... only thirty.

Yunfei took them to purchase today, besides the things for the Chinese New Year, there were also items brought to Jingcheng.

"These furs are pretty good, each of you pick a few that you like and take them with you, Jingcheng is cold."

"Here!" Gong Liusu led the four younger brothers in the mansion, and began to carefully select.

He was raised as a lord since he was a child, and he is indeed very professional in managing the inner house, which saved Yunfei a lot of worry.

She basically has five bowls of water, and she goes to a room with only one person a day...

Accompany Gong Liusu to read books and scripts, and drink tea together to complain about the plot.

Then accompany Lan Nianqing to take care of the plants in the yard, or she handles government affairs while he makes clothes beside her.

When we arrived at Bai Ruyue's, eat with him, then listen to music, or take a walk in the mansion, and fall asleep together.

Ye Lian'er is interested in horses, Yunfei taught him how to ride a horse during the day, and took him to roam the streets at night, wandering around, and even bought him a cat to accompany him.

Don't look at Mu Jin as a timid bastard, like social terror, who wants to hide in the safe house and refuses to contact people.

Yunfei found out that he was secretly practicing martial arts! ! !
After finding out the terrain of the palace, Midnight Club secretly went to the backyard to practice swordsmanship!
According to Mu Qing's analysis, it should be learned secretly, because the posture of the move is a bit wrong.

To do what she likes, she simply got this swordsmanship secret book, and according to the description of the moves above, she drew a Q version of the sword manual and gave it to him!

For this sudden gift, Mu Jin was not happy, only surprised!
He immediately knelt down and begged for mercy!I beg Yunfei not to beat him to death... and swear that he will never learn swordsmanship secretly again!

Men on Suzaku Continent are not allowed to steal lessons!The son of a good family background still has a chance to read.

For a bastard like him, the only things he can learn in this life are rules, male virtues, and serving people...

But he secretly learned the sword moves practiced by his mother and sister at home!

Not to mention that the person who discovered it was his wife, even if it was his mother who discovered it, they would still choose to let the servants beat him to death with sticks!
Because he broke the rules and had delusions...

Unexpectedly, instead of beating him to death, the wife-lord said, "Then don't steal it from now on! Let's learn it openly."

From then on, every time Yunfei came to his courtyard, he would bring Mu Qing with him and teach them both martial arts and swordsmanship!

Others sleep with her husband in their arms late at night, and she accompanies him in the yard late at night...running with a load!squatting stake...

The sweetness and sadness of the five husbands are beyond the imagination of outsiders...

There are also the two Tongfang left behind from the original body. Abandoning them is tantamount to letting them die or life is worse than death...

I can only stay by my side temporarily, still doing the work of serving tea and water, but I don't let them stay with me at night.


After shopping, the group returned to the palace in a mighty manner.

It snowed a year ago, and Yunfei took five husbands to eat hot pot in the main courtyard.

She scalded everyone's favorite food and put them into their bowls with serving chopsticks, "Let's go to the palace for a banquet on New Year's Eve, from the second day to the fifth day of the new year, I will accompany you back home one by one.

We are about to set off to return to the fief. If you want to go somewhere recently, you can take the guards with you. If you are short of money, go to the cashier to get it.

I have wronged you, you have to leave home with me..."

"What is your Highness saying? Wherever you are, our home is!"

"Your Highness, besides Brother Gong, shall we also go to the palace banquet?" Ye Lian'er asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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